Osteoarthritis - take care of the joints healthy longer
August 23, 2009
- Osteoarthritis - take care of the joints healthy longer
- How is
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of joint disease that affects millions of people worldwide. This disorder can damage the joints in any part of the body, but most often it affects the joints of the hands, neck, waist, knees and hips. The patient's condition gradually worsens osteoarthritis over time, and the treatment of it does not exist. However, there are methods to slow the progression of the disease, relieve pain and improve joint function.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis usually develop slowly and gradually aggravated. Symptoms include:
- Joint pain during or after exercise;
- Hypersensitivity. The joints may be unusually sensitive to even slight pressure;
- Stiff joints, especially noticeable in the morning or after a period of a minimum of physical activity;
- The reduction of flexibility;
- Crunch in the joints;
- Shoot formation of bone around the affected joints.
Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage on the ends of bones, worn out with time. Cartilage - a smooth, firm, allows joints to move virtually without friction. Osteoarthritis smooth surface of the cartilage becomes rough. Gradually the cartilage is almost completely erased and when driving the bone begins to rub against bone.
Risk factors
Factors that increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis:
- Age. The risk of developing osteoarthritis increases with age;
- Paul. For unclear reasons, the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis is greatest in women;
- Bone deformities. Some people are born with deformed joints and defective cartilage, which is why the probability of disease osteoarthritis is particularly great;
- Injuries of the joints;
- Obesity. The presence of excess weight puts a strain on some joints and can contribute to the development of osteoarthritis;
- Passive lifestyle. Cartilage condition depends on how joints are used. Insufficient load may be less harmful than an excessive burden;
- Professional activity. Work related to the regular stress on certain joints, creates a predisposition to the development of osteoatroza;
- Other diseases. Diabetes, decreased thyroid activity
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
, Gout, or Paget's disease
Paget's disease - disease of older people
associated with an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis - a degenerative disease that worsens over time. Joint pain and stiffness may be so strong that they make it difficult to perform daily tasks. Some people because of this we have to give up work. In very severe pain may need surgical joint replacement.
During the medical examination, the doctor carefully examining the affected joints, noting such features as high sensitivity, swelling, and redness. It also checks the range of motion of the joint. For further diagnostics can be used imaging techniques and laboratory tests:
- X-ray examination. The cartilage on the X-rays can not be seen, but his thinning can be determined by a narrowing of the space between the bones of the joint. X-rays can also help detect the presence of processes of bone in the affected joint. Often osteoarthritis is detected by X-rays, long before the onset of symptoms.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI is used to obtain detailed images of bones and soft tissues. This procedure can be very useful to determine the exact cause of the pain.
- Blood test. With blood tests to rule out other possible causes of pain in the joints, such as rheumatoid arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
- Synovial fluid analysis reveals inflammation and / or infection, which can also be a cause of pain in the joints.
The objective of treatment for osteoarthritis - a relief of symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease.
- Paracetamol relieves pain but does not eliminate inflammation. It effectively helps those with osteoarthritis causes mild or moderate pain. Exceeding the recommended dose of acetaminophen can cause liver damage.
- NSAIDs reduce inflammation and relieve pain. For OTC NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen. NSAIDs can cause side effects such as indigestion, ringing in the ears, heart disease, bleeding, and problems with the liver and kidneys. Particularly high risk of complications in the elderly.
- Opioid painkillers, such as codeine, can relieve extreme pain in osteoarthritis. They are sold by prescription only, and can be addictive. Other side effects may be nausea, constipation and drowsiness.
Physiotherapy. A physical therapist can offer the patient an individual exercise regimen that will strengthen the muscles in the joints of patients, improve mobility and reduce pain.
Reducing the load on the joints will help facilitate the implementation of daily duties. How exactly to achieve this, the patient in each case is discussed with your doctor.
Corticosteroid injections can significantly ease the pain in the joints
Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
. During the procedure, the doctor uses a local anesthetic to the area around the affected joint, and then inject the drug directly into the space inside the joint. The patient may receive a limited number of injections per year, since the drug could cause damage to the joint.
