- Muscular-tonic syndromes - painful muscle strain
- Reflex
Protective reflex
Sometimes the cause of the pain is persistent reflex muscle spasm, which is protective in nature, protected from physical impacts bones, nerve trunks, blood vessels and internal organs in various diseases. If this does not remove the spasm in time, it may occur a persistent change in muscle violation of their functions.
Musculo-tonic syndrome or reflex - it is a long and persistent tension (spasm, hypertonicity) muscle formation in these painful seals, which are called trigger (start) point. Muscle itself thus shortened and compacted, reduced the volume of its movements. When pressed on the trigger points show signs of muscular-tonic syndrome in the form of pain that spread over large areas of the body (such as a sore lower back, back, neck, arm or leg).
Muscular-tonic syndromes occur because included reflexes to protect the affected area of the spine (eg, protection from the pain that arises in response to stimulation of the nerve roots in osteochondrosis) muscles that normally do not provide movements at the site, but connected it with the protective purpose .
Appears stiffness characteristic (sign boards or string) when the waist is fixed in a state of deformation by limiting the mobility of the spine in the affected area. As long spastic muscle blood circulation, gradually appear degenerative changes (changes in the exchange in the form of the withering away of the muscle cells and connective tissue replacement of muscle). These muscles begin in themselves cause pain, further aggravating the situation.
Muscle spasm causes curvature of the spine, and even more nerve compression (enhanced pain) and blood vessels (tissue nutrition suffers). The more irritated nerve, the more muscle tension and, therefore, more nerve irritation (pain increases). At the same time the patients themselves restrict movement to avoid pain.
The most common cause of musculo-tonic syndrome is low back pain
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. The sources of pain impulses in this disease may serve as a stimulation of pain receptors of the intervertebral disc, spinal ligaments, capsules, intervertebral joints, emerged at high physical exertion or a sharp turn of the trunk, and so on. Muscle spasms often occurs in paravertebral muscles and muscles located in the gluteal region and in the neck area.
The main symptom is pain in the spastic muscles, which are determined at a palpation painful muscle seal (trigger points). The pain can vary in intensity from mild to very severe. Often they give to interested end (not at the same time reaching the foot or hand - this is different from muscle pain pain along the nerves) and amplified by prolonged forced being in the same position, with physical exertion after exposure. Reduces pain rest, physiotherapy, massage, warming procedure.
If the musculo-tonic syndrome squeezed adjacent nerves and blood vessels, decrease in sensitivity may occur, cold and weakness in the limbs concerned.
Musculo-tonic syndrome can develop suddenly, due to heavy lifting or sharp turn of a trunk. This is often a kind of click - displacement of the vertebrae, intervertebral disc rupture the capsule to form a herniated disc
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. It is accompanied by severe pain, persistent involuntary patient takes a position in which it found injury (for example, can not straighten).
Musculo-tonic syndrome - a complex protective reflex, which can itself become a disease, if the patient is not adequately provided timely assistance.
Galina Romanenko