Fractures of the calcaneus - forecast favorable

August 15, 2010

  • Fractures of the calcaneus - forecast favorable
  • As there

 fractures of the calcaneus
 Calcaneus fractures usually occur as a result of falling from a great height or road accidents. The heel bone is very strong, and to break it, it takes a large impact force. For this reason, light, quick-healing fractures of the calcaneus is rare; they usually require prolonged treatment and may lead to various complications.

 Fractures of the calcaneus - forecast favorable


The most common symptoms of a fracture of the calcaneus are:

  • Pain;
  • Hematoma;
  • Swelling;
  • Deformation of the foot;
  • Inability to walk, stepping on the injured leg.

In some cases, fracture of the calcaneus retained the ability to walk, but the patient while limping.

 Fractures of the calcaneus - forecast favorable


It is very important that the victim told the doctor exactly how the fracture occurred. You must also report if he has other injuries or diseases, such as diabetes. Tell your doctor if you are taking any medication.

Accurate picture of the fracture of the calcaneus can be obtained using X-ray and / or computed tomography.

X-ray is used frequently and is available in most hospitals. Computed tomography provides a clear picture of the damaged bone and surrounding tissue, but its use is not always possible.

 Fractures of the calcaneus - forecast favorable


In planning treatment for fractures of the calcaneus, the doctor considers the following factors:

  • The reason for the fracture;
  • The general health of the patient;
  • Type fracture;
  • The extent of damage to the surrounding soft tissue.

If the fragments of the fractured bone are not displaced relative to each other, and serious damage to the soft tissues are not available, applied to the feet of gypsum, which keeps the bone in the correct position as long as it does not srastetsja. It can take six to eight weeks, sometimes - more.

If the fragments are displaced bones that in calcaneus fractures happen frequently, appointed by surgery. Closed fracture surgery is recommended after decrease inflammation and swelling subsides Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 . To do this, immobilize the foot and up to several days. It also gives the opportunity to recover from the stretched skin. Thanks to these measures increases the likelihood of rapid recovery after surgery and reduces the risk of infection.

Open fractures of the calcaneus should be operated as soon as possible. During the operation, the bone fragments connected by means of metal staples. After the operation is necessary to immobilize the bone to give her the opportunity to grow together properly.

The duration of the recovery depends on the type of fracture. Some patients begin to undergo a rehabilitation course within a few weeks after the injury, someone - only three months or more.

Some doctors recommend starting to perform traffic stop, as soon as it ceases to cause severe pain. After some time, the patient begins to deal with the physical therapist, who is strictly physical stress doses that prevent re-injury of the bone.

After lung unbiased closed fracture of the calcaneus the patient can return to the usual level of activity for three to four months. In severe fractures complete recovery may take one to two years.

Despite all the efforts of the doctor and patient mobility after a strong fracture of the foot and lower leg are rarely fully restored.

 Fractures of the calcaneus - forecast favorable


Fractures of the calcaneus can cause the following complications:

  • Slow wound healing in some areas;
  • Irritation in the field of surgical suture;
  • Irritation of the tendons caused by braces;
  • Joint stiffness;
  • Chronic pain;
  • Blood clots;
  • Infections;
  • The collapse of the bone;
  • Arthritis.

Muscular-tonic syndromes - painful muscle strain

January 1, 2013

  • Muscular-tonic syndromes - painful muscle strain
  • Reflex

 muscular tonic syndromes
 Musculo-tonic syndrome - a condition accompanied by muscle tension, continuing a long time. They arise when muscles are damaging or irritating factors. Most often this occurs in diseases of the spine.


Why and how to develop muscular-tonic syndromes

The most common causes that lead to the appearance of musculo-tonic syndrome - low back pain Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
   and herniated discs. In violation of posture Violation of posture - not just a cosmetic defect  Violation of posture - not just a cosmetic defect
 Which are accompanied by deformation of the spine, may also appear persistent muscle spasms.

In case of irritation of intervertebral discs, capsules joints connecting the vertebrae and ligaments of the spine, there is a pain impulse. He reaches the nerve fibers of the muscles that surround the spine or are far from it. Primarily affects the muscles of the back, but often in the pathological process involved the muscles of the upper and lower limbs, chest and abdomen. In response to pain and reduced muscle fibers are in tension after a long time.

