Spotting mid-cycle - why not postpone visit to the doctor

November 29, 2014

 spotting mid-cycle
 The menstrual cycle in women is under regulatory hormonal influence. There are certain individual characteristics of the cycle, which are caused by a woman's age, presence of comorbidities, the state of the immune system and other factors. Spotting mid-cycle deserves attention in terms of detection of diseases, which can cause the appearance of abnormal discharge from the genital tract.


How does hormonal imbalance

The girls first menstruation, or menarche comes at the age of twelve or thirteen years. During the first year is the establishment of the menstrual cycle, so may cause disturbances. Brown spotting mid-cycle is often the girls in the first two years, but in the future, this phenomenon should not apply to normal and therefore require appropriate treatment.

Causes spotting mid-cycle can be set based on our clinical and laboratory, including hormonal examination of women. Changes in the secretion of the genital organs is one of the reasons for the changing nature of secretions throughout the cycle. Hormonal imbalance refers to the causal factors of the following gynecological disorders:

  • endometriosis
  • hysteromyoma

A common complaint of patients in whom there is one of these diseases is the anointing character selections.

Daub can disturb quite a long time, and the woman may not have to specify the beginning of a normal menstrual period.

To normalize the existing hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   gynecological diseases treated with combination drugs containing hormones. During the first two menstrual cycles in patients receiving drugs is often a mid-cycle spotting. This condition requires a dynamic observation, if allocation is stored for a long time, then it makes sense to reconsider the hormone therapy Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?  Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?


Spreadable character selections in various diseases

Often spotting that appears in the middle of the cycle, it is cause for concern, since it may be a manifestation of serious violations of a woman's body. Benign and malignant tumors in the uterus and appendages in the area are characterized by various disorders of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes it is the only clinical symptom distress. Faced with a situation where women regard themselves the appearance of spotting is normal and must pass, so late to seek qualified help.

Changes in the mucous of the uterus develop as a result of myocardial inflammation or endometritis. A typical manifestation of the chronic form of inflammatory process is a mid-cycle spotting. Often accompanied by a selection complaining of pain in the lower abdomen, malaise, fatigue, weakness, subfebrile body temperature. As a result of inflammatory reaction mucous is not rejected completely in the moment of the next menstruation, are areas of changes in the endometrium, so natural selection become pathological.

Of great importance is the observation of patients who have been made intrauterine manipulation, for example, diagnostic curettage Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
 . If the interference was produced in the presence of inflammatory conditions of the process, as a consequence, it is possible to expect the development of inflammation of the mucous of the uterus. In the next menstrual cycle the patient will disturb not only botched work in the middle of the cycle, as well as pain, deterioration of the general state of health and other pathological symptoms.


Does the nature of the discharge status of the cervix

A common pathology among women are diseases of the cervix. If a woman has eroded the changes on the cervix, inflammatory sites, it can be a cause of spotting. Spotting is observed in the mid and throughout the menstrual cycle. This contributes to more trauma cervical mucus during sexual activity after gynecological examination or other manipulations. If these factors coincided with the middle of the menstrual cycle, a woman may receive complaints about the spotting.

Have erozirovanoy the surface of the cervix in some cases is an indication for a more in-depth study or biopsy. The study itself can also cause the appearance of daub.

The woman in the first month after the capture of material for histological examination during the menstrual cycle is marked presence of daub, including a mid-cycle. Later, when there will be complete healing and epithelialization of the cervix, the state returned to normal, the nature of discharge becomes normal (the nature of the mucous discharge or bleach).

In carrying out any manipulations vaginal procedures the patient should be advised of the risk of complications, which include the appearance of mid-cycle spotting. Great importance should be given to preventive work among the female population. It is important to clarify the need for the timely passage of the survey, especially in the light of prevention of cancer. The normal menstrual cycle indicators are the key to good reproductive health, which is an important part of the health indicators in general, determines the quality of life.

When a woman claims to daub in the middle of the cycle requires a research tool to exclude changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus. This will rule out the presence of hyperplasia Hyperplasia - do not be afraid  Hyperplasia - do not be afraid
 As a possible cause spotting.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • menstrual irregularities

Amenorrhea 2 degrees: how to formulate the question?

