Conception: What You Need to Know

January 23, 2011

 As is known, pregnancy starts from the moment of conception. One pair that requires a month, others for a year, and others are working on the "process" for several years. Conception - this is a very delicate and sensitive magical moment of origin of life and the future depends on many factors: age of the future parents, their chronic illnesses, living conditions and nutrition, stress and nervous overload.



Conception - a meeting of two reproductive cells of men and women, that is, sperm and egg, resulting in fertilization and the formation of the embryo. The merger takes place the egg and sperm in the fallopian tube where the egg then travels into the uterus. Conception depends on the ability of women to ovulation and sperm activity. This process can be divided into several stages:

  • fusion of sperm and egg;
  • attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus (implantation) and its division;
  • forming an embryo.



Without ovulation, ie without the oocyte maturation process of conception is impossible. Ovulation is dependent on the menstrual cycle and is regulated by pituitary hormones. On average, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle by about day 12-16. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle under the influence of FSH in the ovary produces about ten follicles. When one reaches maturity (the dominant follicle), begins to produce luteinizing hormone, by which the "main" follicle bursts and the egg leaves the abdominal cavity. In the uterus at this time there are changes in the endometrium, it is prepared to accept a fertilized egg. Shelf life of the egg is about 24 hours, two days maximum. It is important not to miss this moment, it is most fortunate for conception.


How to identify ovulation

Ovulation can be determined in several ways to correctly calculate the favorable days for conception:

  • Indirect signs

There are nagging pains in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
   in the middle of the menstrual cycle, breast tenderness, increased libido from the genital tract become stringy, transparent and sparse.

  • Measurement of basal temperature

For successful conception, it is recommended to make the schedule of basal temperature Basal temperature - try to move less  Basal temperature - try to move less
   for at least three menstrual cycles. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature is 36, 6-36, 8 degrees during ovulation, it rises to 0 and 4 degrees above and 37 becomes larger.

  • Ultrasound of the ovaries

Ultrasound is performed several times during the menstrual cycle, which is determined by the maturation of the follicle and release of an egg.

  • Ovulation Test Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 That are sold in pharmacies.


Rules for successful conception

In order not to be disappointed, and achieve success in an effort to get pregnant, you must follow a few rules:

  • Sex is desirable to engage in one or two days before ovulation. Sperm can live up to nine days and they need time to get into the fallopian tube until the egg is viable.
  • Sex should not be more than three times a week, in this case the sperm accumulates more motile sperm. Also, of course, in the first portions of the ejaculate active sperm ahead follow. Although it is possible conception and bypass this rule.
  • Stop taking hormonal contraceptives, but the first two or three months, then further be protected condoms. During this period, there is a restoration of fertility of the female body and excreted hormones derived from the outside, in tablets. True, many scientists believe that hormone pills may not harm the unborn child, even if the pregnancy occurred on the background of their admission, one day, when a woman has forgotten to take the pill.
  • Get pleasure from sex. During orgasm, the vaginal muscles contract and "draw" sperm, which contributes to the penetration of sperm into the uterus.
  • Posture is also important in a successful conception. The most favorable - missionary, it does not emerge ejaculate out of the vagina, in the top position or standing.
  • Reduce physical activity. During active sports body aims to develop muscles, not pregnancy. Excessive physical activity may disrupt contraction of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • Ban diets. Low-calorie food or malnutrition reduces the production of hormones, which can lead to anovulation Anovulation - the cause of infertility?  Anovulation - the cause of infertility?

And, most importantly, do not get hung up on conception. It is not necessary to calculate the days of ovulation grimly, forcing a partner to have sex, you just need to relax and succeed.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • conceiving

Calendar Girls conception - whether there is a grain of truth?

August 30, 2013

 conception calendar girls
 Methods of planning sex of the child, there are many years, including the calendar exists and conception Calendar of conception - is inaccurate, but popular  Calendar of conception - is inaccurate, but popular
   girls. But nature has arranged everything so that it is very difficult. And rightly so, as it may disrupt the demographic situation in the world. In addition, the child in the womb is perfectly perceives her emotional background and reacts to it.

 Calendar Girls conception - whether there is a grain of truth?

Planning the sex of the child - is it worth doing?

Recent studies have found that if a woman is planning a child of the same sex and all the time thinking about it, then the unborn child of the opposite sex may develop such mental disorders Mental Disorders - when life is fun  Mental Disorders - when life is fun
 As inferiority, a sense of inferiority and so on. Some researchers even argue that it is a breeding ground for the development of transgender violations.

But sometimes planning sex of the child is justified. For example, some hereditary diseases transmitted by women, who themselves are not sick. There is a well-known disease like hemophilia, which interferes with blood clotting, and a person can die from just a scratch. This disease occurs only in men and women pass it.

Despite the fact that this issue has long been very concerned about the future parents, accurate, scientifically proven and safe methods of planning sex of the child today, no. To calculate the time of conception to apply special calendar - conceiving a girl is carried out strictly on certain days.

 Calendar Girls conception - whether there is a grain of truth?

Calendar for conceiving girls renewal of the blood of parents

Calendar Girls is based on the conception that a complete renewal of the blood of men and women takes place at different times: men every 4 years, women - once every 3 years. The calculation is carried out, starting from the date of birth or the last major blood loss. The authors of the method are of the opinion that the child will inherit the sex of the parent, whose blood younger at the time of conception. Therefore, maternal age is divisible by 3, and the father of 4, received the remains are compared: one residue greater the floor and give your child. If one of the spouses had significant blood loss, then counting from that point.

Calculate conception calendar girls can be so: if after the division maternal age 3, and the father of 4 in the mother to get more radical, you get the girl. These calculations should be performed before conception. If a woman has received less residue and a girl so very much want, you can help one-time blood donation.

This method is not confirmed by any serious research.

 Calendar Girls conception - whether there is a grain of truth?

Calendar for conceiving a girl using a mode of sexual activity

It has been observed that the birth of a child of either sex depends on the sexual activity of men. For example, girls are more likely born after a long abstinence, birth of a boy requires an active sex life.

For the birthday girl a man recommended to take a break from sexual activity for at least a month. For the birthday boy should always be sexually active.

 Calendar Girls conception - whether there is a grain of truth?

Conception girls - calendar calculation conception of ovulation

Ovulation - this release egg from the ovary. After the release of the egg from the ovary lives day. Released fertilize the egg or sperm that hit the woman's body at the time of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 Or those who "wait" its release from the ovary (the sperm is viable in women up to 6 days).

Sperm cells are of two types: containing chromosomes XX and XY. It was found that the sperm with Y-chromosome are more mobile, but less viable. It is based on this method is the use of ovulation to determine the sex of the child, if the sexual contact with the moment of ovulation is the same, the first to reach the egg sperm with a Y-chromosome, that is, there is a great probability of having a boy. If sexual contact occurred a few days prior to ovulation, the more likely a girl, as the chance to "wait" egg greater in the X-chromosome.

Method complicated as to accurately calculate the time of ovulation is not always possible: rarely have a female menstrual cycle is the same as the day. Some women (but not all) at the time of ovulation feel short abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   - It can help them find their way in this matter.

The method is quite reliable and logically justified, but serious statistical studies of its effectiveness have been conducted.

Thus, in the world today there is no reliable, scientifically proven, safe and effective methods of obtaining the desired sex of the child. No calendar conception not reliable - the girl, the parents so desire, it turns out not always.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • conceiving
