Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, can not be cured - Stages

March 19, 2009

  • Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured
  • Steps
  • Treatment
  • Symptoms and treatment

Stages of Alzheimer's disease

In Alzheimer's disease the person falls into a state of unconsciousness is not instantaneous. On the contrary, it is a long progressive process during which destroys human cognitive abilities, memory and suffering for several years, man's ability to do things that do not cause difficulties previously, is significantly reduced.

Experts distinguish several stages of Alzheimer's disease patients and their families is important to know what they are to properly plan patient care in the future. Each of the stages have symptoms typical of Alzheimer's disease.

The disease usually develops in the following way: a mild form of disease, moderate to severe form of the disease. It is important to understand that the steps may be different expressions and characteristics in each individual case. In some patients, the disease is slower and more stable form than the other.

 Stage | Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured

Mild cognitive impairment

Each of us from time to time forget some things, especially evident with age. Slightly more than half of people over 65 years of age suffer from forgetfulness. A condition in which memory lapses, and some problems in human mental activity becomes more regular, but not significantly affect daily life, called mild cognitive impairment. In some patients, this condition is stable and does not deteriorate. Other for several years developing Alzheimer's disease.

 Stage | Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured

The average severity in Alzheimer's disease

Changes in the brain, which eventually lead to Alzheimer's disease may begin to occur in the brains of 10-20 years before the diagnosis. In the brain, forming neurofibrillary tangles and plaques that damage the entire area of ​​brain tissue, which greatly reduces its performance.

The majority of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at the age of 65 years and more. But in practice there are cases when the disease struck and younger people. This phenomenon is called the disease with early onset Alzheimer's disease, and is associated with changes in human genetics.

The first sign of an early or moderate forms of the disease are memory lapses. A person with a moderate form of Alzheimer's disease may forget where he put his keys, it can be difficult to remember the names of people and objects. Sometimes they are replaced by the words that you forget some other, or that come up with themselves. For example, a cat they may be called a tiger. The difference between the ordinary forgetfulness and Alzheimer's disease in that, in the latter case, memory lapses occur regularly and becoming longer.

With the development of the disease manifestation of its symptoms become more visible to relatives, friends and colleagues of the patient. Alzheimer's disease a person can constantly ask the same questions get lost in familiar places it, have difficulty remembering what he had just read or heard. He is very difficult, often almost impossible to perceive and remember new information. With the development of forgetfulness people hesitate, become more withdrawn and detached from society.

The other two hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease is the difficulty in organizing activities and misconceptions about things. In moderate form of the disease a person is exposed to changes of mood, there are changes in the character and behavior.

At this stage it can be diagnosed dementia, while checking the mental state of man, his ability to understand what is happening around, not to be confused in the facts of the biography, and the ability to solve complex problems (solving mathematical tasks or paying bills).

 Stage | Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured

The average form of Alzheimer's disease

People suffering from moderate form of the disease, do not know their loved ones and friends. For example, at this stage, the patient may think that her niece - it's her daughter, and her husband, she would take her father. It will be difficult to remember your home address or phone number, she may not know what day of the week and did not remember the events of his past, for example, where she studied.

Patients with moderate form of hard to follow instructions and do things that they easily performed earlier, for example, to dress. Often they wear underwear on top of ordinary clothes or, for example, try to find lipstick in the refrigerator. Simple things, such as eating and personal hygiene in the course of developing the disease for these jobs are converted into increased complexity.

With the average form of Alzheimer's patients have trouble sleeping. A full night's sleep, they replace short during the day. But with the deterioration of most of the time, such patients can be carried out in a state of sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

Become more pronounced changes in human behavior. At this stage, people experience hallucinations (the appearance of non-existent things), push delusions (false beliefs have completely), paranoid Paranoia - explicit symptoms are not observed  Paranoia - explicit symptoms are not observed
   (people accused of lying, stealing, cheating), and show signs of compulsive behavior, for example, all the while rubbing their hands or tear the fabric gets to their hands into tiny pieces. Tantrums can happen and have a tendency to violence, they can push or hit, and desperate scream.

