Medicinal tinctures, infusions and decoctions prepared on the basis of horse chestnut seeds are widely used in folk medicine of different countries for the treatment of venous diseases, including the treatment of venous ulcers. Today, drugs are available, an active substance which is a dry extract of horse chestnut seeds, for example, Aescusan.
How is chronic venous insufficiency
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) - a chronic venous disease, including varicose veins
Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
, Postthrombotic disease, congenital and traumatic disorders of the structure of the veins.
CVI is today one of the most common diseases that are more common in women. The reason for the increasing incidence of CVI is a sedentary lifestyle, the hereditary characteristics of the venous system, the extra weight. CVI often develops during pregnancy.
The basis of this disease is a violation of the microcirculation in the small blood vessels - capillaries that leads to disruption of blood flow and oxygen supply (hypoxia). At the same time due to the stagnation in the capillaries is a violation of the state of their walls, which includes adhesion mechanism - platelet adhesion to vessel walls to form a blood clot. Disturbed blood circulation in the capillaries, which leads to the activation of white blood cells - they also stick to the walls of the capillaries and leak into the surrounding soft tissue capillaries, causing swelling and inflammation in the walls of the veins. This process involves a growing number of small veins (venules), causing them to malfunction of the venous valves, which normally should promote blood in the desired direction.
That is modern theory of the formation (pathogenesis) of CVI is based on the primary lesion of the vein walls. In this regard, the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency at the forefront venotoniki and capillary protector. These drugs include, for example, Aescusan.
Application Aescusan
Active ingredient Aescusan
Aescusan - help with venous insufficiency
a dry extract of horse chestnut seeds, or rather it contained the active substance - escin. Escin is venotoniki, ie it is able to make the walls of the veins more elastic, less permeable and reduce the lumen of the vein. All this contributes to improvement of venous current in the desired direction.
But the main escin properties that allow its use for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency are kapillyaroprotektornoy and antiplatelet properties. As Aescusan capillary protector protects capillaries against the harmful effects, including the effects of free radicals and toxic substances. It tones capillary walls, making them less permeable that reduces swelling and inflammation. It also inhibits platelet aggregation and thrombus formation.
This action allows the use of multidimensional eeskuzan for the prevention of CVD, especially in people at risk (sedentary, overweight, long-standing staying stationary, and so on). Aescusan effective in the treatment of CVD, especially in the early stages of it. But in this case it applies Aescusan not independently, but as part of a treatment.
How to take
Aescusan comes in the form of an alcoholic solution of oral tablets and Aescusan 20. From prevention to people at risk for the development of CVD, this drug can be taken twice a year in courses of 3-4 weeks. Drops taking 12 drops three times a day and one tablet as three times per day. It is better to take pills during the meal, as Aescusan in some cases (rarely) cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.
With the purpose of treatment when already formed CVI Aescusan take individually selected dose prescribed by your doctor. The duration of treatment as determined by a physician.
Do Aescusan contraindications and side effects?
This drug is usually very well tolerated, it is non-toxic. But when it is used sometimes appear stomach pain and nausea, indicating that stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract. Possible allergic reactions when taking Aescusan.
He is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to its components and in chronic renal failure. It is not recommended to take Aescusan also during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
breast - it acts on the patient population studied enough.
Aescusan has an impact on the multilateral veins and capillaries, allowing to use it as venotoniki and capillary protector in the complex treatment of chronic venous insufficiency
Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
Galina Romanenko