July 8th, 2013

 amenorrhea 2 degrees
 Most women in the forums ask that amenorrhea is 2 degrees, and how to treat it. Obviously, in this case, it refers to the secondary amenorrhea - cessation of menses in the menstrual cycle, the steady over six months. Causes of secondary amenorrhea may be different, and they need to find out.

 Amenorrhea 2 degrees: how to formulate the question?

The main causes of secondary amenorrhea

Secondary amenorrhea is called the cessation of menstruation at a steady menstrual cycle for more than six months. While primary amenorrhea Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of the genetic damage  Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of the genetic damage
   - A complete absence of menstrual periods from the beginning, that is, after the age of puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path
   (15-16 years).

The cause of secondary amenorrhea may be a failure at any level of the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary - uterus. There are secondary amenorrhea, the hypothalamic-pituitary (central), ovarian and uterine origin.

 Amenorrhea 2 degrees: how to formulate the question?

Secondary amenorrhea hypothalamic-pituitary (central) origin

With this type of amenorrhea failures can be worn as a functional and organic (in violation of the structure of tissue) character. Changes in the hypothalamus are more likely to function, and in the area of ​​the pituitary gland - organic.

So, very often secondary amenorrhea occurs when the stress and long neuropsychiatric stress (psychogenic amenorrhea), and fasting. In this and in another case, in the area of ​​the hypothalamus there are changes at the biochemical level that reduce the secretion of this organ gonadotropin-Riesling-releasing hormone (GnRH), regulating the allocation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone pituitary gland (TG), which in turn stimulate the secretion of female hormones, maturation egg in the ovary, ovulation and cyclic changes of the mucous membrane of the uterus (the endometrium). All these processes lead to the development of resistant secondary amenorrhea.

The same effect may result in any disease, trauma and tumors in the hypothalamus, i.e. organic disease, but they are less common than similar processes in the pituitary. In the area of ​​the pituitary gland often develop benign tumor prolactinoma cells that secrete the hormone prolactin, suppresses the secretion of hypothalamic GnRH, resulting in developing amenorrhea.

Secondary amenorrhea often manifests itself only in the absence of menstruation, but its long-term course without treatment in the genitals of women may occur atrophic changes (decrease in volume). Timely detection and treatment of secondary amenorrhea The treatment of secondary amenorrhea - a difficult task, but achievable  The treatment of secondary amenorrhea - a difficult task, but achievable
   central origin reduces the risk of complications, including infertility complete.

 Amenorrhea 2 degrees: how to formulate the question?

Secondary amenorrhea ovarian origin

The cause of secondary amenorrhea of ​​ovarian origin are most often depleted ovarian syndrome (Sia) and resistant ovary syndrome (SRYA). In the first case, the ovaries cease to function after steady menstrual cycle at any age of forty. They prematurely end a reserve capable of maturing eggs. In the blood revealed a lack of female sex hormones, and TG excess of the pituitary gland.

Resistant ovary syndrome (SRYA) different normal structure of the body, but the ovaries while showing resistance (lack of sensitivity) to the stimulating effects of pituitary gonadotropins. And this SRYA and accompanied by symptoms of early menopause - irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Tearfulness, rush of blood to the face and upper body, increased heart attacks, pain in the heart, sweating, weakness, headaches and so on. With long-term amenorrhea And this against a background of developing and SRYA progressive atrophic processes in the mammary glands and genitals.

In secondary amenorrhea of ​​ovarian origin carried out blood tests on hormones, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, thyroid, adrenal, x-ray, computed or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain.

The treatment of secondary amenorrhea of ​​ovarian origin - a hormone replacement therapy. Pregnancy is only possible with the help of IVF and donor egg. At the beginning of the disease can stimulate egg maturation of their own with the help of hormone therapy.

 Amenorrhea 2 degrees: how to formulate the question?

Secondary amenorrhea uterine origin

With this type of amenorrhea hormonal disorders, but there are obstacles to the outflow of menstrual blood, so this kind of amenorrhea is false. The obstacle in the form of adhesions, or scar in the uterus cervical canal or may occur after heavy labor, abortion, and various gynecological procedures, resulting in injury to the mucosa which leads to the growth of connective tissue.

Treatment of this type of amenorrhea is colliotomy using a hysteroscope.

Diagnosis "amenorrhea 2 degrees" does not exist, but there are secondary amenorrhea, the causes of which must deal individually.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of amenorrhea
