Toothache during pregnancy many women perceive as a disaster: not only that the tooth hurts badly, and even anesthesia can not be carried out. Of course, the best option - is to bring order to the teeth in the pregnancy, but if it so happens that the tooth was destroyed during pregnancy (which is common), and dentists and obstetricians unanimously argue that it should be treated.
Why teeth are destroyed during pregnancy
It is no secret that during pregnancy the teeth are destroyed faster. This happens because the developing fetus to the structure of tissues and calcium is required if a woman does not get enough of his food, the fruit of "takes" it from the woman's body. And most of all the calcium found in tooth enamel
The enamel of the teeth: protection, this Nature
So it becomes thinner during gestation and becomes more susceptible to breakage.
As you know, in the oral cavity is always present pathogenic microflora, which is particularly active at lower immunity. During pregnancy there is a physiological depression of immunity under the influence of hormones. This contributes to inflammatory diseases of the gums and periodontal tissues, which teeth loosen.
In addition, bacteria accumulate on the enamel surface, forming together with the remnants of food soft plaque. This plaque bacteria multiply particularly active, and their enzymes eat away at the enamel - this is tooth decay. Surface decay causes pain only at the reception of sour or sweet, with a recess cavity in dentin (it too hard tissue, it is under the enamel) appears the pain of cold and hot food. If the hard tissue has collapsed completely and opened with sensitive tooth cavity with a soft cloth (pulp), the toothache becomes very strong and constant.
Caries - a constant source of infection, which is very dangerous for pregnant women, because the blood vessels infection can get into any body and complicate pregnancy. That's why obstetricians recommend that pregnant women be treated teeth as early as possible - in the initial stages of tooth decay.
How to remove a toothache dentist
In order to seal the tooth, you must first expand a cavity, removing all decayed
More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
tissue. And this, as you know, it hurts. At the dentist, in this case there are two options for pain relief. The first - a modern high-tech equipment (eg laser), which allows you to handle the tooth is completely painless.
The second option - a traditional local anesthesia using anesthetic. Today issued a special anesthetics that do not pass through the placental barrier and can not adversely affect the fetus. Adrenaline causes narrowing of blood vessels and increases the effects of anesthetics administered to pregnant women is not due to the stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. Technology of local anesthesia for pregnant women also developed.
But the best option - do not wait until the tooth is completely destroyed, and visit the dentist regularly and detect caries at the stage of spots, then help conservative treatment - strengthening the enamel using solutions with calcium salts.
The best time for dental treatment of a pregnant woman is considered the second trimester of pregnancy (13 to 24 per week). At that time there was already laying the tissues of the child and the placenta is formed, besides, at this time the woman usually feels fine and dental treatment will not be a burden to her.
Today, good dental clinics, there are special programs for dental treatment for pregnant women, which enable dentists to cope with any problems.
How to give yourself first aid for toothache
If the tooth was ill very suddenly, and can not take the pill, you may come to the aid of folk remedies that will remove the pain a little bit, and allow access to the dentist, for example:
- rinse the tooth with 2% solution of soda bread (a teaspoon per cup of water), removing from the cavity of the tooth remnants of food;
- a piece of onion grate, wrapped in cheesecloth and put in the ear on the opposite side, where the aching tooth;
- put his cheek in the patient's tooth piece of salty bacon - salt will draw to itself the interstitial fluid, the swelling subsides and reduce pain;
- put on the aching tooth grated raw beets;
- the gum next to a sick tooth to grease garlic
Garlic health: almost a panacea
- a piece of onion and garlic grate, mix, add a teaspoon of salt, and then a little mixture wrapped in gauze and apply to the aching tooth;
- a piece of propolis applied to the aching tooth and cover bintikom;
- grated garlic bandage to the inside of the opposite wrist aching tooth.
But the most important thing for toothache
Toothache - itself does not take place
- As soon as possible to get to the dentist.
Galina Romanenko