Grandaxinum - it relieves anxiety

April 8th, 2010

 Neurosis - one of the most common diseases of our time. For their treatment invented many medicines. One of the most effective drugs for treatment of neuroses are anxiolytics or tranquilizers, which are divided into the night (they help to fall asleep) and afternoon (having a slight activating effect).

 Grandaxinum - it relieves anxiety

How does Grandaxinum

Grandaxinum (INN - Tofisopam) refers to a group of benzodiazepine tranquilizers day. He relieves anxiety, unfounded fears, irritability, weakness, various disorders of the internal organs and systems, arising from the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system: a moderately high blood pressure, palpitations, heart pain Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
   neurotic character.

But it does not have a sedative (sedative) action without relaxes skeletal muscles, so it can be administered to patients with diseases accompanied by muscle weakness. I do not have it, and anticonvulsant effect, on the contrary, under the influence of his seizures may increase.

The recommended dose for receiving Grandaxinum does not increase the effect of alcohol, and practically does not cause the development of physical, psychological dependence and withdrawal.

However, depending on the threat still exists, if we take Grandaxinum long and in large doses.

Grandaxinum also accumulates (not cumulated) in the body.

Action Grandaxinum extends about eight hours, after which it is decomposed in the liver to metabolites (metabolic products) and excreted in urine (main part), and partially - in the faeces.

 Grandaxinum - it relieves anxiety

Who can receive grandaktina

Grandaxinum perfectly relieves emotional stress, so the first thing he shows when nervousness and conditions (such conditions may arise against any organic, in violation of the structure of brain diseases). Exit alarm, different emotions lose their relevance. Perfectly removes any manifestations of autonomic disorders. In place of apathy comes activity. Especially Grandaxinum shown in menopause, premenstrual syndrome, and pain in the heart of the neurotic character.

Take Grandaxinum and of mild depression, but if it does not reduce its symptoms, the doctor should appoint a more effective combination therapy.

Well suited Grandaxinum patients who have experienced severe stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and difficult to adapt to ordinary life situations.

Patients suffering from chronic alcoholism, after a long binge comes the hangover, which can occur very hard, accompanied by anxiety, guilt and various disorders of the internal organs and blood vessels (autonomic disorders). Grandaxinum could not cope with the very severe withdrawal symptoms.

 Grandaxinum - it relieves anxiety

Contraindications to the appointment Grandaxinum

Grandaxinum contraindicated:

  • the increased anxiety, aggression;
  • In severe depression;
  • in the human breathing, including apnea (cessation of breathing during sleep);
  • in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy; during the remaining period of pregnancy it can be administered only by a physician if there is clear evidence;
  • while feeding the baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding (excreted in breast milk);
  • if you are hypersensitive to the drug.

Precautions Grandaxinum prescribed for epilepsy (seizures attacks may become more frequent), elderly patients with organic brain lesions and any manifestations of respiratory failure, even if they were patient in the past. If abnormal liver function and kidney Grandaxinum appointed to a lesser dosage.

Grandaxinum has no marked effect on the concentration, however, in some patients, such reaction can occur, however road while taking Grandaxinum better not operate.

 Grandaxinum - it relieves anxiety

Side effects that may occur while taking Grandaxinum

Grandaxinum may exhibit the following side effects:

  • the central nervous system - headache (very common), sleep disorders, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and aggressiveness, agitation, confusion, increased frequency of seizures in patients with epilepsy;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract - a violation of appetite, constipation, bloating, nausea, dry mouth;
  • from the liver (rarely) - jaundice due to stagnation of bile in the biliary tract;
  • allergic reactions - different types of skin rash, accompanied by itching.
  • on the part of the musculoskeletal system - stress and muscle pain.

Grandaxinum considered a light day of withdrawals increased emotionality and anxiety. But take it on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Grandaxinum

Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total

September 30, 2011

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias
 We are all afraid of something, but not all suffer from pathological fears, called phobias. Some phobias are well known, such as agoraphobia - fear of open spaces or crowds or thanatophobia - the fear of death (last phobia, perhaps, in varying degrees, suffer all). There are other, very strange phobia; eg arahibutirofobiya - fear that peanut butter sticks to the palate.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total


Fear of walking or standing.

Imagine all the difficulties that can be associated with fear: the thought of that stand or walk fills one with horror. Tell me how I could live a normal life? A person suffering from this devastating phobia, have to fight your fear constantly, many times a day. That for us - the most common case for them - a serious test.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total


Fear of making decisions.

