- Throat cancer - men at risk
- What is cancer of the throat and its causes
Cancer of the throat - is cancers that develop in the area of the larynx, oropharynx and nasopharynx. The pharynx is a muscular tube about 12 centimeters in length, located between the esophagus and oral cavity, it is part of the breathing tube. Oropharynx - part of the throat located between the soft palate and hyoid bone. The larynx connects the throat to the windpipe and voice box contains. On top of the larynx is connected with the cavity of the throat, the bottom - with the trachea. Cancer of the throat may also affect the epiglottic cartilage, performing the function of the valve breathing tube. Cancer of the tonsils, is another kind of throat cancer affects the tonsils - paired clusters of lymphoid tissue located in the mucous membrane on the border of the mouth, nose and throat.
Smoking, chewing tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer of the throat.
Symptoms of throat cancer
By common symptoms of throat cancer include:
- cough;
- changes in voice, such as hoarseness;
- difficulty swallowing;
- ear pain;
- seal or pain that does not go;
- a sore throat;
- weight loss.
When you need to see a doctor
Consult your doctor if you find yourself new symptoms with a permanent character. Most of the symptoms of cancer
Symptoms of cancer: time to recognize the disease - a guarantee of recovery
throat are not specific for cancer, so doctors will offer general medical examination in order to identify other, more common diseases.
Causes of throat cancer
Throat cancer occurs when cells are formed in the throat of genetic mutation. These mutations cause the uncontrolled cell growth and continue to grow and develop even after the death of healthy cells. These cell tumors form a tumor in his throat. It is not clear what causes the mutation of cells, but doctors have identified several factors that increase the risk of mutation.
Types of throat cancer
Throat cancer - is a general term used to refer to cancers in the throat (cancer of the pharynx) or voice machine (laryngeal cancer). The throat and vocal cords are closely related, as the voice box is located just below the throat. There are the following specific types of throat cancer, depending on the affected area:
- Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
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(nasopharyngeal cancer) begins in the nasopharynx - the upper part of the pharynx, which enters through the nose inhaled air.
- Oropharyngeal carcinoma (cancer of the oropharynx) begins in the oropharynx - part of the respiratory tract that connects the nasal cavity to the throat.
- Hypopharyngeal carcinoma (cancer subesophageal space) begins in subesophageal space (hypopharynx) - this is the bottom part of the pharynx (throat), located above the trachea (breathing tube) and the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat to the stomach).
- Cancer begins in the vocal cords vocal cords.
- Cancer supraglottal space begins at the top of the larynx and affects the epiglottis - a flexible cartilage that covers the entrance to the larynx during swallowing, thus preventing food from entering the lower respiratory tract.
- Cancer sublingual space begins at the bottom of the vocal apparatus, under the vocal cords.
Risk factors
Factors that increase the risk of developing throat cancer:
- use of tobacco products, including smoking and chewing tobacco;
- excessive alcohol consumption;
- poor oral hygiene
Oral hygiene - not only in the dentist's chair
- human papillomavirus (HPV);
- lack of fruit and vegetables in the diet;
- Inhalation of asbestos - a natural fiber used in some manufacturing industries.
Diagnosis of throat cancer
From the early detection of tumors depends the success of cancer treatment
Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary
throat. Therefore, the appearance of the symptoms described above should apply to otorhinolaryngology. Already during the inspection of the pharynx can suggest the presence of cancer, but to clarify the diagnosis is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies, including:
Fibroscopy nasopharynx. The doctor examines the upper respiratory tract using endoscopic instruments. Attached to the endoscope mini video camera transmits the image on the screen. This procedure allows to examine the tumor and take a biopsy material.
Cytology (biopsy). If during an endoscopy or laryngoscopy detected abnormality, the doctor takes a sample of the affected tissue for biopsy. The sample is sent to a lab for testing. Biopsy reveals cancer cells in the scraping or mucous.
Ultrasound, computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. These methods allow the survey to determine the safe and painless lymph node enlargement and changes in the tissues adjacent to the tumor.