Adenoids: removal - how to prepare for surgery?

October 9, 2011

 Adenoids second degree are treated more quickly and it's not a whim of doctors. In medicine, a wealth of experience observing the sprawling vegetations adenoid tissue, and the conclusion is clear: to remove. The large size of the adenoids Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil  Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil
   prevent adequate nasal breathing, which leads to abnormal development of the facial skeleton and disrupts the blood supply to the brain, due to which the child has reduced attention and memory. Once they close the internal auditory canal, and it can threaten the hearing-impaired and speech.

 Adenoids: removal - how to prepare for surgery?

Preparation for surgery

Psychological preparation is in an open discussion with your child his upcoming surgery. Parents need to talk about the reasons that caused the need for it, that this simple operation is carried out have so many children, and then their life has improved significantly, said that the operation is carried out fast and strong pain the child will not experience, and that after the procedure, he will once with parents .

Such training is necessary, as the fear of the unknown causes more damage to the psyche.

Physiological training involves inspection specialists and preoperative examination, the implementation of the recommendations of the doctor. On the day when the operation is conducted, the child is forbidden to eat and drink - it is an important moment, as during surgery may be vomiting, and it threatens the development of serious complications.

 Adenoids: removal - how to prepare for surgery?


Children are very impressionable, so many adults who have undergone adenotomy in early childhood, remember it still. The fact that no nerves adenoid tissue, before the disposal operation carried out without anesthesia. An experienced doctor quickly cut curette adenoids, and the child is securely fixed his assistants.

Currently, surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is performed by spraying or smearing special anesthetics good analgesic, but the child is watching what is happening, scared, and view their own blood can cause a condition of prolonged stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 . Therefore, the recent operation is performed under general anesthesia. This is the best option for the child, because he does not see the operation itself and is not afraid of the tools and the process itself.

Adenoid vegetation removed using special instruments held endoscopic control, as if left even a small piece of the adenoids - later it can grow to considerable size, which sometimes require re-operation. Removal of the adenoids with a laser and freezing method is not accepted by most clinics, since the dignity of their application are disadvantages.

The surgery is performed quickly, and the child is transferred to the ward under the supervision of parents.

 Adenoids: removal - how to prepare for surgery?

The postoperative period

Immediately after surgery, the child may be coughing up blood or vomit blood clots - this is normal, just a wound not yet healed, and the blood irritates the stomach wall. We need to have on hand wipes or towels, in time to help the child. The bleeding must stop for twenty minutes after the operation.

During the day may increase body temperature to febrile digits, for it is impossible to reduce the use of aspirin Aspirin - NSAIDs  Aspirin - NSAIDs
   and other blood-thinning agents. Three days polupostelny recommended, protective regime ensuring child fresh air and optimum temperature of the environment.

Within three to ten days observed light diet, which consists in the use of a child only liquid and pureed, non-irritating food in the form of heat. Five days appointed vasoconstrictor nose drops Vasoconstrictor nose drops - use with caution!  Vasoconstrictor nose drops - use with caution!
 And then - binding to ten days. It helps normalize the breathing.

Protective mode without physical exertion is appointed for a month after the operation, this time recommended by a special breathing exercises. If the operation and the postoperative period went smoothly - the child quickly forget about this stage of his life in the past and will remain eternally open mouth, hard of hearing, loss of memory and attention. The child will begin to better absorb the course material and to please his parents' estimates and healthy appearance.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • adenoids

Adenoids: physiotherapy - why is it necessary?

September 15, 2011

 physiotherapy, adenoids
 Physiotherapy techniques, of course, used in the treatment of adenoids. They are used mainly in order to strengthen the body's defenses (immune system), and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Cure adenoids using the physiotherapy treatments fail.

 Adenoids: physiotherapy - why is it necessary?

General principles of physical therapy adenoids

Physiotherapy - a set of methods of treatment of diseases using various physical factors (electric current, magnetic field, light, heat). Most of these techniques are effective if they are carried out in combination with other therapeutic measures. Thus physiotherapy treatments may reduce the pill burden on the patient in the form of various drugs.

Under the influence of physiotherapy activated by the body's defenses, metabolism, improves blood circulation, lymph flow, reduces inflammation. All this contributes to a more efficient and rapid treatment of the disease. The most effective effect is early in disease. Apply techniques and physical therapy to prevent disease or relapse.

Is there a cure adenoids some physiotherapy methods? Certainly not, physiotherapy should be one of the links in the complex treatment.

Only long-term targeted treatment as is acute and an exacerbation of the inflammatory process (adenoiditis) may suspend the process of proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsils or adenoids.

Physical therapy techniques can be used individually or as a set of procedures. Complex physical therapy prescribed by a doctor, physical therapist.

 Adenoids: physiotherapy - why is it necessary?

Light therapy in adenoids

Among the methods of light therapy in the treatment of adenoids applied ultraviolet radiation (UVR, EUV-therapy) and the impact of a laser beam (laser).

UFO intranasally is most often used during acute adnoidita - ultraviolet rays kill pathogens and dried inflamed nasal mucosa. UFO whole body is used as a restorative procedure, the recovery of immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 That is the prevention of nasal diseases and, accordingly, further increase the adenoids.

When exacerbation (adenoiditis) shall also be treated shortwave ultraviolet radiation, so-called EUV therapy. Under her influence infectious agents are killed.

Lazezeroterapiya now considered almost an alternative to surgical treatment. But it is mainly in children, in adults it is unlikely to be able to fulfill this role. Best of all laser impacts are small (I-II degree) adenoids. Local impact of the laser beam activates the body's defenses, improve blood circulation in the place of impact. There are special methods of laser therapy in adenoids, which can prevent their further proliferation.

 Adenoids: physiotherapy - why is it necessary?

Electrotherapy in adenoids

Electrotherapy is used mainly during exacerbation adenoiditis. Appointed physiotherapy procedures such as electrophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy, EHF therapy.

Using electrophoresis in the nasal cavity can drive various medicinal solutions (e.g., diphenhydramine, calcium chloride, potassium iodide), contributing to a reduction of edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and inflammation.

UHF (ultra-high frequency magnetic field) is applied during exacerbation of the disease, this effect also helps to reduce inflammation.

Magnetotherapy - is the impact of high and low frequency AC or DC magnetic field. This gives rise to electrical currents, causing a change in physico-chemical properties of the cells of various tissues of the body, speed up metabolism. Local effects of the magnetic field improves the nervous and vascular regulation of the area to be exposed, as well as the ability of tissues to resist infection (local immunity).

EHF-therapy (extremely high frequency therapy) is the effect on the body with the help of the energy of electromagnetic waves of extremely high frequency range at certain points on the body that causes the body's "memory" of that time, when he was healthy. The method has virtually no contraindications.

 Adenoids: physiotherapy - why is it necessary?

Other methods of physical therapy effects in adenoids

First of all, it is inhaled. But it must be quite clear about that inhalation may reduce inflammatory edema during acute adenoiditis, but does not affect the growth of the adenoids.

During exacerbation adenoiditis can do inhalations with diphenhydramine, calcium chloride, alkaline inhalations just mineral water. But to make them better in fizioterapevtichekogo cabinet as hot inhalation (namely, those can be done at home) in adenoids Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil  Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil
   contraindicated - they will cause even more tissue edema and nasal congestion.

Physiotherapy - this is just one method of conservative treatment of adenoids.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • adenoids
