How to bring the salt from the body, and whether it is necessary to do

August 2, 2014

 how to get salt from the body
 With food and water in the body receives a lot of excess, for example, various salts. A small number of these can be useful, but they will not bring the excess benefit. So, should look for ways to bring the salt from the body How to bring the salt from the body - recommendations for all  How to bring the salt from the body - recommendations for all
 . This can be done, for example, by purifying diet or traditional medicine.


Opinion of doctors

Whatever was neither balanced diet with food in the human body does not only nutrients but also "ballast". Some unwanted compounds from the body easily deduced, others remain and affect the state of internal organs and tissues, which over the years lose their elasticity and become fragile and brittle.

However, official medicine does not use the term "salt deposits". In some cases, the mineral salt does begin to deposit in the body due to some diseases. For example, in gout disrupted exchange of uric acid and salts of this acid are deposited in tissues. Most often affects the joints and kidneys. When calcification in the internal organs and soft tissues are deposited calcium salts.

When gout and calcification is assigned to specific treatment aimed at the regulation of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . Such treatment is mandatory and includes a special diet.



In folk medicine, the deposition of salts is usually called arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of growths on the surface of the joints and, strictly speaking, has nothing to do with the deposition of salts.

In addition, many people tend to associate judges with the deposition of salts The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?  The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?
   a considerable number of diseases. Therefore, getting rid of excess salt many consider this a panacea.

Recipes of traditional medicine as excrete excess salt, there are many. Some of them will help to feel better, but will not affect the amount of salt in the body. Other recipes are useless, and the third - a harmful and even dangerous. Therefore, before the recommendations of the healers, it is useful to consult a doctor.


Death of salt shakers

All who once went to school, knows that salt chemistry is called not only the contents of the salt shaker, but other chemical compounds. However, when it comes to deriving salt from the body, remember above all is common salt. Restrict the use of this product healers recommend a variety of diseases.

In most cases, the official medicine only welcomes the restriction of salt in the diet. Today, salt is added to almost all dishes, including unsalted, for example, cakes or desserts. A huge amount of salt include various semi-finished products, gourmet food and fast food. As a result, modern man eats a few times more salt than they need.

Excess salt is harmful, and if in one sitting to eat 200-300 grams of salt, you can die. And if you ever use a lot of salt, suffer from kidney, cardiovascular system, metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Appear swelling and weight, blood pressure rises, there are other violations. Therefore, the restriction of salt in the diet is always beneficial to health.


Other salts: methods of struggle

And how to get rid of other salts, the same ones who, according to many, are guilty of deformed joints, aching bones and fragile blood vessels? Traditional medicine offers a variety of recipes to deal with such salts.

The easiest and most, in terms of medical, safe recipe - plain water. If every morning on an empty stomach to drink small sips of hot water (up to half a glass of the glass), then a year later all excess salt leave the body. Not very fast, of course, but effective. It is also helpful to drink plenty of water throughout the day. It is important that the water must be clean and brackish - the effect on consumption of mineral water will be reversed.

No diet is not enough. When the deposition of salts healers are advised to give up the fried meat and fish dishes, rich broth, marinades, smoked meat, canned food and pickles. Preferred vegetable-dairy diet, and get involved in sorrel, spinach, grapes, cheese and cottage cheese are not worth it.

Such a diet, even if you do not rid the body of excess salt, it does not hurt to health. Rejection of fat, fried, smoked and spicy shows absolutely for all diseases.


Controversial methods

From salt deposits disposed of with the usual rice. However, preparing the rice is quite usual - before cooking it is soaked in water for days. Every morning at breakfast should eat one tablespoon of soaked rice boiled in water without salt. After this breakfast, do not eat or drink for three hours. The course of treatment - from one to two months. Doctors refer to this method of treatment are skeptical, but it is not considered dangerous.

Good dissolution for use salts cider vinegar - naturally not pure, but with water. The optimum proportion - 1 teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. It is important that the vinegar was a natural apple cider, vinegar since alcohol will only harm the body. Since the acid can dissolve lime deposits, vinegar is considered effective.

This tool is not as safe as the previous ones. Doctors strongly recommend not to use vinegar (even natural) suffering from peptic ulcer or gastritis with acidity. Before using the method it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Used to control deposits of salt and bay leaf decoction. This facility is considered to be very effective, but can not use it all. To be treated in this way should not be pregnant or nursing, as well as those who suffer from metabolic disorders and diseases of the kidney, liver, heart, blood vessels. Broth laurel - a powerful tool, so before its use is necessary to consult a doctor even for healthy people.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • salt deposits
