Analyses in the planning of pregnancy - a serious approach

June 26th, 2014

 analyzes when planning pregnancy
 Most couples planning a pregnancy, are simply trying to conceive a child. Typically, couples do not realize that much can be done before you get pregnant to increase chances of a healthy pregnancy and that your baby will be born healthy. There are some tests when planning a pregnancy, you can take before you become pregnant.

If you start taking folic acid 1-2 months prior to conception can reduce the risk of miscarriage and the risk of having a child with birth defects.

An important first step - a visit to the doctor before conception. A doctor familiar with your medical history and examine you.


Pap smear (Pap smear)

This is a common analysis, which takes in women during regular gynecological procedures. Pap smear - is a way of early detection of cervical cancer, changes in the cervix and detect precancerous cells associated with the cervix. Upon detection of abnormal cells gynecologist will discuss with you the further examination and treatment.


Checking the function of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland makes hormones to regulate physiological functions in the body. It produces a thyroid hormone, which regulates the speed with which the body performs the necessary functions. Diseases of the thyroid gland, especially during pregnancy is very common.

Increased or decreased thyroid function before and during pregnancy can have a significant impact on fertility and child development. It is best to be tested for thyroid hormones before pregnancy. Detection of the problem and its treatment will greatly increase your chances of having a healthy baby.


Semen analysis

Over 40% of couples who can not have children, are unable to conceive due to problems with sperm in men. Semen analysis should be the first priority when you assess your ability to conceive.

Semen analysis evaluates the quality, quantity and other parameters of sperm. To determine male fertility is possible only by this analysis.


Postcoital test

Postcoital test determines the compatibility of semen and cervical mucus. This test is often done when the difficulties in conceiving. If the post-coital test is negative, it can be assigned a different type of analysis, or treatment. This test should be carried out strictly during ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 Otherwise it will be unreliable. For this analysis, a man should abstain before sexual intercourse for at least three days and no more than 7-10 days. The analysis is taken no later than 4-6 hours after intercourse.



If a woman is infected with HIV are unaware of their status, a decision about the pregnancy can be difficult. If she does not know that HIV-positive, or is this an unplanned pregnancy, there are ways to protect your child from contracting HIV from the mother.



Mother with repeated cases of genital herpes, herpes, which had been their before pregnancy are less likely to transmit the virus to her baby during childbirth. Every woman who gets genital herpes during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, usually produces antibodies to help protect the fetus. The biggest risk for the baby - for the first time when a woman is infected with genital herpes shortly before delivery.


Hepatitis A

Usually, doctors prescribe to pregnant analysis for hepatitis B Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver  Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver
 But not to Hepatitis A Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!  Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!
 . If you experience the typical symptoms of hepatitis A (poor appetite and weight loss, diarrhea, nausea, headache, fever, jaundice, enlarged liver), the doctor may prescribe a blood test to confirm the suspicions. However, a blood test does not detect hepatitis A virus before it will take 2-5 weeks after infection.


Hepatitis B

Mothers infected with hepatitis B immune globulin may be given hepatitis B. Infants born to mothers with hepatitis B should receive hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine in the first 12 hours after birth. Re-vaccination at the age of 6 to 18 months, fully protects the baby against hepatitis B.



During pregnancy, most women agree to be tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Although many women are skeptical of these analyzes, if they are in long-term monogamous relationship, this analysis is very important and is safe for both mother and fetus. Undiagnosed chlamydia can lead to infection in the baby, which can cause congestion in the chest, coughing and pneumonia at the age of three weeks. Babies may also suffer from an eye infection, if you face a chlamydial infection.


Rubella titres

There is evidence from many sources, it is determined that among infants born to women vaccinated against rubella within 3 months of pregnancy, there were no cases of congenital rubella syndrome. However, it is recommended not to get pregnant sooner than 28 days after the vaccination against rubella Vaccination against rubella - can not be ignored  Vaccination against rubella - can not be ignored



Usually analysis of CMV is not offered to pregnant women if they have no symptoms (which may be similar to the symptoms of colds and flu). However, if you are in contact with young children, the analysis of CMV prior to pregnancy may be advisable. Discuss this with your doctor.



Toxoplasmosis - an infection caused by contact with a microscopic parasitic organism called Toxoplasma gondii. Upon contact of pregnant women with the infection, it can pose a serious risk to the unborn child.


Blood group and Rh factor

If a pregnant woman is Rh negative, there is a possibility that it may be Rh-conflict pregnancy or childbirth that can be a problem during the next pregnancy. Women with Rhesus conflict may produce antibodies that are able to cross the placenta and attack the red blood cells of the fetus.

To prevent Rh konfilkta, pregnant women with negative Rh introduced human immunoglobulin antirezus Rho (D), at least once during pregnancy and after birth, if the child has Rh positive.

If both the mother and the father Rh negative, the baby will also be Rh negative and Rh-conflict does not happen.

Article Tags:
  • pregnancy tests
