Plastic surgery - whether you go under the knife?

February 4, 2007

 plastic surgery
 What did you think when you hear about plastic surgery? About Hollywood stars seeking to hide the results of the aging process? Or for those who just want to increase the breasts make the waist thinner, correct the shape of the nose? It is the most common association with plastic surgery, but it is used to correct serious flaws appearance. Plastic surgery can improve not only the appearance of man, but also the quality of his life.

  • Reconstructive plastic surgery involved in correcting the defects of the face and body. Among them congenital defects such as cleft lip, and signs of damage - for example, the scars from the burns and animal bites. Reconstructive surgery and is used to eliminate the effects of treatment of certain diseases - for example, to restore female breast cancer after surgical removal of a breast tumor.
  • Cosmetic plastic surgery is used to change the generally normal parts of the body, that person is just not happy. Such operations are breast augmentation and reduction Breast reduction: the problem the other way around  Breast reduction: the problem the other way around
 Rhinoplasty (correction of the form of nose), liposuction, and others. Some cosmetic surgery Cosmetic surgery: radical transformation  Cosmetic surgery: radical transformation
   carried out only by means of a laser - for example, the removal of unwanted hair and moles.

 Plastic surgery - whether you go under the knife?

Plastic surgery - the right choice?

Regardless of the reasons for which a person begins to consider the possibility of plastic surgery, the final decision may take a long time.

Reconstructive surgery may be a necessity. If a person has a defective appearance, causing him serious psychological problems, the operation will help to solve many of them.

Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, are merely the whim of the person, and doctors on wasting a lot of time on interviews with patients to decide whether to do this or that operation. The fact is that often patients, especially the young, expect miracles from such transactions, considering that large breasts or perfectly flat nose will help them find happiness and love, well-being, self-confidence. Experts recommend doing plastic surgery to those with a more realistic goal.

 Plastic surgery - whether you go under the knife?


Any surgery is associated with certain health risks. The consequences of plastic surgery may be:

  • Infection;
  • Bleeding;
  • Blood clots;
  • Tissue necrosis;
  • The slow recovery of the body;
  • Risks associated with the use of anesthesia (including kosh, respiratory failure, allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   to the anesthetic, cardiac arrest, coma, and death);
  • Pneumonia;
  • Reduced sensitivity;
  • Paralysis or less severe nerve damage.

Risks also include the psychological effects of the operation. Some patients can be very difficult to get used to his new appearance, sometimes it seems they are even less attractive than before the operation. The success of plastic surgery is always subjective - except when obvious blunders doctor, it exists in the eyes of the patient.

Article Tags:
  • types of plastic surgery

Removal of Bisha lumps - how to make a perfect oval face

January 28, 2010

 removing lumps Bisha
 Bisha lumps - a fat formation, which form the so-called "fat body" cheeks, body Bichat, and are located under the skin below the zygomatic bone. What is needed, these lumps of fat, do not know exactly - it is assumed that they formed fat body acts as a kind of "spacers" between the chewing muscles. If the destination is not known Bisha lumps, then here are some disadvantages associated with the formation of fatty bodies are obvious: Bisha lumps, lying under the cheekbone, making the lower part of the cheeks bulkier. Thus, the removal of lumps Bisha to reduce the size of the cheeks to simulate the shape of the face and make it more clear, "sculptural".

 Removal of Bisha lumps - how to make a perfect oval face

Surgery to remove lumps Bisha

Bisha lumps resection procedure is performed either under local or general anesthesia and involves surgery .  The preliminary stage of the operation - doing a little (about one and a half centimeters in length) cut on the buccal mucosa .  Through the incision, the surgeon removes part of the fat formations (the size of the fat body, formed Bisha lumps can reach the size of a hen's egg) - the amount of adipose tissue removed by the surgeon determines the final result of the operation, the final size and shape of the cheeks .  In some cases, when the partial removal of the fat body is not recommended for some reason (for example, if a person is in itself evil), adipose tissue, you move to the cheekbones .  After deleting or moving fat made before the incision is sewn any conventional surgical thread, which are removed a few days after surgery, or threads, which will eventually resolve on their own .  Cheek fixed a special elastic bandage .  Prolonged hospitalization removing lumps Bichat does not require - as a rule, the patient can return home the same day .

 Removal of Bisha lumps - how to make a perfect oval face

The postoperative period

The duration of rehabilitation period after the removal of Bisha lumps can vary from several days to several weeks. During the first three to five days after surgery to remove lumps Bisha recommended rest at home for the fifth-eighth day of the sutures are removed. To come back to the usual daily routine can be a few days after the operation - albeit with some restrictions. During the first two weeks after surgery banned intense exercise, weight lifting. Although you can return to work within five to seven days after the removal of lumps Bisha, in cases where the work involves physical labor or active articulation, a greater load on the area of ​​the mouth and cheeks, it is recommended to increase the duration of the rehabilitation period of up to two weeks. Sports and hard physical work permitted after the operation no earlier than two months.

Although the removal of lumps Bisha - operation seems to be not the most difficult in comparison with other types of plastic surgery, throughout the rehabilitation period is necessary to strictly observe a number of rules. In particular, during the first few days after surgery is recommended to stick to a liquid diet for a week or two to give up solid foods, requires long chewing. Pain after surgery is usually minimal, but if the doctor recommended taking any antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 , Painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs, you should take them in strict accordance with the instructions.

 Removal of Bisha lumps - how to make a perfect oval face

Results of operations

Evaluate the results of the operation to remove the lump Bisha possible, usually not before a few days after the operation - during the first three to five days there is swelling, it is a normal consequence of any plastic surgery, her cheeks may grow in size. In very rare cases, after surgery to remove lumps Bisha may experience bruising. But after swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   subsides, you will notice the difference with the naked eye: by removing lumps Bisha cheeks become smaller, oval face - clearer. Finally, we evaluate the results of the operation is recommended not earlier than four to five months.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • types of plastic surgery