 Stage | Alzheimer's disease - can be slowed down, it can not be cured

Severe Alzheimer's Disease

People with a severe form of the disease is almost lose the ability to understand others. They almost do not speak, do not move themselves and can not take care of themselves. These people are totally dependent on parents or carers to help them in the administration of natural needs, such as eating, personal hygiene, toileting. They can not communicate normally, basically cry, moan or scream.

Alzheimer's disease in each individual case develops in different scenarios. Many people live with the disease 10 years, in others it takes for 20. By itself, Alzheimer's disease is rarely the cause of death of the patient. Fatal complications generally result diseases such as respiratory infection or fall.

Glycine - improves metabolic processes in the brain - The mechanism of action of glycine

April 21, 2011

  • Glycine - improves metabolic processes in the brain
  • The mechanism of action of glycine

The mechanism of action of glycine

Glycine is in a group of drugs that enhance the metabolic processes in the brain. It is found in many biologically active materials, including proteins of the human tissue. Glycine is also a neurotransmitter that is involved in the transmission of information on the nerve fibers. Glycine receptors are found in many areas of the brain and spinal cord, they inhibit the release of neurotransmitters from neurons that transmit excitatory impulses to the central nervous system.

Glycine regulates metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   processes and provides a protective inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces irritability and nervous tension, improves mental performance. It blocks the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline (main stress hormone), cleanses the body of toxins and free radicals that destroy the cells of the brain tissue. Under the influence of glycine improves mood and performance, which has a positive effect on human adaptation in the family and work community. He is able to greatly facilitate falling asleep and restore sleep, shoot effects of neurosis on the central nervous system, internal organs and blood vessels (decrease drops in blood pressure, heart pain Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
   when cardioneurosis, flushing at the time of menopause).

Glycine is prescribed in complex therapy for stroke and brain injury - it greatly reduces their impact. It is used in chronic alcoholism, and to restore brain function and relieving the effects of the toxic effects of alcohol. Glycine increases the effects of anticonvulsants and sedatives. It also has the ability to reduce the need for brain tissue oxygen (nootropic effect), resulting in improved memory and cognition (learning ability) ability.

Glycine is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and then to the brain. In the liver, it is decomposed into water and carbon dioxide and excreted.

 The mechanism of action Glycine | Glycine - improves metabolic processes in the brain

Indications and contraindications for the use of glycine

Glycine is recommended to appoint:

  • in violation of mental health;
  • at high nervous and mental load and stress (for example, students in the session);
  • for violations of the behavior of children and adolescents;
  • in diseases of the central nervous system of various origins with irritable weakness, aggressiveness, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Decreased mental capacity, insomnia at night and daytime sleepiness;
  • in diseases of the internal organs and blood vessels, arising on a background of neurosis Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
   - Vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardioneurosis, abdominal pain on a background of smooth muscle spasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • when the effects of stroke and traumatic brain injury;
  • at different intoxication, leading to disruption of the brain (encephalopathy), for example, toxicity against various infectious diseases, the effects of alcohol and other substances that deplete the activity of the central nervous system.

Tablets glycine taken under the tongue or in the cheek and held there until complete resorption. The course of treatment is two to four weeks (by tablet 2-3 times a day for adults and children older than three years). Up to three years of glycine appoint half of the tablet for up to two weeks, but if necessary, treatment (by a doctor) can be extended to four weeks and a month later to repeat again. When stroke glycine can be taken immediately, without waiting for the effects of the disease will be sharp, and take at least a month. In chronic alcoholism glycine prescribed courses several times a year.

Admission glycine contraindicated if you are hypersensitive drug. No cases of overdose have been identified.

 The mechanism of action Glycine | Glycine - improves metabolic processes in the brain

Side effects that may occur while taking glycine

Upon receipt of glycine are various allergic reactions. Glycine has positive side effects, reducing the intensity of the side effects of various drugs that act on the central nervous system, including soothes, relieves depression, hypnotics and anticonvulsants.

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  • glycine
