Secondary cataracts, or clouding of the posterior capsule of the lens - is the most common complication of surgery for the treatment of cataracts; it has been observed since 1950, when it was held the first such operation. Today, for the treatment of cataracts advanced technology, the lens can be removed through a very small incision, artificial lenses are made of higher quality materials and design for decades, greatly improved, but the secondary cataract remains an important issue. Secondary cataract develops in 20-40% of patients within two to five years after surgery. This complication is more common among children, and less common in elderly patients.

Symptoms of secondary cataract
The main symptom of secondary cataract is blurred vision after surgery to remove the lens of the eye so that the patient can seem that he had again developed cataracts. Usually vision deteriorates gradually; often patients see halos around lights, as is the case in conventional cataract. If you have such symptoms as soon as possible consult an ophthalmologist.

Causes of secondary cataract
The primary cause of secondary cataracts, apparently are the lens epithelial cells that may remain after operation outside the lens capsule. Their proliferation or migration can lead to a cataract. It is supposed that the cataract surgery
Cataract surgery - surgery
It leads to the fact that the remaining cells of the lens epithelium begin to actively proliferate, migrate, and ultimately leads to poor vision.
In children, the probability of occurrence of this complication is, according to various estimates, from 43.7% to almost one hundred per cent - believed to be due to the fact that the probability of proliferation of epithelial cells have especially high.
In patients with diabetes secondary cataract
Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
also develops more likely than other patients, and often occurs in more serious forms. In addition, secondary cataracts occur frequently average patients with retinitis pigmentosa (a rare genetic disorder in which there is a slow retinal tissue destruction) and traumatic cataract. When the probability of traumatic cataract lens PCO within three years after surgery was 92%.
In addition, the risk of secondary cataracts depends upon the type of surgery has been used for removal of the lens, and the design of an intraocular lens, and the material from which it is made. As a rule, the less invasive operation was, the less chance of complications. Doctors always try to prescribe the most benign methods of surgical treatment, but unfortunately, they are not always sufficiently effective.

Treatment of secondary cataract
At present, for the treatment of secondary cataract used procedure called laser distsiziya. This method was developed by a woman who, before becoming an ophthalmologist for a long time, studied physics and interested in the possibility of application of laser in medicine. The tests of the new method began in 1978, and in 1980 held the first laser distsiziya secondary cataract. This operation quickly gained popularity as an alternative to it was much more invasive procedure often causes serious complications.
Distsiziya PCO imposed if:
- Clouding of the posterior capsule of the lens leads to a significant decrease in visual acuity;
- Because of poor vision in reduced patient quality of life;
- There are problems with vision in bright light and / or in the dark.
Contraindications to surgery are:
- Swelling, or scar tissue in the cornea, because of which the surgeon can not see well intraocular structures during the operation;
- Inflammation of the iris;
- Macular edema of the retina.
The operation should be carried out with extreme caution if the patient has previously been delamination or tearing of the retina.
Treatment of secondary cataract laser performed using local anesthesia. As a rule, the procedure does not cause patients significant discomfort.
Before the operation is applied to the cornea of eye drops that extend the pupils, such as tropicamide 1.0%, phenylephrine 2, 5%, or 1-2% cyclopentolate - through dilated pupil surgeon can better see the posterior capsule of the lens. In order to prevent a sharp increase in intraocular pressure after surgery may be used apraclonidine 0.5%.
The patient can go home after a couple of hours after surgery - if you do not have any complications, which is unlikely. No stitches or bandages after laser distsizii usually do not impose. Patients prescribed eye drops with steroids, which must be used to prevent inflammation. A week after the operation the patient should be examined by an ophthalmologist to make sure that the treatment is successful. Another survey is recommended to take a month later - it is considered optional, but it is desirable to take place in time to detect possible complications. However, most complications, if they occur, then in the first days after surgery.
In most cases, PCO successfully treated in a single procedure; secondary laser distsiziya required only in rare cases.

Laser distsiziya can lead to the following complications:
- Increased intraocular pressure;
- Rupture and retinal detachment
Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight
- Macular edema of the retina;
- Corneal edema;
- Inflammation of the cornea;
- The displacement of the intraocular lens.
Apraclonidine use significantly reduces the risk of elevated intraocular pressure. Inflammation of the cornea usually clears up on its own, but can also speed up the recovery by using topical steroids such as prednisolone acetate
Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
or loteprednol.