Secondary amenorrhea - a dangerous norm? - Treatment

July 5, 2013

  • Secondary amenorrhea - a dangerous norm?
  • Treatment

 treatment of secondary amenorrhea

The treatment of secondary amenorrhea - a difficult task, but achievable

The treatment of secondary amenorrhea should begin as soon as possible - it increases a woman's chances in the future to become a mother. If it is a long time did not address to the doctor and tried to cope with their problems, even small functional changes that could in time be solved easily, may eventually move to organic disorders. And treat them much more difficult.

 Treatment | Secondary amenorrhea - a dangerous norm?

The treatment of secondary amenorrhea - the basic principles

The treatment of secondary amenorrhea is associated with the cause of development. But any woman because the disease is recommended restorative treatment, healthy lifestyle, restful sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and rest, proper nutrition, with the exception of severe neuropsychiatric and physical stress, and stress.

Treated identified chronic diseases and foci of infection in other organs, as well as infectious and pelvic inflammatory disease. Depending on the cause of amenorrhea and its type is assigned as different hormone therapy, infusions and decoctions of plants, physiotherapy, acupuncture and psychotherapy courses.

If a woman has problems with body weight (obesity or exhaustion), it is recommended to bring the weight to normal with the help of proper nutrition and exercise. Excess weight, as well as the lack of it, can be an obstacle for adequate treatment.

If necessary, the surgery. For example, tumors are removed in the hypothalamus or pituitary dissecting adhesions in the cervical canal and uterine body and so on.

 Treatment | Secondary amenorrhea - a dangerous norm?

Treatment of secondary functional hypothalamic amenorrhea origin

Since this kind of amenorrhea is associated with stress and psychological load, the treatment is an obstetrician-gynecologist (endocrinologist or gynecologist), together with the therapist.

Appointed by the soothing (sedative) drugs, restorative treatment (vitamin, adaptogens, nutrition, the maximum exposure to fresh air, moderate exercise), physical therapy (for example, electrosleep), reflexology sessions Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
   and psychotherapy. Women are advised to remove as much as possible, stress, high physical and neuropsychiatric loads.

After the restoration of normal mental condition shall also hormone therapy (stimulation of ovulation). For the treatment of secondary infertility due to functional hypothalamic-pituitary disorders and polycystic ovary syndrome in women who want to have children, sometimes used drugs belonging to the group of anti-estrogens (eg, clomiphene). Clomiphene is a stimulant production of pituitary gonadotropins. Its action is also associated with the stimulation of maturation and endocrine activity of the follicle in the ovary, then the stimulation of the function of the corpus luteum. In high doses, this drug, on the contrary, inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins.

 Treatment | Secondary amenorrhea - a dangerous norm?

Treatment against the backdrop of polycystic ovary syndrome

The treatment of secondary amenorrhea on the background of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are starting to weight control. The increased weight of this disease increases hormonal disorders, endangering the development of diabetes, coronary heart disease and high blood pressure.

As medication appointed agonists (synthetic analogues) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH, e.g., cyclamate) - it stimulates ovulation and may result in conception. In addition, in PCOS prescribe combined oral contraceptives (COCs) with an anti-androgenic effect - Janine Jeanine - not only contraception but also protection against acne  Jeanine - not only contraception but also protection against acne
 , Diane- 35 and others.

If PCOS is performed as surgical treatment. With gentle laparoscopic surgery performed ovarian wedge resection - modified portions ovaries are removed, which leads to an improvement of their functions.

 Treatment | Secondary amenorrhea - a dangerous norm?

Treatment for wasting syndrome and ovarian resistance

When wasting syndrome and ovarian resistance is usually conducted substitution therapy cyclic female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone or synthetic analogs. Such treatment is necessary to prevent complications with the cardiovascular system, and osteoporosis. Used estrogensoderzhaschie drugs (proginova, folliculin, Divigel, estrofem) and progesterone (djufaston, utrozhestan Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone  Utrozhestan - corrects the deficiency of progesterone
 , Norkolut, pregnin).

