- Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure
- How is
Causes of
There are a number of external and internal factors that contribute to lung cancer, and the first among them is smoking. Tobacco smoke contains many carcinogens (substances that can cause cancer), so that long-term smoking is disturbed state of bronchial epithelium. The degeneration of the cells can last a very long time, for decades (the duration of this process depends not only on the length of smoking but also on the number of cigarettes smoked), but since there were atypical cells, the process is developing very quickly. Research supports the fact that lung cancer often occurs in families of smokers in the background of the so-called second-hand smoke (smoke inhalation).
Another important external factor contributing to lung cancer are occupational hazards: coal and asbestos dust, smoke room, close contact with arsenic, nickel, chromium and some other metals. A similar importance and ecology of large cities, where the air is filled with exhaust gas and waste products.
The internal factors contributing to the development of lung cancer, are chronic, long flowing inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, including tuberculosis
Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
How is lung cancer
In most cases of lung cancer in the initial stages it goes unnoticed and only manifests when the tumor becomes sufficiently large. At this stage of lung cancer may be accidental discovery of X-ray examination of the patient on another occasion. This is very dangerous, because lung cancer is often detected at already advanced stages. At this time, the patient may be concerned about the weakness, fatigue, malaise, low work capacity. In the future, these signs are attached signs of upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis and pneumonia. Patients worried cough, periodic temperature rise, increasing weakness and weight loss. Under the influence of anti-inflammatory treatment condition usually improves, due to the process of accession to the infection.
The most common sign of cancer
Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore
a light cough, initially rare, and then more and more frequent and intrusive, often dry, but when joining an infection it can be humid. Sputum blood veinlets begin to appear (a consequence of the defeat of the walls of the bronchi) that usually is a sign of fairly advanced stage of the disease.
In some cases, there are pains in the chest on the side of the tumor, which may be associated with damage to the intercostal nerves or the pleura (membrane covering the lungs). It may also appear shortness of breath, palpitations and irregular heartbeat, a violation of the passage of food through the esophagus, which often arises from the compression of the heart and major blood vessels growing tumor of the esophagus.
At the last stage of the disease the tumor begins to distant metastases
Metastasis - danger everywhere
brain and internal organs.
Diagnosis of lung cancer is difficult, because in the early stages of the disease the tumor is not visible, even on X-rays. In the later stages it is often asymptomatic and there is no reason for patients seeking medical attention. In this regard, great importance is the annual fluorography examination as part of scheduled checkups. Equally important is also a regular examination of persons suffering from chronic respiratory diseases.
Clarify the nature and location of the tumor is possible with the help of bronhografii - X-ray of the bronchi with the introduction of a contrast agent and bronchoscopy
Bronchoscopy - unpleasant but necessary
- The study of the state of the bronchial mucosa using a special device - bronchoscope.
Lung cancer is treated in accordance with the approved methods of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The basic method of treatment is surgical moment at which removes part or all of light, followed by coupling of radiation and chemotherapy.
Lung cancer - this is the case, when it is easier to carry out prevention (to quit) than cure.
Galina Romanenko