Aktovegin - pills will help improve the disturbed metabolic processes in tissues

May 6, 2012

 aktovegin pills
 Actovegin - a drug that prevents and treats hypoxia - inadequate oxygen supply, leading to disruption of metabolic processes and the gradual destruction of various organs and systems. Aktovegin tablets used in the complex treatment of many diseases and circulatory disorders.

 Aktovegin - pills will help improve the disturbed metabolic processes in tissues

Tablets aktovegina - how they work

Aktovegina tablets (dragees forte) contains deproteinized gemoderivat of calf blood - 200 mg in each tablet. It promotes better assimilation of glucose by tissues, as well as glucose is the "fuel" for all biochemical processes in the cell, it improves the overall metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Including tissue oxygen uptake. Aktovegin stimulates the metabolism in tissues, improves nutrition and promotes more rapid their recovery.

When the cerebral circulation, for example, in old age, after a stroke or traumatic brain injury worsens the transfer of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   from the blood to the tissues of the brain and its uptake by nerve cells (neurons).

After treatment aktoveginom improves the flow of glucose to neurons and its uptake, thus increasing oxygen consumption.

Similarly aktovegin acts and violations of peripheral blood circulation that leads to numbness and even gangrene of the extremities (with the defeat of the arteries), or to the appearance of venous ulcers (with venous disorders). Aktovegin promotes tissue repair at bedsores, burns and radiation injuries of the skin and mucous membranes.

As aktovegin "moving" in the body could not be determined reliably, since all its components are physiological, and trace their path is almost impossible. However, it was found that the drug begins to act in about half an hour after ingestion, and the peak of its action occurs within two to six hours.

 Aktovegin - pills will help improve the disturbed metabolic processes in tissues

In which cases are assigned

Tablets aktovegina often prescribed after a course of injections of the drug. Under the influence of intravenous or intramuscular injection in the altered tissues aktovegina quickly activates metabolic processes, carried out with the help of tablets supportive treatment. In less severe diseases tablet aktovegina appointed independently, without the prior course of injections of the drug.

Aktovegin tablets usually given as part of an integrated treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • at metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain - after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, in senile dementia and so on;
  • in disorders of peripheral blood circulation, for example, endarteritis obliterans, arteriosclerosis obliterans, etc., when the blood circulation is broken;
  • in disorders of the peripheral venous circulation, when there is a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the tissues, which leads to metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   and the appearance of venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, and so on;
  • after burns - it contributes to the speedy restoration of tissues.

Tablets (pills forte) aktovegina take without chewing half an hour before meals with a little liquid. Standard designation tablets - one or two tablets three times a day for from one to six weeks. But the doctor may prescribe other dosage and duration of his admission.

Contraindications pills aktovegina is only individual intolerance of components.

Since aktovegin may contribute to fluid retention, caution should be used in severe cardiovascular and renal diseases which are accompanied by fluid retention, as well as diabetes.

 Aktovegin - pills will help improve the disturbed metabolic processes in tissues

Side effects

Aktovegin tablets are usually well tolerated by patients, however, we must not forget that it is a preparation containing the components of proteins. All similar drugs can cause severe allergic reactions. But it is more concerned with the preparation of parenteral administration (intravenous or intramuscular), during which may cause anaphylactic shock. When receiving aktovegina may appear inside a skin rash (including rash), itching, angioedema. In this case aktovegin Aktovegin - without fear of negative consequences  Aktovegin - without fear of negative consequences
   should be abolished.

Aktovegin is virtually overdose.

Aktovegin in Fort pills - a drug that can significantly improve the overall condition of the body due to the normalization of metabolic processes in the tissues. But in order to get the maximum effect from the treatment with this drug, it must appoint a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • aktovegin

Aktovegin: application - is it safe this drug?

November 18, 2011

 Aktovegin - biological product derived from a natural source. In fact, it is freed from protein (deproteinized) extract of calf blood. Its medicinal properties attributed to a number of pharmacodynamic effects, aimed at improving the metabolic processes in cells. Due to the presence in its composition phosphorus-oligosaccharides inositol aktovegin Aktovegin - without fear of negative consequences  Aktovegin - without fear of negative consequences
   It has insulin-like effect.

Aktovegin demonstrated high efficacy in the treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency, ischemic stroke, peripheral circulatory disorders (arterial, venous); angiopathy (disturbance of vascular tone); and trophic disorders (eating disorders of the skin) with varicose veins and ulcers of different origin. This article focuses on the pharmacodynamic action gemidializata calf blood and its use in different clinical situations.

In recent times, you can hear about aktovegin, especially after the hype surrounding Tiger Woods, who took this drug is prescribed by a doctor and found himself at the center of a doping scandal. As mentioned above, aktovegin - is deproteinized extract of calf blood, which is widely used in medicine for the treatment of circulatory insufficiency, senile dementia and peripheral vascular resistance. Manufacturer aktovegina - Austrian pharmaceutical company Nycomed.

