Treatment for conjunctivitis in the home - is effective only under medical supervision

June 20, 2014

 treatment of conjunctivitis at home
 Treatment for conjunctivitis in the home should be conducted under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you can not cure the disease, and to translate it into a chronic stage. It is difficult to avoid and complications of self-treatment of conjunctivitis, as drugs for the treatment of conjunctivitis can have different effects.


Treatment of conjunctivitis at home - bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis often purulent. To prevent the spread of pus, be sure to wash the eyes as accumulation of pus in them. Used for this purpose slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilina solution (1: 5000), and the solution miramistina. In addition, you can use extracts of herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   and others.

For the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis apply topical antibacterial agent in the form of eye drops and ointments. Basically it is a broad spectrum antibiotic Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple  Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple
 For example, tetracycline, and eritromitsinovaya ofloksotsinovaya eye ointment, 0, 25% solution of chloramphenicol, 0, 3% solution ofloksotsina. Have antibacterial properties, and sulfa drugs, for example, 30% solution Albucidum and others.

1% tetracycline eye ointment for a lower eyelid in the form of a strip 1, 5 cm length of 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days, if necessary, it can be extended by a physician. But in recent years there has been an increase of resistance (stability) of infectious agents to tetracycline, so the more efficient is the use of drugs on the basis of fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents.

For example, 0, 3% eyedrops ofloksotsin (floksal) apply 1 drop in both eyes 2-4 times a day, and 0, 3% ointment floksal for a lower eyelid of the patient's eyes in the form of strips of length 1, 5 cm 2-3 times a day, in the case of chlamydial infections - 5 times per day. The treatment is very effective.

0, 25% collyrium chloramphenicol as an antibacterial agent, one drop was instilled into both eyes 4-5 times per day.

Eye drops used in Sofradeks conjunctivitis, accompanied by severe inflammation, allergies, swelling and itching. Sofrodeks is composed of two antibiotics of different groups (framycetin sulfate and gramicidin) and glucocorticoid hormone dexamethasone Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids  Dexamethasone - one of the most effective glucocorticosteroids
 With a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Apply medication strictly on prescription, as it is not suitable for septic, viral and fungal conjunctivitis, tuberculosis Eye Tuberculosis of the eye - how to recognize the disease  Tuberculosis of the eye - how to recognize the disease
   and glaucoma. Sofradeks 1-2 drops instilled in each eye up to 6 times per day. The course of treatment should not exceed a week.

Anti, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect and has such a drug as vizin, vasoconstrictor properties. Indications for its use is a significant swelling and irritation of the eye, including allergic conjunctivitis when. Drops vizin contraindicated if you are hypersensitive, glaucoma and children up to two years.

As the antibacterial agent for non-severe conjunctivitis can be applied sulfacetamide 30% (15-20% of children use the solution Albucidum). His buried up to 6-8 times a day for a week. Albucidum disadvantage is a strong pain in the eyes when backfilling.


Treatment of conjunctivitis at home - viral conjunctivitis

The treatment of viral conjunctivitis is not as effective as bacterial. A mild viral conjunctivitis are usually on their own, the main goal of treatment is to prevent the bacterial complications. This is achieved by compliance with hygiene requirements.

Severe viral conjunctivitis treated with drugs interferon and deoxyribonuclease drops. For ever and lay the antiviral ointment (bonaftonovuyu, florenalovuyu, acyclovir).

Drops, which include interferon, when conjunctivitis is used as an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. An example of such a drug can be oftalmoferon which is produced in the form of eye drops. Drops oftalmoferon incorporate interferon and diphenhydramine, therefore possess antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-allergic effect. Assign them 1-2 drops 6-8 times a day. Contraindications for the use of drops is only individual intolerance of components.

Positive effect on all parts of the immune system also derinat, which includes deoxyribonucleat. Derinata solution for external use was instilled into both eyes of 1-2 drops twice or three times a day for 4-8 weeks.

Treatment for conjunctivitis in the home should be carried out as intended and under the supervision of a physician.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of conjunctivitis

Check Table view - the basic standards

August 16, 2009

 Check Table view
   The very first and most commonly used today in the world of table to test developed in 1862 by Dutch ophthalmologist Hermann Schnell. On this table published a series of letters and numbers, the largest of which is at the top. There are varieties of this table of test created for people who are unfamiliar alphabet.

Traditional table of test consists of eleven lines of capital letters. A person who is being tested, closes one eye and calls out loud letters show the doctor. While checking a person's vision to be in the six meters from the table.

