Troxevasin bruises - will help get rid of the trauma

October 7th, 2012

 troksevazin bruises
 In order to provide timely assistance to the victim for bruises and sprains, you need to have on hand gel troksevazin. The drug can be recommended for home first aid kit - a prescription to purchase it at the pharmacy is not required.

 Troxevasin bruises - will help get rid of the trauma

Damage tissue injuries

Bruises are closed soft tissue injury that occurred with the direct impact or a fall. The skin thus remains intact, but below the skin, soft tissue may change significantly, up to necrosis (tissue death).

In most cases, when the impact is small broken blood vessels located in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and sometimes even in the back muscles. This leads to the appearance of skin hemorrhages and edema. Location injury swells, turns red and sore. Sometimes the soft tissues formed limited hemorrhage - hematoma. Bumps and necrosis of tissue, is released as a result of the collapse of the cell toxic substances cause poisoning of the body. Hematoma can fester in the future, which greatly complicates the patient's condition.

As a result of the fall can occur stretching or tearing of ligaments, tendons or muscles, which are also accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels, redness, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and pain.

 Troxevasin bruises - will help get rid of the trauma

The principles of first aid for bruises

When bruises very important quick and proper first aid. Usually, it does not provide medical professionals and people who are close to the victims.

First aid for injuries - a warning to hit bruised tissue infections, application of cold on the affected body surface and, if necessary, the creation of immobility. If the injury site have bruises or scratches, they need to treat alcohol solutions of iodine or green fodder. As a cold site of injury can attach a cloth soaked in cold water or ice from the freezer, placed in several plastic bags, as well as any product from the freezer. Cold helps spasm of blood vessels and stop bleeding. In place of the injury can impose a pressure bandage, the purpose of which is also a stop bleeding. If there is suspicion of rupture of ligaments, it is necessary to fix the limb in a stationary state by any available means, such as tablets, to bandage her arm or leg.

You can then search the home medicine cabinet tool that will reduce the effects of edema and hemorrhage. Well suited for this purpose gel troksevazin.

 Troxevasin bruises - will help get rid of the trauma

As troksevazin acts with bruises

When applied to the skin 2% gel troksevazin absorbed in the surface thereof, wherein the active substance is supplied into the middle layers of the skin and affecting disposed therein blood vessels.

Troxevasin tones blood vessel walls, which leads to stop bleeding and reduce swelling. Furthermore, it prevents platelet aggregation troksevazin Platelets - what they are for the body?  Platelets - what they are for the body?
 . Platelets - are blood cells that are going in the damaged vein walls, glued together to form large conglomerates (aggregation). These conglomerates subsequently impregnated insoluble protein fibrin, resulting in thrombus formation.

The same process occurs in the coagulation of the hematoma. Coagulated blood subsequently impregnated with fibrin, on the site which then formed the connective tissue. So at the site of injury formed long-existing cysts. Troxevasin warns that process, contributing to the resorption of liquid blood.

2% gel troksevazin Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins  Troxevasin - will help if there are problems with veins
   put a thin layer on the surface of intact skin (the wound surface and mucous membranes troksevazin not applied) and gently rub until complete absorption. After that, the injury can impose a pressure bandage. Apply gel troksevazin need three - four times a day. This will help relieve edema, resorption of liquid blood and prevent inflammation in the lesion. Minor injuries in this case are quickly and without complications. If the injury is significant, it is necessary to call an ambulance - in this case, no medical treatment can not do

 Troxevasin bruises - will help get rid of the trauma

Can troksevazin gel to give side effects, and in any case it can not be used

Gel troksevazin may produce side effects such as allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
 . Therefore, if after application of the gel on the skin rash, more of it should not be applied. Do not use the gel troksevazin are hypersensitive to its components, the body of the victim.