Obviously, some phobias have profound psychological consequences. If someone is deathly afraid to make decisions, what is it all live? Maybe he is asking someone to make decisions for him? But it is also a solution. Or maybe he just moves along with the main course and not interfere with the normal course of events? But this - the decision. Decidophobia Consciousness must always be occupied; until they are considering solutions, they do not feel fear. They fear the act of making a decision. This feature means that any personal interaction with the world requires ditsidofoba overcome traumatic fear.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total


Fear of knowledge.

What? Fear of knowledge? Exactly. No school. No education. No acquaintance with any new information. Gnoziofobiya - a kind of mental obstacle to your development. You can no longer learn, unless you want during the whole process feel unrelenting horror that obviously hurt you grasp new knowledge.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total


Fear of food.

Let's quickly analyze the situation: the food needed to live. Kibofobov food scares. This means that these people have two options:

  • completely avoid the food, thereby killing himself exhaustion and dehydration, which is not exactly a viable (or attractive) perspective, or
  • stay alive by eating food, and feeling furious tremors every time a spoon close to his mouth.

Imagine what being kibofobom; maybe you are very fond of macaroni and cheese, pizza, grilled meat or something else tasty. Now all the fun of them will disappear, because for you, these dishes are not only seasoned with salt and pepper, and a dollop sickening fear.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total

Somnifobiya (hypnophobia)

Fear of Sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

Like the previous fear, this phobia affects what we need to stay alive: a good night's rest. But if kibofobii still possible to live a few days without eating, and then somehow force myself to eat and mitigate the effects of starvation, then stay awake and function normally even after a sleepless night can be very difficult. Most people find it difficult to imagine the physical and mental fatigue that causes the phobia; a long time staying awake, you harm your body and undermine the performance of your brain. However, if you try to sleep, you will overtake the fear that is totally incompatible with a healthy, restful sleep.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total

Phonophobia (phonophobia)

Morbid fear of sounds, including your own voice.

As phonophobia can live a normal life? For example, in a soundproof room? Or is it time to go to the plugs in your ears? Or convince the doctor to make yourself deaf surgically? All this, of course, very radical solutions, and also dangerous, but the available alternatives are not very promising: live and horrified by any random sound by softly humming flies to peals of distant lightning storms or thunder of a passing truck or even the sound of his own voice. Even if you close your ears with his hands, it does not help - you'll hear the blood throbbing in his head.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total


The fear of the passage of time, or rather, the very concept of time.

Because of this fear, fear logically follow various time-related concepts - such as the past, present and future, and words such as "later", "before" and so on. How terrible to be a man's life to such fear, is not it? Even if chronophobia not afraid of words and ideas relating to the time he is still afraid of the time and the fact that it is, and people are always somehow realize over time. Just imagine that you chronophobia and look at the old clock with arrows - those loud ticking, counting time.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total


Aspirations to situations that cause fear.

This is perhaps the most hidden and strange phobia. A person has a phobia, and he is looking for objects or situations that cause him discomfort and fear. Description of the condition may resemble some ambivalent masochistic syndrome, but it is believed that kontrafoby do it all, to confront their phobias and learn to deal with them. You've heard on some occasion the ancient motto "look of fear in his eyes." A person suffering from a phobia is much easier to say it out loud than to put into practice. Kontrafoby trying to deal with their fears by putting yourself in their frightening situation. Obviously, this does not help, and they are constantly fluctuating between the options "flee" or "fight". Thus, when kontrafobii the mental devastation and fatigue, which are generally associated phobia, added another level of psychological problems.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total


Morbid fear of phobias.

Phobophobia - is the fear of fear. Wait a minute, but it's already fear. It turns out this frustration is directed by itself? Obviously, it is. It's such a ridiculously complex fear, teasing the mind and introducing it into a stupor that suffer from it is really a pity. They are afraid that they will develop a phobia, but they already have a phobia, so this fear - incessant circling.

 Ten of the most agonizing phobias: fear the possible total


Fear of everything.

At first it seems well, just very funny .  The fear of all? Really? Yes, it is absurd .  But if you think about it a little, one becomes aware of how serious the phobia actually .  Just think about it: the fear of all .  Some sources describe it as vague and constant fear of some unknown evil .  So, theoretically, pantophobia can live quite a normal life, and even enjoy it, if not for one thing - they will suffer from constant, persistent fear of some kind of universal sinister force .  The rest of the phobia from this list are some specific situations and objects, the same fear was in first place, because it is associated with the constant terror: wherever pantophobia neither went and whatever he did, every aspect of his life, every thought , any thing, attitude, cooperation, environment and instant poisoned obsessive thought that evil forces now hovering over his head, chasing him, surround .  All the time .  Until the day when he dies .

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  • Phobias