Studies have physiological effects aktovegina show that aktovegin activates cell metabolism by increasing the transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, increasing their intracellular recycling. These processes lead to an acceleration of the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate and increase energy cells, so that the drug is widely used in sports medicine.

 Aktovegin: application - is it safe this drug?

Improved glucose metabolism

In 1996, scientists demonstrated that the main component of aktovegina, phosphorus inositol-oligosaccharides to stimulate glucose utilization in adipocytes. According to scientists, the phosphorus-oligosaccharides inositol have insulin-like effect by regulating the activity of glucose transporter. Increased glucose tolerance occurs, without affecting the levels of endogenous serum insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 . This effect is observed in patients with diabetes, but not in people with normal metabolism of carbohydrates.

 Aktovegin: application - is it safe this drug?

Improvement of peripheral blood flow

Disorders of the peripheral circulation due to occlusive arterial disease results in pain in the muscles during exercise, and at the hour of rest. The research aimed to study the impact of aktovegina on occlusive arterial disease with intravenous and intra-arterial administration of the drug during exercise, gave the following results: four weeks, patients treated with aktovegin intraarterially, could no pain to go farther than those to whom the drug was administered intravenously ( 44, 37 and 9%, 8%, respectively).

 Aktovegin: application - is it safe this drug?

Hypoxic conditions and senile dementia

The function of the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex - the processing of visual and spatial cues; reduction in parietal lobe atrophy and lead to senile dementia. Aktovegin improve cognitive processing of signals in the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex in the elderly. In 1995, scientists have demonstrated improved social behavior and cognitive function in patients with organic brain syndrome (acute reversible condition developing cognitive impairment) when administered intravenously aktovegina.

Aktovegin activates the energy metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   in cells by increasing the transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, increasing their intracellular deposit.

 Aktovegin: application - is it safe this drug?

Sports Injuries

Admission aktovegina significantly reduces the recovery period after the injury in athletes. Local injection aktovegina substantially reduce the period of recovery after muscle damage compared to placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis

 Aktovegin: application - is it safe this drug?

Aktovegin and autologous serum

Autologous serum - Serum is the person to whom it is administered. It is obtained by physical and chemical stimulation of blood to increase the specific growth factors, particularly FGF-2, TGF-beta1 and HGF. In the process of muscle regeneration of a number of growth factors involved in the process of muscle recovery, but FGF-2, TGF-beta 1 and HGF - basic controls activation of muscle satellite cells. In 2004, a comparative study of the effect of autologous serum and aktovegina tensile muscles. If local administration of autologous serum reduces the period of muscle recovery (based on MRI), but shows an almost complete return to its original state after 14 days (with edema and hemorrhage), while the control group receiving aktovegin observed only minor side effects .

 Aktovegin: application - is it safe this drug?


Aktovegin - one of the most common drugs used to improve cerebral circulation, the treatment of various disorders of blood circulation in the tissues and a number of serious diseases, including the circulatory disorders, as suffering from nutrition of tissues, such as the defeat of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and veins (thrombophlebitis) . The high efficiency of the drug due to its properties to restore the functionality of organs and systems.

Aktovegin improves the transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, increasing their intracellular deposit and thereby activates cellular metabolism. These processes lead to an acceleration of the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate and increase energy cells. In addition, aktovegin stimulates energy processes functional metabolism (the process of metabolism in the body) and anabolism (the process of assimilation of substances by the body).

Medicinal properties aktovegina:

  • Aktovegin improves anaerobic respiration tissues that lack oxygen.
  • Components aktovegina have insulin-like effect in people with insulin-dependent diabetes.
  • Aktovegin significantly slows the development of diabetic angiopathy.
  • Aktovegin activates the metabolic processes in cells.
  • Aktovegin helps with peripheral cerebrovascular diseases (improves vascularization and increases blood flow).
  • Aktovegin has immunomodulatory effects.
  • Aktovegin improves the transport of oxygen and reduces ischemic tissue damage and thereby indirectly contributes to the formation of cell protein.

All of the above properties aktovegina very interested rheumatologists. The drug is widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma and other rheumatic diseases. Aktovegin significantly improves the quality of life in patients with abnormalities of the heart and chronic heart failure. During the ten years of its existence in the pharmaceutical market aktovegin proved its high efficiency and safety.

Aktovegina main pharmacological effect is to improve the transport of glucose into tissues and enhancing glucose metabolism. This activates the process of anaerobic oxidation and increases the energy potential of the cells.

Options aktovegina:

  • Aktovegin speeds up the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate.
  • Aktovegin activates enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation.
  • Aktovegin increases the activity of the lysosomal acid phosphatase activity of the cells.
  • Aktovegin increases the amount of potassium ions in the cells, which leads to activation of the potassium-dependent enzymes: catalase, sucrase, glucose oxidase.

Article Tags:
  • aktovegin
