Relief - for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus

December 16, 2012

 Diseases of the rectum and anus are different soreness and are often accompanied by bleeding. For the treatment of diseases such as acute and chronic hemorrhoids, proctitis (inflammation of the rectum), cracks and inflammation of the anus and surrounding tissues, it issued a series of preparations for external use Relief.

 Relief - for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus

What is included in a series of preparations Relief

The series consists of four Relief of drugs for external use: Relief rectal suppositories, rectal ointment Relief, Relief Advanced rectal suppositories and rectal suppositories Relief Ultra.

All these drugs have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, hemostatic and immune stimulating effect due to the presence in them shark liver oil. This oil contains the fat-soluble vitamins, and special substances alkoksiglitseroly, have beneficial effects on the inflammatory process.

The remaining components in the formulations Relief series are different, so they are used for various disease symptoms.

 Relief - for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus

Rectal suppositories and rectal ointment Relief

The composition of rectal suppositories and ointments Relief except shark liver oil include phenylephrine hydrochloride - a substance that has a vasoconstrictor effect. Rapid vasoconstriction reduces their permeability, which leads to the removal of edema - one of the main manifestations of the inflammatory process. This drug is also regulates the inflow and outflow of blood in the area of ​​hemorrhoids, stops bleeding.

Relief Candles used for hemorrhoids and inflammation in the rectal area. Relief Ointment is used for the relief of pain and itching in the anus when the cracks and erosion.

Before injection procedure crotch washed thoroughly with warm water. Candles are administered into the rectum morning and evening, and after each act of defecation, but not more than six times.

Relief Ointment using no more than four times a day: morning, evening and after each defecation, putting it on the skin of the anus and applying for its introduction into the rectum to the enclosed drug applicator.

Of the side effects of the drug are only known allergies are manifested as redness, swelling and itching at the site of application. Contraindicated use of candles and ointments Relief are hypersensitive to the components of the drug. During pregnancy and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast-Relief can be used only on prescription. It is not recommended to use these drugs for children under 12 years.

 Relief - for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus

Rectal suppositories Advanced Relief

The composition of rectal suppositories Relief Advanced except shark liver oil comes widow means of benzocaine. Therefore, use these candles when severe pain and itching in the perineum, which develop in inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the rectum and the skin around the anus and hemorrhoids.

Side effects and contraindications for use in Advanced Relief is the same as that of Relief. Multiplicity and technology introduction candles Relief Advance preparation also complies Relief.

 Relief - for the treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus

Rectal suppositories Relief Ultra

Rectal suppositories Relief Ultra incorporate apart from shark liver oil hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
   and zinc. Hydrocortisone - a means of glucocorticosteroid (GCS), which has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and analgesic. Zinc has a drying effect, so candles Relief ultra quickly relieve inflammation and promote wound healing.

They are applied at the expressed inflammatory process with itching and pain. But removing inflammation, corticosteroids reduce immunity, and as in the anal area is always present opportunistic and pathogenic microflora, very high risk of infection accession.

SCS may affect the entire body and therefore have contraindications Relief Ultra is much more than the other drugs in this series. Application Relief Ultra contraindicated in the presence of any infection or a tumor in the area of ​​the drug. General contraindications are tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
 , Cushing's syndrome (severe neuroendocrine disease), diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   with vascular disorders, edema, pregnancy, breast-feeding, child and individual intolerance of components.

Precautions rectal suppositories Relief Ultra used for high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, which are accompanied by heart rhythm disorders, immune disorders, osteoporosis (decrease in bone calcium).

All Series Relief drugs is better to use prescribed by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Relief

Prostate massage finger most affordable way

November 26, 2011

 Prostate massage finger
 Prostate massage finger - this is the best embodiment of the massage. Massage apparatus such delicate organ as the prostate gland is highly undesirable, as it may hurt. Independently carry out prostate massage Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?  Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?
   Also, do not: you have to trust a specialist.

 Prostate massage finger most affordable way

Why spend prostate massage finger

For carrying out massage finger has its indications and contraindications. It shows first of all, chronic prostatitis and related sexual disorders. In chronic prostatitis prostate massage is a reflex expansion of blood vessels and blood flow to the prostate due to mechanical irritation of the prostate and there are receptors. Blood flow brings nutrients and oxygen - it significantly increases the speed of biochemical processes that make up the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and reduces inflammation.

In addition, prostate massage fingers improves venous and lymphatic flow and outflow of prostatic secretion of dilated ducts of the prostate - it relieves swelling and pain.

Another positive effect of prostatic massage is that it contributes to a better absorption of drugs have been dilated blood vessels deliver it smoothly to the prostate tissue. In cases where the patient has a resistance to antibiotics, prostate massage helps to strengthen infectious agents and to return them to their sensitivity to antibiotics.

For these reasons, prostate massage finger is considered one of the main methods of treatment of chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
 . But in some cases it can not be carried out even in this disease, for example, if the patient except for chronic prostatitis have prostate cancer - massage can promote tumor growth.

For the same reason urologists do not usually prescribe prostate massage finger and prostate adenoma (a benign tumor of the prostate), but in some cases a light massage can improve the condition of the patient with BPH (improving outflow of fluid removed edema), without causing vasodilation, there is a danger of growth of adenoma. But for massage prostate adenoma need a special experience.

It is impossible to carry out prostate massage finger with acute inflammation of the prostate gland - it can cause the spread of infection through the blood vessels throughout the body.

 Prostate massage finger most affordable way

Terms of prostate massage finger

Prostate massage technique thumb is simple, however, it requires certain skills that are not available on the Internet. Therefore, prostate massage finger may hold or urologist, or a specially trained nurse such a massage under the supervision of a physician. Otherwise, you can not only improve, but also significantly worsen the disease.

Another condition of the prostate massage finger is a preliminary examination of the patient. It is necessary to find out what was the cause of chronic prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
   and to exclude contraindications to perform prostate massage finger.

Conduct prostate massage can be both a urologist's office, and in the house - no special facilities for it is not required.

 Prostate massage finger most affordable way

Technique of prostate massage finger

For carrying out massage is necessary to lay a finger of the patient, so that was the maximum relaxation of the muscles of the perineum - is one of the conditions for successful massage. There is an optimum pose (installation) of the patient, which promote muscle relaxation. This position on the right side and Bozeman's position.

Once the patient is in the correct position, calm down and relax (for some men, this procedure is heavy, so they prescribe specific medications, anti-anxiety and promotes relaxation of muscles), the doctor inserts a finger of his right hand (gloved and lubricated with petroleum jelly) to the anus (anus) patients by about 5 cm (length can vary, it depends on the individual characteristics of the patient).

First, before each massage doctor poschupyvaet prostate, it is defining its boundaries and consistency. Thereafter, the light stroking massage of the right lobe of the prostate in a direction from top to bottom and from the periphery to the center - that is tested prostatic ducts. In the first two massage doctor makes only mild strokes cancer finger if it does not cause discomfort, then at the third session added a slight pressure gland.

During prostate massage (of course, if it is properly carried out) should not be a pain and other unpleasant sensations - only in this case, you can get the desired result. Held usually 10 - 12 treatments prostate massage at intervals through the day.

Prostate massage finger - a very effective procedure, but only if it holds a specialist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prostate massage
