Stomach cancer: genetics and lifestyle - How to develop

March 10, 2011

  • Stomach cancer: genetics and lifestyle
  • How is

As it emerges and develops stomach cancer

Cancer - a malignant tumor of epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue - a fabric covering the surface of the body and is lined with mucous and serous membranes his internal organs including the stomach.

Stomach cancer occurs when prolonged exposure to the inner membrane of the stomach of various factors: improper, irregular power supply dry rations, food intake, are carcinogenic, smoking, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages and stress. Generally, gastric cancer develops on the background of already existing diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, polyposis. Often the cause of stomach cancer is infection with the bacteria that cause stomach ulcer (Helicobacter pylori). What matters is a genetic predisposition to cancer of the stomach.

In appearance, the cancer is divided into:

  • mushroom (polypoid) limited the cancer - it can be the size of a pea to a vast assembly;
  • saucer ulcerated cancer with clear boundaries and valikoobrazno raised edges;
  • ulcerative infiltrative cancer - the most common species, found more than half of all patients;
  • Diffuse cancer - is accompanied by a thickening of the wall of the stomach; often it affects the entire stomach, turning it into a narrow tube.

Originating in one section of the mucous membrane of cancer gradually spread to all layers of the stomach, can move to the duodenum, esophagus, and other organs. With blood cancer cells are exposed to distant organs (metastasize).


As shown

Manifestations of gastric cancer in its early stages varied typical signs not. At the forefront signs of metabolic syndrome, which is called the small signs. This appearance unreasonable weakness, fatigue, persistent loss of appetite, until aversion to food, effects of stomach discomfort (loss of satisfaction after a meal, the feeling of fullness, distension of its gases, heaviness in the epigastric region, sometimes - nausea), wanton loss weight, pallor, bad mood.

Meet and asymptomatic cancer, which occurs only in an advanced stage of the disease.

Distinct signs of cancer Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore  Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore
   observed in its later stages. When the location of the cancer in a place where the stomach enters the duodenum (antral part), there is a breach of cross food in varying degrees. At first it appears a sense of fullness, sometimes belching, vomiting food eaten or bile. With the growth of the tumor appears resistant delay food in the stomach, it expands, there hyperperistalsis. By the end of the day, usually occurs during vomiting eaten food of the day. Vomiting occurs every day, the patient loses weight dramatically.

When the location of the cancer at the junction of the esophagus (cardiac part of) the disease is asymptomatic for a long time, but at least narrowing the entrance to the stomach and esophagus transition process on the patient begins to complain of difficulty in the passage of food, can occur even complete obstruction of liquid food. There are also a pain in the chest, excessive salivation, hiccups and regurgitation of food. Such patients also lose weight quickly.

In the propagation of the tumor in the pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   there are sharp pains radiating to the back. If the tumor grows into the large intestine, bowel obstruction may occur, causing compression of the biliary tract obstructive jaundice. In the later stages of the cancer metastasizes Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   in lymph nodes and distant organs.



The diagnosis of gastric cancer is made by the typical complaints of the patient, medical examination, results of endoscopic (gastroscopy - with a special optical equipment) and X-ray examination of the stomach, as well as laboratory studies of gastric contents. An additional method of research is radioisotope diagnostics.

The main treatment for stomach cancer is surgery - a complete or partial resection (removal) of the stomach to regional lymph nodes. In cancer in advanced stages of producing operation, to facilitate the patient's condition. Appointed as chemotherapy drugs that suppress tumor growth, and radiation therapy.

The main problem of stomach cancer - revealing it at an early stage, when only the first signs of metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . At this stage of gastric cancer is curable.

Galina Romanenko

15 signs of cancer that women ignore - Changes

July 15, 2012

  • 15 signs of cancer that women ignore
  • Changes

 signs of cancer changes

Changes in the mouth

Smokers especially need to look out for the white spots in the mouth or on the tongue. Both could indicate a precancerous condition called leukoplakia under which over time can turn into cancer of the oral cavity.

Ask your dentist or doctor to examine you and decide what to do next.

 Changes | 15 signs of cancer that women ignore


Over the years, more than people usually complain of various types of pain, but the pain is uncertain can be the first sign of some cancers, although most pain complaints are not related to cancer.

Pain that does not stop and can not be explained, should be examined. Your doctor will have to carefully examine your medical history and, based on the information to decide what to do further tests, if necessary.

 Changes | 15 signs of cancer that women ignore

Changes in the lymph nodes

If you notice swelling in the nodes or lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   in the armpits or neck, or elsewhere, it may be a warning sign.

If you have swelling in the lymph node that is actively growing, and it lasts more than a month, see a doctor. The doctor will examine you and identify any other related problems (eg, infection), which may explain the increase in lymph nodes. If there are no problems, then most likely, your doctor will prescribe a biopsy.

 Changes | 15 signs of cancer that women ignore


If you have a fever, the flu is not caused by an infection or another, it may indicate cancer. Most often, the heat is once the cancer has spread from its original location, but it could also point to the beginning of blood cancer Blood cancer - do not despair  Blood cancer - do not despair
 , Leukemia, or lymphoma.

Other signs of cancer can be treated yellowness or change the color of your chair.

Your doctor will need to perform a thorough physical examination and study history and then assign you a chest X-ray, computed tomography go other tests, depending on what it finds.

 Changes | 15 signs of cancer that women ignore


Fatigue - fuzzy another symptom that may indicate cancer, as well as other problems. Fatigue can occur after cancer will grow, but sometimes it can be in the early stages of cancer, such as leukemia Leukemia - it is not a sentence  Leukemia - it is not a sentence
   or colon cancer Colon cancer: creeps imperceptibly  Colon cancer: creeps imperceptibly
   or stomach.

 Changes | 15 signs of cancer that women ignore

Persistent cough

Coughing is for colds, flu, allergies and can sometimes be a side effect of medication. But too long a cough that lasts for more than 3-4 weeks, should not be ignored.

Your doctor must examine the medical history, examine your throat, check lung function and possibly assign you radiography, especially if you are a smoker.

Article Tags:
  • cancer symptoms
