Spray throat is often a real salvation in the autumn-winter period, when our life burst acute respiratory viral infections (ARI). Who has ever been ill with SARS, he knows how unpleasant sensation of constant tickling, rawness and dryness in the throat, from which you want to get rid of as soon as possible.
Why can sore throat
Sore throat often in the development of viral or bacterial infection, it can rarely be fungal or mixed infection. Affected are different departments of the throat.
Thus, sore throat may occur as a mucosal inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis), and then the patient concerned dry, scratchy throat and burning at normal or slightly elevated temperature.
But if inflamed tonsils and the process becomes purulent, the temperature rises high, and there are difficulties in swallowing - a sign of purulent (or follicular lacunar) angina.
If you sit voice and it becomes difficult to breathe, it means inflamed and swollen mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords (laryngitis) - this is a very dangerous condition, but it usually occurs in children. Adults simply appears hoarseness.
All of these diseases require different treatment strategies.
If the sore throat and laryngitis
Laryngitis - deadly
in adults can be quite conventional home agents in the form of a warm drink in combination with a spray, then with angina
Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
appointed antibiotics and gargling, which can also be combined with the use of sprays.
Pain and other unpleasant sensations in the throat can occur in chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis - these diseases require treatment at an otolaryngologist, who as part of a treatment may appoint and spray.
What are Throat sprays
Sprays (aerosols) for the throat are different and they are intended for the treatment of various diseases and relieving various symptoms.
For the treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis suit sprays such as Hexoral, kameton, ingalipt, kamfomen, stopangin, kollustan.
If you are concerned strong burning and rawness in the throat, the suit kameton - except for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it also has analgesic properties. Dry throat sprays perfectly remove such as kamfomen and ingalipt. Strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties have ingalipt, stopangin. When mixed - bacterial and fungal infections suitable spray Hexoral. Kollustan - a softer spray, it is better to use when not too pronounced manifestations of pharyngitis and laryngitis, including the chronic course of the disease.
In chronic inflammatory processes in the pharynx and larynx funds are required for hygienic oral care. In this case, suitable moisturizing lotion spray on Swiss spring water with extracts of edelweiss, sage
Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
and peppermint
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
Containing no preservatives. He has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, moisturizing and protecting it from dryness, sore and sore throat. This spray can also rent a small swelling of the mucosa, eliminate some hoarseness, dissolve mucus, resulting in inflammation. Spray washes pathogens from the mucous membrane of the larynx and pharynx, improves local immunity and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.
How to use the spray for the throat
The main advantage for a throat spray is a high concentration of drugs, which is formed at the site of application.
In order to spray the throat better to act before it is necessary to remove the application of excess mucus - throat rinse thoroughly with warm water.
When pharyngitis and laryngitis are sprays without the metering valve.
Spray spray you must first remove the sprayer cap or if there is a removable attached to the drug dispenser, then wear it. Then spray gun several times pressed, ensuring that the solution is entered into a spray bottle and stood after pressing a steady stream and then introduced into the oral cavity as far as possible (language should be omitted), hold their breath (sprays can not breathe) and click on sprayhead twice directing spray in different directions. After spray application to the mucosa is desirable not to swallow saliva and hold the drug for at least three minutes. Nor can drink or eat after spray. Removable sprayer before and after use should be washed with hot water.
Since you can not breathe spray (may occur reflex respiratory arrest) should be used with caution in the treatment of their children, while applying only those sprays that can actually be applied to children in accordance with the instructions supplied.
Galina Romanenko