Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

June 29, 2008

 treatment of thrombophlebitis
 If thrombophlebitis affects the veins, located directly under the skin, your doctor may recommend home treatment. For example, it is recommended to apply warm compresses to the affected area of ​​the skin, while relaxing raise the legs as high as possible and to take non-prescription NSAIDs. Typically, such patients condition improved one or two weeks later.

For the treatment of more serious forms of thrombosis, including deep vein thrombosis may need the following tools:

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

Blood thinners

When deep vein thrombosis doctor may prescribe injections of blood thinners (anticoagulants), such as heparin. After treatment with heparin is often administered a course of warfarin to prevent subsequent formation of new blood clots. If you receive this medication, take it carefully following the instructions. Warfarin - a powerful medication that can cause severe bleeding. Dabigatran - a new and safer anticoagulants.

Formulations absorbable thrombi, or thrombolytic agents such as alteplase (Activase), used for the treatment of extensive deep venous thrombosis. If there is a risk of pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism - a dangerous violation  Pulmonary embolism - a dangerous violation
 , Thrombolytic agents used and milder forms of thrombophlebitis.

Supporting Tights help prevent re-occurrence of the symptoms of thrombosis and complication of deep vein thrombosis.

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon


In some cases, particularly if the patient can not take anticoagulants, it can be assigned to the procedure, during which the main vein is inserted into the abdominal cavity filter which blood clots will not penetrate into the lungs. Typically, after this procedure, the patient is not required to stay in the hospital.

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

Removal of varicose veins

If varicose veins cause severe pain as well as recurrent thrombophlebitis treatment may be elected as the removal of varicose veins. During this procedure, veins are removed through small incisions. The operation does not adversely affect blood circulation in the foot, as the veins located deeper, will take over the job of vein removal. The operation to remove the veins can be carried out for cosmetic reasons. After that usually are advised to wear support stockings or tights.

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

Removal of blood clots

In some cases, surgery is needed to remove blood clots or blood clots which block vein pelvic or abdominal pain. Alternatively, such operations may be angioplasty: a stent is introduced into the vein - a metal or plastic construction of cylindrical form, whereby the circulation of blood in the vein is resumed. After the operation, it is necessary to continue taking anticoagulants, such as aspirin.

Proponents of alternative medicine for the treatment of thrombosis using hirudotherapy.

To prevent the recurrence of thrombosis, it is recommended in the first place to lead an active lifestyle. Intense exercise can cause harm, but regular moderate exercise is needed. It is not recommended to stand or sit for a long time.

Changes in diet can help cure mild forms of thrombosis and to prevent recurrences. Eat garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   (this is one of the most potent natural anticoagulant), ginger Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties  Ginger and the most unexpected, but pleasant useful properties
 , Lemon, oats, raspberries, blueberries Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest  Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
 . From diet to exclude foods that contribute to the formation of blood clots - first of all, that fatty meats, sausages, sausages, semi-finished products and fast food. In addition, smoking and alcohol abuse salt and hormonal contraceptives increase the risk of blood clots.

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

Tactics of treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins

If thrombophlebitis phenomena appeared at the level of the lower leg, you will be able to be treated in a clinic with a surgeon, but it is better if it is angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon). We must remember that if the process is extended to the hip, it is likely to need to go to the hospital, do not give up on this, since the defeat of the hip increases the threat of complications. It also happens that the treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower leg in two weeks no effect - then have to adopt a more intensive treatment, which is also subject in the hospital.

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

Do I need to comply with bed rest?

This is one of the main issues that interested patients.
  Nowadays, it is believed that strict bed rest should observe only those patients who previously suffered pulmonary embolism, that is, have a tendency to separation of blood clots. But the need to limit the expression of physical activity that requires considerable effort.

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

The main tasks

It is necessary to quickly affect the disease site, to prevent it from spreading to other areas and, above all, to deep vein tibia. Treatment should be carried out according to the rules in order to avoid relapse (relapse of disease). Most patients with superficial vein thrombophlebitis shin quite conservative treatment.

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

Conservative treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of the lower leg

Compresses the elastic bandage shows, but they can cause a person a lot of pain, so they are administered strictly individually.

For the treatment of inflammation of the superficial veins are not always applied antibiotics, in some cases, you can do without them (this will solve the doctor).

It is not always used in the treatment and drugs that reduce trombootrazovanie (anticoagulants). The fact that after 3-5 days anticoagulant heparin in a patient might cause a decrease in platelet count, which are also responsible for blood clotting (there is a threat of bleeding). If there is a threat of further blood clots in outpatient prescribed drugs such as e.g., dalteparin, which usually causes no reduction in platelet count. These preparations can be administered once a day, up to ten injections, and then applying even safer drugs preventing thrombosis.

There ointment containing heparin (lioton-gel gepatrombin). They have a relatively high dose of heparin, so they are sometimes used instead of injection. Ointment (or gel) gepatrombin has a strong antithrombotic effect, thus unlike Lioton it contains half the heparin, but additional components and essential oils of pine, its member, have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment is applied to the affected area 1-3 times a day.

When conservative treatment is also used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (eg Nice), which reduce inflammation and pain. Applied drugs that increase the tone of veins (eg Rutoside or detraleks), preventing their expansion.

It is used as systemic enzyme, for example, flogenzimom (Course 1, 5-2, 5 months.), Which helps to reduce swelling, pain and heaviness in the legs (the effect appears only after 3-4 weeks of treatment and reaches a maximum in 1-2 months) . Preparations for enzimopatii system - a mixture of enzymes of plant and animal origin, they have anti-inflammatory, anti preventing thrombosis, analgesic and reducing the influence of the immune system.

 Treatment of thrombophlebitis - help angiosurgeon

Surgical treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of the lower leg

The main indication for surgical treatment is higher than the average spread of thigh or the presence of a blood clot in the lumen of the large veins (to be confirmed by special studies - venogram or duplex scanning).

The operation is usually under local anesthesia, but general anesthesia possible. Is an oblique incision in the groin area, stands the trunk of the great saphenous vein, opened its lumen (the patient or the anesthesiologist at the time holds his breath at the height of inspiration) and a special technique removed a blood clot. Then check the correct flow and Vienna ligated. After 5-6 days, if necessary, the second stage of the operation - the removal of thrombosed varices in order to avoid the development of further gross trophic disorders.

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  • thrombophlebitis
