Key myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip - Facts and contentions

March 13, 2011

  • Key myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip
  • Facts and contentions

According to statistics, one in eight women in the world can breast cancer - and although it is very difficult to imagine that you or your loved one may be faced with this terrible disease, breast cancer - one of the most dangerous problems of modern society. However, breast cancer - the diagnosis is not hopeless: too many women whose disease was detected at an early stage, managed to defeat the disease, and continue to enjoy life. It is important to remember that the diagnosis of breast cancer Diagnosis of breast cancer - the most important task of modern medicine  Diagnosis of breast cancer - the most important task of modern medicine
   at an early stage can save lives - as even some two weeks are crucial, and sometimes even this small, seemingly, the time difference can decide what will be the outcome of the disease.

To protect against breast cancer, women over forty is recommended to undergo a mammogram every year, and women over the age of twenty - once in three years, not forgetting to do a monthly breast self-examination. In addition, be aware that many popular ideas about breast cancer - no more than a myth.

 Facts and contentions | main myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip

From breast cancer affects only women

The popular belief that breast cancer can develop only by women, is fundamentally wrong: this disease affects both men and even dogs and cats. If you loved the man - a husband, a brother, a relative of any other - suddenly found a tumor, should immediately seek medical attention - just as it did to you. In the US alone, according to statistics, breast cancer die each year about 500 men.

 Facts and contentions | main myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip

Genetic predisposition to disease is crucial

This view can not be called true 100 percent although, of course, cases of breast cancer among close relatives mean an increased risk of the disease is less than 20% of women suffering from breast cancer have been faced with this illness relatives. Nevertheless, we must not forget that a genetic predisposition to the disease is quite important - hence, a mammogram or a breast self-examine for the appearance of tumors often necessary.

 Facts and contentions | main myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip

The tumor always mean breast cancer

The appearance of the tumor does not always necessarily mean breast cancer: some women have a genetic predisposition to the formation of tumors in the breast. The only way to find out exactly what is facing the consequences of strange formation in the breast - is to undergo a medical examination.

 Facts and contentions | main myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip

The cancer feels different from a benign tumor

In some situations, a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
 Indeed, different from benign even to the touch, but in most cases they are completely identical. That is why it is vital to see a doctor when any formation in the mammary glands.

 Facts and contentions | main myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip

Blacks suffer from breast cancer more but white women die more often

In fact, the situation is reversed: for many reasons white women increasingly faced with a diagnosis of breast cancer, but blacks more likely to die from the disease.

 Facts and contentions | main myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip

Oral contraceptives can cause breast cancer

Several decades ago, oral contraceptives, in fact, increase the risk of breast cancer, but current formulations contain much lower doses of hormones, is therefore not capable of causing disease. Moreover, oral contraceptives may in fact reduce the risk of ovarian cancer Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!  Ovarian cancer: do not miss the professional examinations!
   and colorectal cancer.

 Facts and contentions | main myths about breast cancer: do not believe the gossip

For the treatment of breast cancer necessarily required mastectomy

A common misconception that the treatment of cancer Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary  Cancer Treatment - difficult, but necessary
   breasts always need a mastectomy, is not quite true: mastectomy is needed only in some cases, at certain stages of the disease. Depending on the stage of breast cancer doctor may recommend chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biological therapy, lumpectomy or mastectomy, as well as a combination of several treatments. Diagnosis of breast cancer - especially made in the initial stages of the disease - does not mean that the mammary gland necessarily have to be amputated.

