- Thyroid cancer: it is curable
- Kinds
- How to define
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
Types of thyroid cancer
It is believed that cancer (malignant tumor of the covering tissue - epithelial) is more than 90% of all malignant thyroid tumors in other tissues of the body of malignant tumors are rare. But among all human cancers the proportion of thyroid cancer is not more than 2%.
Causes and types
Thyroid cancer is more common in women aged 40-60 years. Often it develops in the background of a long-term, usually nodular goiter, but may develop into cancer and iron unchanged. Very rarely cancer occurs against a background of diffuse toxic goiter. On the occurrence of cancer affects the radiation exposure - this fact was particularly evident after the Chernobyl disaster, when there were many of thyroid cancer in children
Thyroid cancer in children - a rare disease
For which the disease is generally not characteristic. This is because the thyroid gland of children is much more sensitive to radiation than adults.
There are differentiated (its cells are similar to normal tissue, cancer develops slowly and more favorable prognosis) and undifferentiated (tumor composed of immature cells that grow very quickly and aggressively) thyroid cancer. An intermediate position between takes medullary cancer. Furthermore, in the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
there are malignant tumors of metaplazirovannogo (metaplasia - the substitution of one type of epithelium by another) epithelium - squamous cell carcinoma.
Differentiated thyroid cancer
The group consists of differentiated tumor papillary and follicular cancer. Papillary cancer - the most common form of thyroid cancer. It is typically a node (it might be both very small and large) of round or irregular shape. A characteristic feature of cancer is patchy deposition of calcium salts in the nodes (acervulus). Microscopic examination of the tumor can be seen papillary structures that form the basis of the tumor. This cancer is able to grow into the thyroid capsule surrounding tissue and nearby lymph nodes. Tumor development is slow and is not accompanied by endocrine disorders.
Follicular cancer is less common. He is a well-delimited unit sizes. The cells were follicular cancer may resemble normal cells of the thyroid gland, so it is sometimes difficult to distinguish from a benign tumor. Most tumors of the thyroid gland secretes hormones
Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
. This cancer develops slowly, it is characterized by metastases to the lungs.
Undifferentiated thyroid cancer
Undifferentiated thyroid cancer is highly malignant. It ranges from 5 to 20% of all thyroid cancers. Swelling is a somewhat converging interconnected nodes that are difficult to separate by palpation of the prostate tissue. The tumor is dense, usually captures the entire thyroid gland and secretes hormones. The tumor cells may have a different form and grow by continuous fields.
Characterized by rapid growth of the tumor and the same prompt multiple metastasis. In addition, the cancer grows into the soft tissues of the neck, including blood vessels, nerves and the surrounding organs (trachea, esophagus). By the death of the patient may cause the disintegration of the tumor, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding or suffocation due to the overlapping of the airway.
Medullary thyroid cancer
Medullary cancer develops from the cells of the thyroid gland okolofollikulyarnyh. It is about 3% of all cancers of the thyroid gland and is often associated with genetic diseases. Prior to the development of cancer in the thyroid gland often grow okolofollikulyarnye cells. A tumor is an assembly without distinct boundaries of different sizes, which often grows into the surrounding tissue. Microscopically, the tumor cells are small, similar in structure to okolofollikulyarnymi cells.
Medullary cancer secretes the hormone calcitonin, which causes a characteristic feature of the disease - diarrhea. The tumor is prolonged, often metastasizes to the nearby lymph nodes.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland
This type of cancer is up to 3% of all malignant tumors of the thyroid gland. It happens most often secondary, that is spread from other organs. Squamous cell carcinoma can take the entire thyroid gland and spread to the surrounding tissues. During this difficult cancer, with early multiple metastases
Metastasis - danger everywhere
Diagnosis of thyroid cancer is put on the basis of the doctor's examination, ultrasound data, X-ray, radioisotope studies, and laboratory studies of tissue taken from the thyroid gland using needle biopsy.
Treatment of thyroid cancer combined, in which the leading role played by surgery - removal of the tumor with complete or partial removal of the thyroid gland. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used as complementary therapies or alone in advanced cases, when an operation is impossible.
Thyroid cancer may be different, but most of its species it is treatable in the early stages of the disease.