8 ways to lower the risk of cancer - Methods Survey
September 29, 2012
- 8 ways to lower the risk of cancer
- Survey Methods
7. Methods of screening on reducing the risk of cancer
Many different methods of diagnosing cancers such as mammography and a blood test for PSA, do not prevent the occurrence of cancer, but only to help identify it at an early stage, when a cure is most likely.
But other tests, such as colonoscopy
Preparing and conducting a colonoscopy: the risks and alternatives
and cervical smear, can help identify precancerous condition, which, if left untreated, may go into cervical cancer or colon cancer
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There are many conflicting opinions on what methods of inspection, and when the need to use different people. Instead of trying to define it yourself, talk to your doctor about your individual health status.
Do not assume that a conversation is enough. Health status changes, as well as knowledge about cancer and about the methods of the survey. Ask your doctor about what to do this year, next year and beyond.
8. Explore the family history
Experts advise patients to thoroughly study the history of their family illness. Family history does help develop a strategy to reduce the risk of cancer and early cancer. If possible, find out these issues with your family.
9. Aspirin - may be, but with caution
Do I need to take aspirin to prevent cancer? This issue is still being debated, but at least some of the evidence on this point. A large study published in 2010 found that daily use of aspirin in low doses can reduce the risk of death from certain cancers (mainly lung cancer
Lung cancer - prevention is better than cure
, Rectum, esophagus) by 21%.
However, regular use of aspirin can have side effects, especially stomach bleeding and irritation. Most experts say it is too early to advise taking aspirin every day to prevent cancer
Cancer Prevention - is it possible to protect yourself?
All of us would like to prevent cancer was easy - just take a little pill a day. But the fact is, experts say that the more you reduce the risk of cancer, leading a healthy lifestyle by eating fruits and vegetables than taking aspirin.
Talk to your doctor before you start taking aspirin regularly for any reason.
Symptoms of cancer: time to recognize the disease - a guarantee of recovery - What is cancer and why it begins
December 17, 2009
- Symptoms of cancer: time to recognize the disease - a guarantee of recovery
- What is cancer and why it begins
What is cancer and why it begins
Cancer - a malignant tumor that develops their epithelial tissue. Epithelium - a fabric covering the surface of the body cavity and its lining; epithelium covers both the skin and mucous membranes, carrying out protective and trophic (provides power) function.
Under the influence of external (physical and chemical exposure) and domestic (long-term chronic diseases, genetic predisposition) factors disrupted cells of the tissue structure of an organ. Gradually, some cells become atypical (atypical) structure, as if they are not fully mature. The process of formation of such cells may be delayed for a decade, but as soon as they are formed, their proliferation begins with the formation of a tumor.
Cancer can develop in any of the organs and tissues, so its signs can be very different. There are a number of common features, typical for any localization of cancer, as well as the character of cancer of certain organs and systems. However, these symptoms may be symptoms of other diseases, not only cancer, therefore put on the basis of their diagnosis impossible. However, they need to pay attention to their appearance should be a cause for seeking medical attention.
Common symptoms of cancer anywhere in the body
Cancer (abnormal) cells, expanding, violate the body's metabolism, which leads to a number of features characteristic of cancer at any site.
- The first sign. Today, he is known to almost all people, it is rapid weight loss within a few months. This feature is very characteristic of cancer that almost never (except by accident, in the survey) is not detected in its early stages, as goes unnoticed. The first manifestation of lung cancer or pancreatic cancer
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They say that the process has gone far enough.
- The second sign. It is often an early sign of cancer
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It is the appearance of unexplained fever. This feature is characteristic for cancer of the lymphatic system (Hodgkin's disease). Increased body temperature can appear in the later stages as a sign of significant metabolic disorders and intoxications (chronic poisoning) of the body metabolic products of cancer. An increase in temperature may be a sign of infection joined against the general decrease in immunity.
- The third feature. Increasing weakness, loss of ability to work. It is also a sign of intoxication, which increases with the growth and spread of tumors. In some types of cancer tumors at an early stage quickly grows into the small blood vessels, which causes a permanent loss of the blood in small quantities, which in turn causes a hypochromic (with insufficient hemoglobin, as in haemorrhage lost iron, which is part of hemoglobin) anemia. This anemia is often the cause of weakness in the early stages of cancer development.
- Fourth sign. Soreness in some forms of cancer can occur in the early stages, if the process involved nerve endings. In the later stages of the tumor compresses often quite large nerve trunks, causing constant pain.
- The fifth sign. External changes. This may be a change in color, for example, adrenal cancer skin color becomes darker, liver cancer - yellow. When tumors affecting the endocrine system, could change the hair growth, voice, body composition (eg, in men it acquires the outlines of women), and so on.
Symptoms of cancer of certain organs and systems
For cancer of certain organs and systems are also characterized by specific symptoms that may also occur in other diseases, but should alert patients.
In breast cancer, there is a seal in it, and then change over the tumor on the skin: the skin takes the form of orange peel with dilated pores and coalescence with the subcutaneous tissue. The nipple can be drawn.
In cancer of the digestive system may occur violation stool (constipation or diarrhea), nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
. Often this is combined with color change chair as cancer, or squeezing sprouting blood vessels, can cause small persistent bleeding, and thus change the color of feces. If internal bleeding from the stomach and upper intestine feces becomes black if the stool has an admixture of fresh blood, it says about the process in the lower intestine, most often - in the rectum. Bleached cal suggests that tumor compresses the bile ducts, preventing bile flow to the intestine, wherein the bile pigments enter the blood, thereby staining the skin yellow (jaundice).
When lung cancer, when the tumor irritating the mucous membrane of the bronchi, the first sign of a cough, while falls immunity and therefore often joined by bacterial and viral infections - they who are the first sign of lung cancer. For cancer of the larynx
Laryngeal cancer: at the first sign - to the doctor!
characterized by a persistent change in voice.
In cancer of the urinary system urine can acquire different shades of red because of the blood of impurities. There are also signs of urination: difficulty (frequent or rare) urination, cramps while urinating.
Signs of cancer can be any change in this or that body, so if you notice unusual symptoms should see a doctor.