Troxevasin gel may be in the home medicine cabinet as a means of first aid for injuries.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • troksevazin

Arthroscopy of the knee - will show changes in the bones

February 20th, 2011

 knee arthroscopy
 The first knee arthroscopy was performed in 1918 by the Japanese doctor Takagi on the body using a cystoscope - a special device to inspect the inner surface of the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 . After some time, he also invented the first arthroscope and examined the knee joint in a human patient.

 Arthroscopy of the knee - will show changes in the bones

Types of arthroscopy

Arthroscopy - a method of endoscopic study the joint cavity through an optical instrument - the arthroscope. This method of diagnosis used to clarify the nature of the process occurring in the knee joint (diagnostic arthroscopy). In some cases, a diagnostic arthroscopy Arthroscopy: help determine the cause of the disease  Arthroscopy: help determine the cause of the disease
   prescribed in the treatment process to clarify its effectiveness. With the arthroscope, you can take a piece of tissue of the knee joint for laboratory examination or take a picture of the individual joint tissue to then examine them in detail.

There is therapeutic arthroscopy - in this case carried out by means of the arthroscope small operation and manipulation on the knee joint (e.g., knee joint lavage, removal of fragments of the meniscus). To do this, endoscopic set includes a number of special tools.

 Arthroscopy of the knee - will show changes in the bones

Equipment for knee arthroscopy

Any endoscope - an arthroscope, a cystoscope (apparatus for the study of the bladder), a colposcope (apparatus for the study of the vagina and cervix), a gastroscope (apparatus for the study of the stomach) - an optical device, which is based on a system of lenses placed in a tube which is connected with light cable. Some devices (such as a gastroscopy) the elastic tube in arthroscopy it tough metal.

Illumination enters into the knee joint through a special fiber optics, and the image of the joint cavity is transmitted to the monitor. A doctor who does arthroscopy, very well see on the screen all the osteo-articular surface of his meniscus and ligaments. This allows times during the diagnostic evaluation is not only to find the place of injury or altered tissue, but also to eliminate minor damage, that is to hold both therapeutic arthroscopy.

Today arthroscopes produced with fiber optics, by means of which the knee joint can be studied at different angles with more or less a field of view. This allows us to consider the joint detail and from different angles.

Diagnostic knee arthroscopy allows the physician to witness the condition of the synovial membrane, the presence or absence of defects of cartilage or meniscus tear cruciate ligament.

 Arthroscopy of the knee - will show changes in the bones

Methods knee arthroscopy

Arthroscopy made only in the special operating with anesthesia (general or local). Through a small skin incision (up to 0, 5 cm) of the knee (he is bent at an angle of 90˚) tool puncture the joint capsule, then straightened and introduced joint arthroscopy. Researched the cavity is filled with a sterile solution (which spreads the joint cavity) and view on the screen of the structure.

If knee arthroscopy can see the changes of the articular surfaces of bones, completely or partially torn ligaments and meniscus trauma, changes in joint inflammatory diseases and metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things

In the case where a diagnostic arthroscopy to detect changes in the knee joint, often (if it is possible in this case) within the therapeutic arthroscopy performed one or other manipulation or a small operation. Sometimes changes in the knee joint do not allow operation using the arthroscope, then immediately (while the patient is under anesthesia) is usually carried out surgery on the knee joint.

Small incisions are left after the arthroscopy, heal very fast recovery of the joint also is faster than with conventional surgery. Therefore, to the extent possible traumatologist orthopaedist try to resort to endoscopic surgery.

 Arthroscopy of the knee - will show changes in the bones

Complications after knee arthroscopy

Complications of diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy are rare, nevertheless, they are:

  • bleeding - if damaged sufficiently large blood vessels; it is not terrible - the vessel can cauterize or tie during arthroscopy;
  • nerve damage - in this case violated the work of the group of muscles that the nerve supplies; the duration of the subsequent recovery depends on the severity of the damage is being done, but it can be restored;
  • inflammation of the knee joint and surrounding soft tissues when entering into a joint infections; infection modern medicine today is able to cope.

Arthroscopy was included into the list of diagnostic tests conducted for injuries and diseases of the knee joint.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Arthroscopy