The letters on the table Schnell not printed in any of the usual typographic fonts; they have their own special and simple geometry. The thickness of the lines forming the characters is equal to the thickness of the white spaces between lines.

Table of test is inexpensive and relatively simple tool for the evaluation of visual acuity and is often used even today in developed countries. Special equipment is used for a more thorough check of view.

In Russia and in some states the post-Soviet region is much more commonly used to check the table of Golovin-Sivtseva. It was developed in 1923.

Table vision testing Golovin-Sivtseva consists of two parts, each of which - 12 rows of printed characters. To the left of each row specified distance, which a person with normal vision (1.0) can see the number. On the left shows the minimum visual acuity necessary to see the signs of this series with a distance of five meters. Table of test to determine visual acuity in the range from 0.1 to 2.0.

During an eye examination using a table-Golovin Sivtseva patient sits in a 5 meters from the table.

On the left side of the table checking of printed Cyrillic letters (W, B, M, H, K, N, S) in a specific order. The width of each character is equal to its height. The height and width of the letters of the first row is 70 mm, the second - 35 mm, and the last - 7 mm.

The right side of the table are Landolt rings resembling rotated to different sides of the letter "C". Rings on the Table verification of the open end turned to the left, right, up, or down. Landolt ring is identical to the letter "C" in the table of test Schnell: stroke width is 1/5 the diameter of the ring, and space equal to the height at the site of the ring gap. This part of the table can be used to test vision in children or adults who can not read.

 Check Table view - the basic standards

The following distinguishing signs:

  • Landolt ring - black on white background Ring with a gap; line thickness and width of the ring gap equal to 1/5 of its outer diameter; distinguishing between the position of the subject is the gap that might have four options (top, bottom, right and left) or eight (the same provisions plus four oblique); is a standard sign of visual acuity;
  • Snellen hook - the letter "W", the free ends of which are turned to the right, left, up and down; if the average band in the sign is shortened, then this option is called a hook Pfluger; these signs are useful for visual acuity in children, as well as the deaf-mute and foreigners; under investigation in such cases, give the layout a sign and asked to show the position of requirements of characters;
  • Cross with a break of one of his bands; distinguishing between the position of the subject is the band with a break; determined according to the visual acuity test is called vernier, it is significantly higher than the visual acuity determined from other marks;
  • marks with a periodic structure - black and white checkerboard lattice; These include the world Guillery (grille in black and white stripes of equal width, are bringing in four positions) and the world Goldmann - black-and-white checkerboard in the form of a square divided white gaps in the four square sections (three of them face the chess field is less than the limit discriminating, in the fourth - the larger); object recognition is the position of the section with the larger fields.

 Check Table view - the basic standards

By recognizing the signs include letters, numbers and silhouette images of different content:

  • letters and numbers usually choose those that fit well into the square, with the mark of their respect the principle of Snellen: line thickness must be 5 times lower side of the square; recognition of different numbers and letters varies; have the same recognition letters N, R, I, B, M, W, N, and the numbers 0, 1, 4, 7;
  • Pictures study of visual acuity in children.

 Check Table view - the basic standards

Test type

Signs placing alternately in groups or in the form of tables, wherein the group of characters of the same size are combined in one line.

In our country, the most common table Golovin - Sivtseva, which consists of two parts: on the left the letter N, R, I, B, M, W, N, in the right - Landolt rings in four positions, they both arranged in random order on 12 lines containing the badges of the same size. Their dimensions (top to bottom) correspond to visual acuity: 0, 1, 1, 0 1, 5 - 2, 0 to the left of each line is often referred to visual acuity on the right - the distance in meters at which the string is visible at normal sharpness view.

There are a number of special tables to determine the vision in visually impaired people who have signs of visual acuity from 0, 05 to 0, 2-0, 4.

 Check Table view - the basic standards

Research acuity tables

The study of visual acuity should be performed in compliance with the standard conditions: room lighting and tables, signs contrast with the field of the table. Normally, visual acuity was tested at the presentation of a fixed object for an unlimited (1-2 seconds) time.

To assess the speed of visual reaction test placing a sign (usually this ring Landolt), moving at a constant velocity along the arc with the center in the study eye. Visual acuity is obtained under these conditions is called dynamic. Visual acuity is obtained upon presentation of objects in a predetermined short (less than 1 second) is called the exposure time. There is also a retinal visual acuity, which is defined in the clouding of the refractive media of the eye by means of special optical instruments.

Special devices to determine visual acuity designed for the presentation of all of the above objects under specified conditions of illumination and contrast.

Visual acuity - this study, which is always held before the inspection ophthalmologist.

  Galina Romanenko