Article Tags:
  • breast cancer

Malignant tumor: cells were crazy - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

March 3, 2011

  • Malignant tumor: cells are mad
  • Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is a malignant tumor and its main features

Malignant tumor - is uncontrolled growth of body tissue, continued after the termination of the reasons why he had been summoned. Malignant tumor consists of a qualitatively changed (atypical) cells that transmit new characteristics to offspring. It violated and apoptosis - the natural death of cells of tissues. The main signs of cancer are:

  • structure, the position and relationship of the cells is different from the structure of the tissue from which they originated; tumor cells are significantly different from the surrounding tissue, and the greater the difference is, the more malignant is the tumor; most dangerous are undifferentiated tumors are composed of cells, similar to embryonic cells (fetus during the first weeks of development when the tab is only tissues and they are all the same in structure);
  • the absence of a connective membrane that separates the tumor from healthy tissue;
  • Autonomous rapid growth and spread of the tumor;
  • the ability of the tumor to grow into the surrounding tissue, damaging them;
  • the ability of tumors to spread (metastasize) through the blood and lymph path.

 Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment | Malignant tumor: cells are mad

Causes of cancer

A clear idea why this is happening, there is still no. Of great importance in the origin of malignant tumors is attached to ionizing radiation (including solar) substances and oncogenic viruses. All of these factors are combined in most cases. What matters, and genetic predisposition.

Under the influence of environmental factors in the cells of the tissues occur genetic changes, ie mutations. Our environment today leaves much to be desired, so in the human body are constant mutation of cells. But our immune system is on guard: it instantly triggers the apoptotic process and destroys the abnormal, the abnormal cells. If a person has some immune disorders, the abnormal cells begin to develop freely, forming a malignant tumor.

 Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment | Malignant tumor: cells are mad

Effect of malignant tumors on the human body

Two basic forms of related systemic effects of cancer on the body that are common to all of them:

  • competition with body tissues for vital metabolic products (metabolites) resulting from the decomposition of nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream that cause trophic (metabolic) disturbances in the body;
  • the impact of cancer on the biological characteristics of different tissues, leading to a breach of their differentiation and mitigate the impact of the regulatory side of the body.

Especially significant changes in carbohydrate metabolism of tumor cells: they never detected glucose. This feature ensures that the tumor as it attracts the glucose from the blood (after glucose - a supplier of energy, without it does not develop any one cell). In these circumstances, first spent glucose reserves deposited as glycogen in the liver and muscles, as well as the times they become less and less, the body begins to get glucose from non-carbohydrate sources - proteins and fats.

As a result of the decay products of proteins begin to slowly poison the body. And as part of the protein is used as an energy material and does not come for the restoration of tissue proteins, all the organs and tissues of the body are affected not only by intoxication, but also from a lack of protein. This is what causes the early metabolic changes in the body of malignant tumors: weakness, fatigue, headache, malaise. Tumors like grip nitrogen, resulting from the dissolution of the proteins in order to obtain from it glucose. Introducing such cases Glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   the body reduces metabolic Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - whether between RA  Metabolic disorders: acquired and inherited - whether between RA

Tumor growth leads to increased mobilization of fat from the fat reserves (it is also an energetic material that is used to produce glucose) - the patient starts to lose weight dramatically.

Violations of the biological characteristics of different tissues in the presence of a malignant tumor significantly. Thus, the liver activity drops sharply and some increased activity of other enzymes, which disturbs its function and increases the susceptibility to the effects of various chemicals, including drugs. The adverse effects on the endocrine glands causes various hormonal disorders, which further exacerbates the metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

 Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment | Malignant tumor: cells are mad

Diagnosis and treatment of cancer

Diagnosis of malignant tumors depends on its location. Tumors of the skin substantially only require laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis (detection of abnormal cells in the tissue). Tumors located in the internal organs and cavities detected by modern diagnostic methods applicable in a particular field of medicine.

Treatment of malignant tumors are usually combined. But the main method, especially at the initial stages of the disease is surgery. As an adjunct to surgery and radiation therapy are used chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
   - Suppression of tumor growth by means of special drugs. In some cases (normally in advanced disease) only apply radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Any tumor is much easier to treat in the early stages - modern medicine has made great strides in this direction.

Galina Romanenko

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  • tumor