Lumbar sciatica - a common disease
May 17, 2014
- Lumbar sciatica - a common disease
- Treatment
Lumbar sciatica - the most common type of sciatica, and one of the most common causes of chronic back pain. From this disorder affecting an estimated 3-5% of the population. On average, lumbar sciatica diagnosed with equal frequency in men and women, but in men it is most often detected in age from 40 to 50 years, and for women - from 50 to 60 years. In 10-20% of patients with the disease symptoms persist for six weeks or more.
Symptoms of lumbar sciatica
In most cases, the main symptom of sciatica is lumbar moderate or severe pain that appears suddenly. Some patients before the appearance of symptoms persist may feel back pain that occurs from time to time, and quite quickly. Occasionally inflammation of the spinal cord in the lumbar spine and cause radiating pain in the legs
Pain in the legs - from which they arise?
, Both above and below the knee. When radiculitis
Sciatica - ask for help in a timely manner
This type of patient may also complain of heaviness or weakness in the legs, numbness, tingling, pins and needles on the appearance of certain parts of the body - usually in the lower back or legs. Usually the symptoms are most pronounced during certain activities: for some people, this happens when they go, others - when they sit, stand, lift weights, run, and so on. Information about when the symptoms of lumbar sciatica worse, and when - are weakened, will help the doctor determine the cause of the violation and to choose the most appropriate treatment.
Other symptoms, such as gratuitous weight loss, fever or chills are usually present only in those rare cases where the lumbar sciatica associated with infectious or malignant diseases.
Causes of lumbar sciatica
Lumbar sciatica is caused by irritation of the spinal nerve roots. The most common causes of this irritation are intervertebral hernia and spinal stenosis. In the first case, the intervertebral disc shifts, pressure on the roots, causes irritation and pain, from mild to very severe - a violation is called lumbar discogenic sciatica. In the second case there is a narrowing of the spinal canal, and it also leads to too much pressure on the roots of the spinal cord.
Despite the fact that the symptoms of lumbar sciatica usually appear suddenly, the processes that lead to its development, can start many years before the first signs of disorder. I must say that with age in all people intervertebral discs and other structures in the spine to some extent destroyed, but not everyone is leading to the development of sciatica. Some are middle-aged and even elderly do not feel pain back pain while others appear only occasionally, and pass quickly. There are several factors that increase the likelihood that a person will develop lumbar sciatica:
- Age - the older the person, the greater the likelihood of developing this disorder;
- Lack or excess of physical activity;
- Excessive load on the spine (frequent heavy lifting, bending, and so on);
- Injuries;
- Obesity;
- Weak back muscles;
- Genetic predisposition.
Limitation of physical activity
During exacerbations of lumbar sciatica, many doctors recommend to continue to carry out their normal activities, but carefully monitor their state of health, and reduce the load when the pain begins to increase. Studies have shown that long-term compliance with bed rest for some diseases, including sciatica, can be harmful - it prevents the normal recovery of damaged tissues. Thus, for the effective treatment is best moderate physical activity, it is desirable - with frequent interruptions. Additionally, patients are not recommended to carry out a long time in the same position - sitting, standing, and so on.
Physical exercise
Exercise plays an important role in the treatment of sciatica
Treatment for sciatica - medical approach
. Patients are advised to at least five times a week to perform stretching exercises
Stretching exercises - Be careful
For example, by simply tilting the forward and sideways. Very useful in this case a violation yoga - especially the triangle pose, posture fish and pose wheel. Beginners better to practice yoga under the guidance of an experienced instructor; If you decide to learn some asanas alone, primarily carefully read the descriptions, do not forget the warm-up, and take your time - get injured can be much faster than the right to perform even the most difficult asana. Strength training at the lumbar sciatica help strengthen back muscles and reduce the risk of various injuries in the future. Perform them only recommended after a pass worsening sciatica. Do not forget about aerobic activity - walking, biking, jogging, and so on; they increase stamina, and help to better tolerate exercise.