The effectiveness of the treatment of secondary amenorrhea depends on the woman, from her desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, exclusion from life stress, heavy loads and a variety of harmful effects (smoking, alcohol, drugs, and so on). If the woman does all the recommendations of the attending physician, the hormonal correction of violations would be much more effective.

Modern medicine has methods that allow women to experience the joy of motherhood, even with significant disorders of the reproductive system.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of amenorrhea

Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of a genetic "damage" - Treatment

July 6, 2013

  • Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of a genetic "damage"
  • Treatment

 Treatment of primary amenorrhea

Treatment of primary amenorrhea - depends on its type

Treatment of primary amenorrhea is often a daunting task. Genetic disorders are almost impossible to correct, but if desired, a woman may have further children by means of modern techniques, for example, using in vitro fertilization using donor eggs.

 Treatment | Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of a genetic "damage"

General principles of treatment of primary amenorrhea

The aim of the treatment of primary amenorrhea should be to address the causes and to restore normal menstrual cycle. At the same time a lot of attention should be given to a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, elimination of severe physical and neuropsychiatric load, stress, intoxications (smoking, alcohol and drug abuse). The girl should be restful sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 , Moderate exercise, and frequent exposure to fresh air.

Only when all these conditions all the other treatments will be effective. Appointed by these treatments individually according to the survey results.

 Treatment | Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of a genetic "damage"

Treatment of primary amenorrhea of ​​central origin

When amenorrhea of ​​central origin prescribed drugs - analogs of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (synthetic liberiny, statins), follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone (eg pergonal), human chorionic gonadotropin and some other drugs that stimulate egg maturation and ovulation.

If the cause of primary amenorrhea of ​​central origin was a tumor of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, then it is removed surgically, diseases (including infectious-inflammatory) and the effects of head injuries treated.

When stunting and physical development on the background of diseases and tumors of the pituitary gland is appointed by a correction of growth hormone of pituitary growth hormone, thyroid hormones and glucocorticoids.

 Treatment | Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of a genetic "damage"

Treatment of primary amenorrhea of ​​ovarian origin

Treatment of primary ovarian amenorrhea should be aimed at restoring growth and development of girls. For this purpose, appointed by the thyroid hormones, anabolic hormones (nerabol, retabolil).

Female sex hormones, especially estrogen, contribute to the closure of growth zones in the bones, so they can be used only after coming of age. But sometimes small doses of estrogen (eg mikrofollin) still prescribed to suppress the secretion of male hormones. Girls after 18 years of estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   prescribe a course for a long time, with a gradual reduction in dosage.

For the duration of treatment, I now often use long-acting drugs, for example, 0, 6% dimestrol solution for intramuscular injection or sterile estradiol tablets for suturing in the fatty tissue that slowly dissolve within 2-2, 5 months. The use of estrogen is usually combined with the purpose of ascorbic acid and progesterone - folic acid or vitamin E.

To restore the ovaries prescribed courses of acupuncture Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 , Physiotherapy (eg, iontophoresis of 5% copper sulphate and iontophoresis with 1% zinc sulfate in the lower abdomen).

When the ovaries sclerosed resolving prescribed medication to stimulate ovulation.

 Treatment | Primary amenorrhea - a consequence of a genetic "damage"

Treatment of primary amenorrhea false uterine origin

In the presence of obstacles to the outflow of menstrual blood as a complete imperforate hymen perforation operation is conducted - in the hymen make a small hole.

When atresia (imperforate) endocervical hysteroscopy is performed with dissection of adhesions. The same operation is performed in the presence of adhesions and uterine cavity. But in some cases, the fusion of the walls of the uterus is so significant that such an operation can not be carried. In this case, a resolving treatment (introduction lidazy using iontophoresis), ultrasound therapy.

Treatment of primary amenorrhea - a difficult task. At the same time great importance is the timely identification of the causes of amenorrhea Causes of amenorrhea - different circumstances  Causes of amenorrhea - different circumstances
   and properly appointed adequate treatment. Yet even in tough primary hormonal disorders, many women now give birth and nurture of children. This is facilitated by modern technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donor eggs.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of amenorrhea
