Drug treatment of sciatica: what medicines help - Injections and antidepressants

August 28, 2012

  • Drug treatment of sciatica: which drugs can help
  • Injections and antidepressants

 Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve injections and antidepressants

Epidural steroid injections

Sometimes the treatment of pain in sciatica resort to injection of corticosteroids (also known as "steroids"). Injections are made directly into the epidural space, the outer shell covering the spine.

Injections are made as close to the proposed site of damage to the nerve roots. Corticosteroids reduce inflammation.

These studies determining the effectiveness of epidural steroid injections for inflammation of the sciatic nerve and treatment of back pain, are rather contradictory. There are no studies that have shown that injection of steroids provide stable positive improvement in the majority of patients, compared to a more conservative treatment. However, according to some reports, steroid injections provide short-term relief of pain, usually in 1-2 months.

Epidural steroid injections can have serious and painful side effects, including meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
   and inflammation. However, the risk of these side effects is very low.

Epidural steroid injections in the spinal canal stenosis provide short-term relief of pain, but generally do not improve the condition of the patient, and do not help patients avoid surgery.


Injections of botulinum toxin

Scientists are now studying the possibility of an effective and safe use of injections of botulinum toxin (Botox) to relieve back pain and lower back. Botox is traditionally used to treat wrinkles and other neuromuscular disorders. In a small number of marginally Botox paralyzes the muscle at the time of the fabric. Some studies have shown that Botox may be useful in chronic low back pain, but its role in the treatment of pain associated with sciatica is not established yet.



Several studies show that antidepressants can reduce the pain of sciatica in some patients, although they have little effect on their condition.

Antidepressants - a psychotropic drugs used primarily to treat depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . Tricyclic antidepressants can be an effective painkiller for people suffering from chronic back pain. These antidepressants are amitriptyline (Elavil, Endep), desipramine (Norpramin), doxepin (Sinekvan), imipramine (Tofranil), amoxapine (Asedin), nortriptyline (Pamelor, Avent) and maprotiline (Lyudiomil).

Tricyclic antidepressants may have serious side effects. However, experts believe that these drugs can be effectively used, but this requires further study.


Muscle relaxants (neuromuscular blocking agents)

The combination of NSAIDs and muscle relaxants - such as cyclobenzaprine (Flexer), diazepam (Valium), carisoprodol (Soma), and methocarbamol (Robaksin) - sometimes used to treat patients with acute low back pain.

According to some reports, muscle relaxants help to reduce non-specific low back pain, but some experts warn that these drugs should be used with caution, since their action is directed to the brain, rather than muscles. Patients taking muscle relaxants may be some side effects in the central nervous system, such as drowsiness and muscle relaxant Soma may be habit-forming.


Herbal and nutritional supplements

As a rule, manufacturers of herbal medicines and food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   It does not require official permission to sell their products. But, as synthetic drugs, herbal medicines and an additive effect on the chemical in the organism, and therefore may have adverse side effects. Known cases of serious complications and even death as a result of taking the drugs from plant material.

Most of the herbal remedies used to treat back pain, allegedly have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, but few of them are more effective than placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 . White willow bark, bromelain and boswellia have the ability to thin the blood, and therefore interact with anticoagulants, such as warfarin (Coumadin). Always consult a doctor before using any herbal remedies or dietary supplements.

Article Tags:
  • sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain? - Folk remedies

December 27, 2011

  • The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain?
  • Causes of pain
  • Classification of Diseases
  • Neuropathy
  • Damages
  • Entrapment
  • How to treat
  • Folk remedies
  • During pregnancy

 Traditional methods of treatment of the sciatic nerve

Traditional methods of treatment of the sciatic nerve

Any treatments for diseases of the sciatic nerve (including people) can be used only after examination of the patient. This is necessary because the infringement on the sciatic nerve Infringement of the sciatic nerve: why it happens  Infringement of the sciatic nerve: why it happens
   may be a tumor, the growth of which some treatments may stimulate.

 Folk remedies | The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain?

How to choose folk remedies for treatment of sciatic nerve

Of course, the best thing is to trust your doctor, diseases of the sciatic nerve is frequently prescribed treatments for people, both individually and in combination with medication. But the causes of diseases of the sciatic nerve can be different, and some folk remedies to help one patient perfectly, while another may exacerbate the disease.

Your doctor will never prescribe treatment without prior examination to the national media, in this case should be treated in the same way as the other treatments, such as medication, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy, reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
   and so on.

Any treatment is prescribed individually according to the cause of the disease (additional inspection data), patient complaints and those symptoms of the disease, which revealed the doctor.

 Folk remedies | The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain?

Herbal preparations for the treatment of diseases of the sciatic nerve

Traditional medicine is widely used for the treatment of diseases of the sciatic nerve infusions and decoctions of various plants, has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regulating metabolism properties. Basically such funds are used externally:

  • infusion of laurel leaves: fifteen medium size dry laurel leaves chop, pour 200 grams of vodka, close and put in a dark place for three days, then strain and use for rubbing;
  • infusion of eucalyptus leaves, two tablespoons of dry powdered eucalyptus leaves pour a glass of vodka, insist week, strain and use as a grinding;
  • Tincture of the flowers of white lilac with two tablespoons of dry powdered flowers of lilac pour a glass of vodka, insist in a dark place for about a week, strain and used as grinding;
  • Tincture of the flowers of acacia: take five tablespoons of dry powdered leaves of acacia, pour a glass of vodka and a quarter, to insist for a week in a dark place, strain and use as a grinding;
  • warming tortilla horseradish, potatoes and honey: in a meat grinder to grind fresh horseradish root to happen half a cup of pulp, add half a cup scrolled in a meat grinder of raw potato and a tablespoon of honey, mix well; a projection of pain oiled, put on a double layer of cheesecloth, which spread the prepared mixture layer is not less than a centimeter, covered with polyethylene, a layer of cotton wool and gently bandage; keep ten or fifteen minutes, for sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
   sometimes quite five minutes if there is a very strong burning sensation; procedures do in a day;
  • fresh root of horseradish through a meat grinder, dilute half sour cream spread on the affected area, cover with polythene, cotton compress and keep ten or fifteen minutes, until it starts to burn very much; Field of the wash water; The procedure is done in a day;
  • Fresh black radish juice can be used as rubbing, rubbing it into the sore spots.

 Folk remedies | The sciatic nerve: how to avoid the excruciating pain?

Other folk methods

There are other popular treatments for diseases of the sciatic nerve:

  • beeswax treatment: warm beeswax to the state of softness applied to the affected area, cover with polythene, fix the bandage and cotton; a compress can be left on all night; compresses with wax daily at night during the week;
  • Treatment with turpentine: two tablespoons of turpentine mixed with three tablespoons of water and the resulting solution to moisten the crust of bread, which is applied to the affected area; cover with polythene and a plaster bandage or fix; keep no more than ten to fifteen minutes, but if there is much to burn, you can stop the procedure before; do such procedures should be no more than twice a week;
  • can massage: lubricate the skin in the area of ​​pain massage cream and put the bank usual care; the bank needs to move better in a circular motion clockwise; procedures do in a day;
  • massage honey: 300 g of honey melt in a water bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
 ; slowly, stirring all the time, enter into a 50 ml of alcohol, cool and rub the night in painful places for at least ten to fifteen minutes until Kazha acquires a pink hue; not wash off in the morning to take a shower.

Folk remedies for the treatment of diseases of the sciatic nerve, there are many, but they must be applied by a physician.
