Abdominoplasty - whether to give your stomach into the power of the surgeon?

November 20, 2008

  • Abdominoplasty - whether to give your stomach into the power of the surgeon?
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 When squatting, twisting and diets do not help to make perfectly flat stomach, you may want to think about an operation such as abdominoplasty. During this operation, remove excess fat and skin that prevent the stomach to find their dreams, and, hence, a slender waist. However, it is important to take into account that this is a serious operation, and before making a final decision, you need to collect a lot of information to analyze the "pros" and "cons" - and, of course, do not rush. Abdominoplasty - no magic wand for the lazy, and the last resort for those who have tried everything and came to the conclusion that the non-invasive methods will not help to cope with folds and fat on the abdomen. Thus, abdominoplasty in any case should not be considered as an alternative to traditional methods of losing weight.

 Abdominoplasty - whether to give your stomach into the power of the surgeon?

Suitable for abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty can make men and women, in general good health. This operation is often used by women who have muscle and skin were strongly stretched after pregnancy. It can also be useful for men and women, whose skin and abdominal muscles are stretched greatly as a result of obesity. The operation makes sense to carry out only after the successful treatment of obesity.

Usually, abdominoplasty is not recommended for women who are planning to in the future to have children, as well as those who have yet to lose a lot of kilos.

Depending on the desired result, the operation may last from one to five hours. Will the patient to go home the day of surgery, or he would have to stay in the hospital depends on the complexity of the particular situation.

Abdominoplasty is performed using general anesthesia.

Type of abdominoplasty depends on the expected results; it has determined, in consultation with your doctor.

Full abdominoplasty. During the operation in the lower abdomen, about the growth of pubic hair line, making an incision from hip to hip. Then, the doctor removes a piece of skin, fat and muscle tissue.

Partial abdominoplasty usually used in those cases where the basic deposits of fat and skin folds arranged below the navel. The operation is performed using an endoscope, allowing for its implementation need only a small incision. Typically, partial abdominoplasty takes less than two hours.

 Abdominoplasty - whether to give your stomach into the power of the surgeon?

Preparing for abdominoplasty

If you smoke, you have to quit several weeks before surgery - the doctor will determine the exact date. Typically, it takes no smoking for at least two weeks prior to and after surgery. Smoking increases the risk of complications and slow down the recovery of the body.

Before surgery, you need to eat a balanced, avoiding both over-eating and lack of calories and nutrients. Proper nutrition plays a key role in recovering from the operation.

Sometimes the doctor recommends to stop taking some medicines for a few days or weeks before surgery.

Before you go to surgery, make sure that you have at home:

  • Ice;
  • Comfortable clothing that is easy to remove and put on;
  • Vaseline - they lubricate joints you;
  • Pain medications (ask your doctor exactly what pain relievers can be taken after surgery, and buy them in advance).

 Abdominoplasty - whether to give your stomach into the power of the surgeon?


Within a few days after surgery, most patients experience pain, swelling occurs in the abdomen. Discomfort may persist for several weeks or months. In addition, you may experience symptoms such as numbness, bruising and fatigue.

Among the rare and dangerous complications of abdominoplasty - infection, bleeding, and blood clots. The risk of complications increases if the patient has such conditions as diabetes, poor circulation, heart disease Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
 , Lung or liver.

 Abdominoplasty - whether to give your stomach into the power of the surgeon?


Full recovery from abdominoplasty takes several months. Return to work will be about a month (if it is not associated with intense exercise). For at least six weeks, the patient should drastically reduce physical activity.

After abdominoplasty the patient must adhere to proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 . Excess calorie foods will not prevent recovery, but it can easily destroy the result of the operation, which requires the patient a lot of time, effort, not to mention money. It is strongly recommended before abdominoplasty consult a nutritionist.

Facelifting - popular, but to be safe it?

February 15, 2009

   For many patients, the circular face lift can be relatively inexpensive, convenient alternative to traditional facelift techniques. Because this procedure is less invasive, it is associated with it risks and fewer shorter recovery period in comparison with the conventional facelift. Therefore, it can be an effective means to minimize the common signs of aging Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
   face and neck, and avoid various complications associated with plastic surgery.

 Facelifting - popular, but to be safe it?

What is the circular face lift

Sometimes cosmetic problems are present only on a few specific areas of the face. In such cases, can be used only for surgery limited areas of the skin - this allows for a significant improvement with the use of minimally invasive techniques. This method is particularly suitable lifting relatively young people - mostly aged between 30 and 50 years. Instead of long sections that make in the ordinary course of a face-lift, for a circular braces make three or more sections, each no longer than two centimeters. They are made on the hairline or where possible, behind the ear. The small size and convenient location of incisions provides almost complete absence of visible scarring.

After the cuts have been made, the surgeon performs a circular facelift injected under the skin surface of the device, similar to a thin stick - endoscope. It is equipped with a small camera that allows you to monitor the progress of the procedure on a monitor. Through the remaining incisions small surgical instruments are inserted. They are used to remove excess fat and change the shape of the facial muscles and tissues, which over time become less elastic. Thus, the surgeon removes many of the key factors contributing to sagging skin.

 Facelifting - popular, but to be safe it?

Suitable for Facelifting

The best candidates for patients specialist Facelifting are people with moderate cosmetic defects caused by excess fat tissue and weakening of facial muscles. Such disadvantages include, for example, sagging cheeks, visible wrinkles her nose, small wrinkles on the forehead. In general, the skin of these patients is still in good condition, age-related changes affected the small areas of the face and neck; age of the patients who fit the circular face lift, usually from 30 to 55-55 years. Potential patients, it is important to have a realistic advance understanding of what results can be achieved using this type of facelift. In fact, the first and important step in the procedure - the patient is an explanation of what can be achieved by using a circular face lift, but what - not.

 Facelifting - popular, but to be safe it?

Benefits circular facelift

In addition to the lack of visible scars, have a circular lifting persons have other advantages - for example, it can help to improve the appearance of the skin that are difficult to access using more traditional methods of aesthetic surgery. In particular, in conventional face lift harder to correct small wrinkles above the eyebrows and folds around the nose and mouth.

In addition, the circular face lift usually takes less time, money, and causes a lower level of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Than traditional methods of cosmetic surgery. Complications from this procedure are also much rarer.

 Facelifting - popular, but to be safe it?

Recovering from a circular face lift

As mentioned previously, recovery after this procedure is faster than after procedures using conventional techniques facelift. However, the period depends on the characteristics of the patients skin. The recovery period is very important to follow all the recommendations received from the doctor.

Article Tags:
  • plastic face,
  • tightening
