Restoration of virginity - a surgical procedure is performed only by the will of the patient, no other indications for reconstruction surgery, hymen restoration or not. By itself, the reconstruction surgery procedure is quite simple and completely safe, so widespread: to restore virginity resort for any religious or ethical reasons, after the rape, and so on.

Methods of restoring virginity
There are several different methods for reconstruction surgery, which differ not only in terms of the specificity of the procedure itself, but also from the point of view of the results achieved. The most widely used are two main varieties of reconstruction surgery: short and long. Short-term restoration of the hymen involves linking individual sections of the hymen, and long-term restoration to restore virginity
Virginity - big male myth
It involves suturing the vestibule. Accordingly, the different and the results of these two procedures: the results of short-term restoration of virginity short-lived and persist for one to two weeks, and the results of long-term reconstruction surgery may persist for several years. When long-term reconstruction surgery re deflowering accompanied by all the signs of rupture of the hymen until the bleeding during the first sexual intercourse.

Regardless of the method of restoring virginity immediately before the procedure is necessary to pass a series of tests - including a comprehensive analysis of blood for HIV and hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
, Biochemical blood tests, electrocardiograms, gynecological smear on the flora
Smear on the flora - will help to identify the problem in time
vagina. In addition, before the restoration of virginity may require additional blood clotting. Required step in the procedure - a general or local anesthesia. The duration of the recovery process of virginity depends on the individual characteristics of the methodology and structure of the body and can range from fifteen to forty-five minutes.
In the case of short-term reconstruction surgery procedure requires cross-linking of individual sections of the hymen without full healing joint. Such a procedure is indicated only in cases where the result achieved is required in the near future. But the long-term reconstruction surgery - a procedure which is more complex and involves the formation of a new hymen tissue layers of the vestibule, which sutured special surgical thread eventually resolve independently. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The process of restoring virginity involves the redistribution of individual sections of the vaginal mucosa into the vestibule, followed by cross-linking the three layers of tissue. Duration of operation can reach forty to sixty minutes.

Postoperative period
Since the restoration of virginity - the procedure is not particularly complex and involves only local area vestibule, hospitalization is not required, and to return to the usual routine of a woman can on the same day after the operation
. Nevertheless, during the rehabilitation period, whose duration is a few days, it is recommended to follow some rules
. Among them - the liquid food in the first few days, then - the restriction of the number of products with a high content of fiber, contributing to gas formation and stimulates the process of fermentation in the gut
. After undergoing surgery to restore virginity during the first few weeks are not recommended for intensive physical activities and any sports
. Prerequisite postoperative period - careful compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene with special antiseptic solutions
. Compliance with these measures helps to avoid possible complications associated with the restoration of the hymen

Like a number of other plastic surgery procedure Hymenoplasty is contraindicated in certain diseases and disorders. The main contraindications are:
- Serious diseases of some internal organs (especially in acute stage)
- Inflammatory diseases
- Diseases of the circulatory system, including bleeding disorders

Hymen, its structure and functions
Hymen - is anatomical structures arranged in a circle at the entrance to the vagina and having one or more openings for the outflow of menstrual blood.
Hymen consists of connective tissue framework and covering it epithelium. The hymen can be sluggish (thin, with a predominance of the epithelium), fleshy (thick, with a predominance of connective tissue), fiber (with lots of collagen fibers) and elastic (with a large number of elastic fibers - easily stretched). But more often there are mixed forms.
In appearance, the hymen can be ring-shaped with holes partitioned (contains two holes separated by partition), process, keeled (with the opening roller has going deep into the body, causing membrane sharply anteriorly), crescent-crescent-shaped, etc. Sometimes there are cases of complete imperforate hymen (it has to be surgically make an opening in the onset of menstruation), as well as its complete absence.

Rupture of the hymen
Normally formed hymen usually breaks during the first sexual contact. However, there are forms of the hymen, which due to the anatomical features allow for sexual intercourse without compromising its integrity.
Razpyv hymen (deflowering) is usually accompanied by low and moderate pain, stops bleeding quickly. In some cases, bleeding can be significant (for example, fleshy type hymen). Sometimes the hymen is so elastic that the strain does not happen.

Before the operation geminoplastiki
Before the operation, it is sure to need to be examined in order to avoid sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis and other diseases that are contraindications for surgery. Shall blood tests for HIV, syphilis
Syphilis - punishment of Venus
, Hepatitis B and C, as well as vaginal smear for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, blood is taken in the overall analysis, clotting, an electrocardiogram done.
Hymenoplasty today is a simple operation to do it or not, in most cases solves the woman.
Galina Romanenko