Mydocalm way to relax or remove the spasms of skeletal muscles. A special feature of this drug is that it not only relaxes the muscles, restoring them to the movement, but has a slight sedative effect which enhances the effects of Bole strong painkillers that are taken simultaneously.
Mydocalm ampoules - especially actions
Mydocalm in ampoules containing 100 mg of active substance (tolperisone) in 1 mL of solution. With the drug intramuscularly once it enters the bloodstream and becomes effective after 30 minutes. The bioavailability of the drug even when administered parenterally low - less than 20%. The product decomposes in the kidneys and excreted from the body in the form of metabolites (products of metabolism) via the kidneys.
In intramuscular Mydocalmum it is faster than when taken orally, under his influence, relieves spasms and tension (stiffness) of the muscles that are located near the focus of the pain. Mydocalm partially blocks the nerve impulses, both the sensory nerve cells (they deliver information to the central nervous system), and in cells of the motor nerves (they deliver commands from the central nervous system to the muscles). The result is relaxation of skeletal muscles.
Mydocalm has analgesic properties and easy. Further, it partially blocks the secretion of adrenaline - neurotransmitter (substance with which information is transmitted from one nerve cell to another). And as the adrenaline has a strong vasoconstrictor action, under the influence of Mydocalm widen blood vessels.
Removal of skeletal muscle spasm in combination with dilation of blood vessels leading to improved nutrition of tissue in the lesion and to accelerate the healing process. Therefore Mydocalmum
Mydocalm: drug from muscle spasms
I found quite widely used in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in rehabilitation after injuries and orthopedic surgery and vascular diseases, which are accompanied by their partial or complete blockage.
In some cases, prescribe Mydocalmum ampoules
Mydocalm ampoules used for intramuscular and intravenous administration in the following cases:
- at various perinatal lesions of the nervous system in children who are accompanied by spasms and increased muscle tension, since the age of three (the tablets are allowed to year);
- in severe neurological diseases, which are accompanied by increased muscle tone, spasm, stiffness, contractures (joints resistant mixing), for example, multiple sclerosis, myelopathy, encephalomyelitis;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by severe pain and protective muscle spasm, increased muscle tone, and contractures - osteochondrosis, ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis - a lot of patience is required
, Arthrosis and arthritis of large joints;
- after trauma and orthopedic surgery in the complex treatment to accelerate the healing process;
- in obliterating (accompanied by a decrease in lumen) diseases of the arteries to relieve spasms of skeletal muscles surrounding the vascular changes and smooth muscles of blood vessel walls;
- after thrombophlebitis, disorders accompanied by lymph and venous circulation and trophic ulcers of the lower leg.
Mydocalmum intramuscularly administered twice daily intravenously (very slowly) - once daily at a dose of two times smaller than for the introduction and vutrimyshechnom pill.
Parenteral administration is contraindicated Mydocalm when you are hypersensitive, with severe muscle weakness, at the age of three months, during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
Side effects and overdose Mydocalm
Like every effective drug at Mydocalm have side effects such as nausea, vomiting (rare), pain and discomfort in the stomach, sleepiness, muscle weakness, headache, decrease in blood pressure (most often this happens when rapid intravenous drug ), bronchospasm, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock. All side effects were reduced at lower doses.
Mydocalm drug is non-toxic and is generally well tolerated, but an overdose enhanced all of its side effects. In children, overdose can lead to increased irritability
Irritability - you try to control my temper
. In laboratory experiments on animals in the overdose resulted in the disruption of motor activity, convulsions, dyspnea, and respiratory paralysis. The clinical symptoms of these conditions has not been fixed. In overdose Mydocalm need to call an ambulance.
Mydocalm - is a modern and safe enough muscle relaxant central action, which may appoint a doctor.
Galina Romanenko