- Venectomy: a radical solution to the problems with varicose veins
- Treatment
Varicose veins - one of the most common pathologies in the world. Despite the fact that developed many treatments for this disease, only venectomy (removal of superficial veins) can stop the mechanism of its development.
What are varicose veins
The outflow of blood from the lower limbs through the surface (small and large subcutaneous) and deep veins. These two systems communicate with each other through the perforating (perforated) vessels. Most of the venous blood flowing from the lower limbs deep veins. Recent along its entire length has a plurality of valves that prevent backflow of blood. This is one of the mechanisms by which blood vessels in healthy venous moves from the periphery to the central direction (to the heart).
Varicose veins is a dilation of superficial veins of the lower extremities, which occurs due to pathological changes in the walls of these vessels, and valve apparatus. As a result, the blood from the deep venous network is reset to the surface network through the perforating blood vessels.
Depending on the severity of the disease varies from the size of the veins of vascular "stars" to large nodes and plexus. A feeling of heaviness in the legs, night cramps and burning. With the progression of the disease there is swelling in the feet, ankles and legs. They are more visible at night and disappear in the morning.
Treatment of varicose veins is conservatively (without surgery) and surgery. The first method allows you to stop the progression of the disease, but does not affect the mechanisms of its development. In order to stop the discharge of blood in the superficial veins of the deep, and prevent complications, performed venectomy.
Indications and contraindications for venectomy
To conduct venectomy there are a number of indications. These include:
- Extensive varicose veins;
- Distinct signs of blood flow (heavy legs, edema);
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Trophic disorders in the soft tissues of the lower limbs (eg, trophic ulcers).
Under certain conditions surgery is contraindicated. Venectomy can not be performed:
- In severe concomitant diseases of the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys;
- Elderly;
- During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy;
- In severe infectious processes;
- In the presence of inflammation in the legs, with pyoderma, eczema, erysipelas;
- At a late stage of the disease.
Preparation for surgery
Before venectomy patient must undergo a small survey. It consists of:
- General blood test;
- Biochemical analysis of blood, which must include the determination of the level of glucose
Glucose: The energy source
- Tests for hepatitis
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and HIV infection;
- Blood type and Rh factor;
- Radiography and fluoroscopy of the chest;
- ECG;
- Doppler ultrasonography of lower extremities vessels.
If a person is taking any medications, he should inform your doctor. Doctors also need to know whether the patient has an allergy to the drug.
If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, the eve of the prescribed cleansing enemas. Immediately before the operation, the patient should take a shower and shave full leg, which will be removed veins. In the region of the upcoming surgery should not be pustules.
How is the operation
During venectomy vascular surgeon removes large and small saphenous veins and bandaging the perforating vessels. Such surgery is safe for the human body, as the deep veins carry the blood much more than superficial. Venectomy duration ranges from one to two hours.
There are several ways to remove varicose veins. In step method Troyanova-Trendelenburg cross and then tie up the great saphenous vein in the place where it empties into the femoral. But such intervention is usually not efficient enough.
Most operate Bebkokka operation method. The great saphenous vein in the groin area intersect, and it is administered in a special probe (a tool that has a club-head). This device is promoted to the level of the knee. There are over one probe makes a small incision and then cross vein. Club-head change in the metal cone, which has a sharp edge. Then the probe is pulled in the opposite direction, and the modified portion of the vein collects under the tip in the form of bellows. Likewise removed portion of the great saphenous vein in the leg, and all the small saphenous vein.
In cases where the veins of strongly twisted, operation is conducted by the method of Naruto. The change in the vessels is removed through several small incisions.
Since the operation is necessary to observe all recommendations of the doctor. Typically, they are unique for each patient and are made taking into account the severity of varicose veins, the general state of human health and the scope of the operation.
In order to improve blood flow to the lower extremities, it is necessary to raise the foot end of the bed by ten centimeters. A few hours after venectomy patient should start turning in bed and bend legs.
After the surgery is performed ligation of the lower limbs with elastic bandages or compression stockings. When the necessary procedure is completed, the patient can walk.
Within one week after venectomy person prohibited gymnastics, attend bath
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or sauna. About eight days after the surgery, sutures are removed and the patient is prescribed a course of physiotherapy. Elastic bandaging legs over the next two months - an important part of the recovery period.
Venectomy eliminates pathological mechanisms that contribute to the progression of varicose veins. Timely implementation of the operation helps to avoid complications that arise during the expansion of the superficial veins of the lower extremities.