Rib fracture - if you hurt when you breathe

May 16, 2010

  • Rib fracture - if you hurt when you breathe
  • Causes

 rib fracture
 Rib fracture - a common injury, which people often result from car accidents or during sports. This injury is potentially dangerous as a broken rib can damage blood vessels and internal organs such as the lungs. In most cases, however, fractured ribs is less dangerous and the patient recovers well through one or two months.

 Rib fracture - if you hurt when you breathe


Symptoms of rib fractures can be:

  • Pain with a deep breath;
  • Increased pain with pressure on the damaged area and / or when you bend.

For suspected rib fracture is necessary as soon as possible to see a doctor. If you experience severe pain in the chest area for a few minutes, call an ambulance - this symptom could indicate either a broken rib and a heart attack Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know

The most common causes of rib fractures are road traffic accidents, falls, and contact sports.

However, the cause of the fracture can be repetitive trauma, such as playing golf or rowing, as well as prolonged coughing very strong.

 Rib fracture - if you hurt when you breathe

Risk factors

The following factors may increase the risk of fracture of the ribs:

  • Osteoporosis. This is a disease in which bone becomes progressively less dense, increases the likelihood of rib fracture in a patient;
  • Sports, especially in sports such as hockey and football, are also associated with an increased risk of rib fractures;
  • Cancerous lesions weaken the bone ribs, due to which increases the likelihood of fractures.

 Rib fracture - if you hurt when you breathe

Possible consequences

Possible complications of rib fracture:

  • Damage to the aorta. Fracture of one of the three upper edges may cause damages to different aorta, including the gap;
  • Damage to the lungs. A broken rib can severely damage the lungs;
  • Damage to the spleen, liver and kidneys. Fracture of the two lower ribs is rare, as these edges are more flexible than others. However, if this happens, there is a significant likelihood of damage to the spleen, liver and kidneys.

 Rib fracture - if you hurt when you breathe


For the diagnosis of rib fractures following methods of medical imaging:

  • X-ray lets you see a broken rib, as well as some other damage in the body. However, since X-rays are not always clearly seen fresh fractures, it can be used more accurate diagnostic methods;
  • Computed tomography (CT) reveals fractures that were not visible using x-rays. Furthermore, in the image obtained by using the CT, visible damage to the soft tissues and blood vessels;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to detect damage to soft tissues in the fractured rib and / or small cracks in the edges that are not visible using other diagnostic techniques;
  • Bone scan is used to detect cracks in the bones as a result of repetitive trauma. The patient is injected with a radiopharmaceutical. It accumulates in those areas of the skeleton where the bones heal. These clusters are fixed using a special device.

 Rib fracture - if you hurt when you breathe


Most rib fractures heal without treatment within six weeks. If during this period the patient complains of pain, the condition can be alleviated with the help of non-prescription painkillers, such as paracetamol Paracetamol - is effective for moderate pain  Paracetamol - is effective for moderate pain
 Ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
   or naproxen. In very severe pain doctor may prescribe other pain relievers, however, as a rule, they are advised to take only for a short period of time - they can cause addiction and other side effects.

Earlier in the treatment of rib fractures often use various means of fixing the damaged areas. Today, it is not recommended, because the use of such methods of treatment increases the risk of pneumonia.

Rib fractures are treated by surgery only in rare, extreme cases.

Fracture of the foot - what dangers threaten you?

June 24, 2010

  • Fracture of the foot - what dangers threaten you?
  • First aid

 fracture of the foot
 The foot is very prone to various injuries, so it is a fracture - a common injury. Approximately every tenth fracture - a fracture of the foot.

 Fracture of the foot - what dangers threaten you?


Fracture of the foot often occurs in sports, as well as the fall of heavy objects on the foot. Toes may break if a person kicking at something very solid.

Generally, a fracture occurs suddenly, and symptoms appear immediately after the injury. However, sometimes the bone breaks through prolonged pressure on it - it might be, for example, in athletes and dancers.

 Fracture of the foot - what dangers threaten you?


The most common symptoms of a fracture of the foot are pain and swelling. The pain is so severe that the person can not walk. If broken toes, walk, it is usually possible, but the patient also experiences more or less pain.

Swelling and / or bruising may also indicate a fracture of the foot.

If you suspect a refraction of the foot you should immediately seek medical help. In most cases, a fracture of the foot is not a reason to call the ambulance, so you should go to the hospital on their own or ask someone from the family to take you.

However, you must call an ambulance if the skin of the foot takes on a bluish tinge, it is cold or lose sensitivity if the stop looks much deformed, and, if possible near the site of the fracture has an open wound, and / or the victim is experiencing very strong pain.

 Fracture of the foot - what dangers threaten you?


During the diagnosis of fracture of the foot doctor conducts a medical examination, an interview with the patient, and also makes X-rays of broken foot. Other diagnostic methods such as computed tomography, ultrasound and bone scan, are rarely used.

 Fracture of the foot - what dangers threaten you?


The method of treatment of fractures of the foot depends on what kind of bone is broken (foot consists of 26 bones), and the type of fracture. Minor fractures can be treated by fixing the foot and decrease the load on it. Fixed stop with special tires and footwear. Reducing the load is achieved by the use of crutches and limit the physical activity of the patient. Sometimes fractures of the foot treated by surgical methods. After the operation also requires immobilization of the foot.

 Fracture of the foot - what dangers threaten you?


Recovery after surgery can take months. The fastest way to fuse the bones of the toes. Complications of fractures of the foot are rare and in most cases they can be avoided if exactly fulfill all the requirements of a doctor.