If this condition persists for a long time, in muscle tissue appear seals - trigger points. They are able to maintain and strengthen the existing spasm.

Due to the prolonged tension of the muscles of the blood supply is disrupted. The cells do not receive sufficient oxygen and substances accumulate in tissues that irritate nociceptors. Some muscle fibers die and are replaced by connective tissue.

So a vicious circle in which the muscle tension increases the pain and irritation of pain receptors supports muscle spasm. The human body can not cope with this condition.



Pain - the main symptom of muscular-tonic syndromes. Usually it is aching, diffuse, deep. During an exacerbation of the disease, patients can find a point from which comes the pain. At other times they are experiencing discomfort throughout the affected muscles.

In early disease patients worried about the discomfort in any muscle group. Then the intensity of the pain increases, they become unbearable.

Pain is aggravated by physical exertion and length of stay in the same position. Depending on in which muscle pain occurs, there are the following musculo-tonic syndromes:

  • The syndrome of the inferior oblique muscles of the head. With him in the neck, pain on the affected side. By turning the head, they are amplified;
  • Syndrome of anterior scalene muscle. When the tone of this muscle occur squeezing the neurovascular bundle between it and the first rib. Characterized by pain in the neck, shoulder girdle, the ulnar side of the hand, the ring finger and little finger. They can give in the neck and head are amplified when turning in a healthy way;
  • Pectoralis minor syndrome. It manifests itself in the excessive abduction of the shoulder to the side. Pectoralis minor tendon compresses the neurovascular bundle, which passes nearby. Because of this, the patient feels weakness, numbness, tingling in the upper arm;
  • Scapular-rib syndrome. It appears aching pain in the top right corner of the scapula. She gives to the shoulder or neck. Sometimes you can hear the crunch of movements;
  • Syndrome of the iliopsoas muscle. The patient is worried about back pain Low back pain: the spine signals  Low back pain: the spine signals
 Sometimes in the groin or in the lower part of the buttocks;
  • Piriformis syndrome. At the buttock and hip appear nagging, aching pain, which intensified when walking, bringing the hip and in the standing position. When the patient lies down or sits with spread legs, pain weakens;
  • Crump calf muscles. This painful spasms that occur periodically and lasting up to several minutes. The appearance of cramps may provoke a sharp bending of the foot;
  • Crump extensor muscles of the back. Spasms often occur in the middle of the back.



The physician must find the patient's complaints, to specify the duration and intensity of pain, their nature and their connection with the occurrence of any factors. On palpation (palpation muscle) are determined by the seal. When pressed on them the pain increases. Sometimes the disturbed nutrition of tissues, because of this over the affected muscles of the skin becomes pale and cold.

X-ray of the spine helps to reveal degenerative changes in bone tissue. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography allow us to see changes in the soft tissues.



The first step is to remove the cause that led to the appearance of muscle spasm, that is to cure the underlying disease. Therefore, depending on the pathological condition that has given rise to musculo-tonic syndrome, treatment will vary.

In order to reduce muscle spasm, muscle relaxants prescribed - drugs that cause muscle relaxation. These include sirdalud and Mydocalmum Mydocalm: drug from muscle spasms  Mydocalm: drug from muscle spasms
 . Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, movalis) help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. To stop the formation of pathological impulses to trigger points is sometimes prescribe injections of local anesthetics and corticosteroids.

Manual therapy and massage normalize muscle tone and thus reduce pain. Acupuncture normalizes the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers, and because of this pain is becoming weaker. Sometimes it is recommended to use special orthopedic devices (braces, pillows), to reduce the load on the spine.

Physical therapy procedures (electrophoresis, diadynamic currents) improve blood circulation in the muscles. At the end of treatment for the prevention of exercise therapy is appointed spasms and maintain muscle tone.

When herniated disc necessary to carry out surgical treatment. Piriformis syndrome can be removed by laser termodiskoplastiki in which altered intervertebral disks are irradiated with a special laser. With this stimulates the growth of cartilage cells, ie, accelerated recovery processes.

In the event of musculo-tonic syndrome need as quickly as possible to see a doctor. If treatment is started in time, the emergence of persistent spasm can be prevented.
