- Side effects of plastic - not too big sacrifice for beauty?
- Common consequences
- Examples
- Dangers

The most common side effects of plastics
Plastic surgery - it seems to be the ideal way to deal with the inevitable aging process and, at the same time, find a way to truly flawless appearance. Plastic surgery a lot: some are aimed at correcting age-related changes of the face and body, while others are designed to correct defects of appearance, improve it (the latter, for example, may include surgery to change the shape and breast augmentation or lips). However, despite all the apparent advantages of plastic surgery as a radical tool of creating a beautiful appearance, a plastic surgeon and have one significant disadvantage - namely, the numerous side effects of plastics.
Causes of the side effects of plastic surgery can be different: it is the medical error, and low-skilled plastic surgeon, and failure to comply with the rules of post-operative rehabilitation period. Side effects of plastics may be both insignificant, and quite dangerous - sometimes unsuccessfully to have cosmetic surgery can dramatically ruin the appearance.
Regardless of the nature of the operation and that part of the body on which it is made, a number of side effects is always the same and is connected, perhaps, not so much the specifics of plastics, as with surgery, interventions on the "outside" at all. These side effects may include:
- Swelling of the changes have been subjected to surgical parts of the body, swelling
- Discomfort or pain in the area, which was carried out plastic surgery
- Bruising (bruises)
- Temporary reduction or complete loss of sensitivity of the skin at the site of the operation
- Education is well visible scarring at the site of surgical sutures
Other side effects depend on the specifics of plastic running plastic surgery.

Side effects of breast surgery
Plastic surgery designed to change, improve breast shape
Forms of Breast importantly - immutability
and the change (increase or decrease) its size - perhaps the most popular form of plastic in modern plastic surgery. At the same time these plastic surgery accompanied by the largest number of possible side effects.
Perhaps one of the worst side effects of breast augmentation surgery - a deformation of the breast as a result of medical errors in the process of correction of breast shape, or as a result of rejection by the body placed to increase breast size
Breast size - does it matter?
implants. Sometimes, after a while after plastic breasts can be observed asymmetry of the breasts associated with involuntary displacement of the inserted implants.
Another serious side effect of breast augmentation surgery - a violation of the sensitivity of the chest, caused by damage to the nerve endings. First of all this kind of side effects are typical for breast plastic operations involving a breast lift (mastopexy so-called). In carrying out the necessary cuts in the skin the plastic surgeon can damage nerve endings, and the result of such damage becomes reduction or complete loss of sensation in the breast. Finally, an integral part of any plastic surgery to change the shape or size of the breast incision itself is associated with a variety of risks: it is an infection, and the formation of significant postoperative keloids requiring additional correction in the future, and even damage to the muscle tissue with severe circulation.

Side effects with plastic lip
Changes in the volume and contour of the lips is a hit among women who want to become more sexy, attractive. Lip accessible, democratic, but, unfortunately, not always pleased with the results.
Lip carried out using drugs contouring, biodegradable materials, most of which are not dangerous to the human body. But sometimes these drugs may experience an allergic reaction
Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
Manifested edema
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
, Redness, itching. Vascular lesions can cause bleeding, which is also on the lips look unaesthetic.
One of the biggest problems Lip - unbalanced, unnatural, uneven contour, too much. In some cases it is necessary to wait until the gel a little resolve, and lips will find a smoother shape. In other situations, a correction.
In view of the availability of the procedure should be to warn women of the plastic lip untested clinics, beauty salons, from private masters without proper qualifications. Despite the simplicity of the procedure, the side effects of it can be quite impressive.

Face Lift (facelift)
Traditional face lift, helps look much younger, because during surgery removes excess skin, wrinkles and laxity.
At the age of about forty years, many people, mostly, of course, women, there is a loss of skin tone, muscle weakness and an increase in the number and depth of wrinkles. They may go through a facelift to give a face and image as a whole more youthful appearance. Lift can be general and local, with affecting the skin on the eyelids, chin, forehead.
In conventional facelift surgeon removes the skin in the transverse direction, pulling the skin towards the ear. After the tension of the skin doctor makes an incision at the hairline near your ear. It removes skin, fat, muscle and connective tissue to remove loose skin, leaving the face smooth.
After such an operation, the patient has scars, bruises, hair may fall out, or start bleeding at the incision site. Others may observe skin necrosis or loss of skin due to tissue death. In the first days after the operation, many suffer from neurological disorders and muscle dysfunction.
The traditional facelift can permanently change your appearance. And the most unpleasant aesthetic side effect in this case is the asymmetry of the face, unnatural direction of lifting the skin under tension, too much tension, which leads to scarring, ottyazheniyu earlobes, change the contour eyes, lips. Resorption tumors after surgery takes up to six months.