Diet for cholecystitis - the principle of maximum schazheniya

May 6, 2010

 Diet cholecystitis
 Cholecystitis - a disorder characterized by inflammation of the gallbladder. The normal functioning of the gall bladder is critical for proper digestion. It collects the bile produced by the liver that helps digest fatty foods. Once food enters the digestive system, gall bladder bile throws, which is involved in digestion. When inflammation of the gall bladder is broken the whole process of digestion.

The purpose of a special diet recommended by cholecystitis - alleviating the symptoms of the disease and its prevention of new episodes. Prescription medicines in combination with diet may speed up recovery. Continuous adherence to this diet may prevent the onset of new episodes of cholecystitis.

 Diet for cholecystitis - the principle of maximum schazheniya

Foods to Avoid

In most cases, cholecystitis leads to the formation of gallstones. Therefore, this disease should be excluded from the diet foods that promote the formation of stones.


Spirits and alcohol may aggravate the symptoms of cholecystitis and lead to the formation of gallstones. People suffering from cholecystitis, you must strictly limit alcohol consumption.

 Diet for cholecystitis - the principle of maximum schazheniya

Fatty food

When cholecystitis breakdown of fats in the digestive process much more difficult. This is because some of the bile and other digestive juices may be released into the stomach and the colon - gallbladder is blocked. Therefore, when cholecystitis recommended diet, limiting fat intake - especially saturated.

In general, cholecystitis should avoid the following foods: red meat, eggs, nuts, dairy products (especially fat), fried foods, chocolate, ice cream, sodas, coffee, black tea and cabbage.

 Diet for cholecystitis - the principle of maximum schazheniya

Items to be included in the diet

Based diet with cholecystitis are the following products: rice, potatoes, pasta, yogurt, fruit, low-fat milk and whole grains. If the patient is difficult to do without meat, you can eat small amounts of chicken without the skin, lean beef and fish.

Diet cystitis also suggests eating a low-fat broth.

Patients diagnosed with cholecystitis, will have to comply with such a diet throughout life to prevent exacerbations and prevent worsening of symptoms.

 Diet for cholecystitis - the principle of maximum schazheniya

Diet for acute cholecystitis

Acute cholecystitis is usually accompanied by severe abdominal pain and disorders of the entire organism, in some cases even require surgery. One of the methods of conservative (without surgery) treatment of acute cholecystitis is a diet that is based on the principle of maximum schazheniya entire digestive system. To this end, in the first days of illness of only the recommended liquids. Assign a warm drink - rather weak sweet tea, juice of sweet fruits and berries, half diluted with water (eg grape), broth hips - 2-3 cups a day in small portions.

After 1-2 days (depending on the alleviation of pain) is given in limited quantities mashed foods: mucous and pureed soups (rice, oat), mashed rice or oatmeal, jelly, jelly, mousse of sweet fruits and berries. Then gradually (with improvement of the patient) in the diet include low fat cottage cheese, lean meat in a shabby, steamed, boiled lean fish. Allow the white crackers. The food given to small meals 5-6 times a day. Usually 5-7 days after onset of the disease is assigned a diet number 5a and after the disappearance of acute events (3-4 weeks) - a diet № 5. Improper diet acute cholecystitis can turn into chronic.

Diet number 5a - a complete light diet with reduced fat and salt. Proteins and carbohydrates are contained in the dishes in accordance with the physiological norm. Excluded cold dishes, enhancing the processes of fermentation (peas, beans) and decay (fatty meats) in the gut that stimulate bile secretion, the secretory activity of the stomach and the pancreas (spices, smoked, spicy and rich in essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   - Onions, garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
 , Radish) products, as well as cold dishes. Prepare all steamed or boiled, cooked dishes rubbed.

Diet № 5 - an expanded version of a diet number 5a. All dishes are also cooked or steamed vegetables can also be baked. Bake can be both meat and fish dishes after boiling. Food is not wiped.

 Diet for cholecystitis - the principle of maximum schazheniya

Diet for chronic cholecystitis

The proportion of clinical nutrition especially increases in chronic cholecystitis, where proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   can provide long-term remission (a state without exacerbation) and, on the contrary, violation of supply, quality and quantity of food can cause a worsening of the disease. Diet for chronic cholecystitis is different in the acute phase and in remission.

During remission, patients may not have complaints, they feel relatively healthy, but the diet is necessary for them. Outside the period of exacerbation diet is constructed so that its main components have an active impact on the biliary function, preventing the stagnation of bile at the same time stimulating the secretory function of other organs of digestion. For all patients, first of all, a very important mode of supply: frequent reception of small portions of food at the same hours - it contributes to a better flow of bile. Long breaks between meals also cause bile stasis. A large amount of food is a failure in the biliary system - bile duct spazmiruyutsya (compressed), comes stagnation of bile, which means that the entire process of digestion is disturbed. All major dietary requirements in chronic cholecystitis responsible diet number 5.

With this diet much attention is paid to fats, are best administered in the form of vegetable oils, mainly because of their good choleretic action, stagnation in the amount of fat is adjusted to 120 g But choleretic effect of vegetable oils can also be a contraindication for their use, for example, when calculous (with the formation of gallstones), cholecystitis, as the high physical activity biliary tract can provoke an attack of biliary colic - stone creates an obstacle to the bile. For these patients, the recommended diet with the usual ratio of animal and vegetable oils (3: 1). From animal fats like butter, it is recommended the most easily digested and absorbed. Refractory fats (fatty meats and fish) are poorly tolerated in chronic cholecystitis.

Vegetables, fruits and berries stimulates the secretion of bile, enhances the secretion of digestive glands of other, reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, eliminate constipation. It is recommended to eat carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, cauliflower, grapes, melons, strawberries, apples, prunes and others. Biliary activity is particularly enhanced by the simultaneous use of vegetables with vegetable oil (such as salads).

Vegetables rich in essential oils (onions, garlic, radishes Radish: useful properties and rules of use  Radish: useful properties and rules of use
 , Radish) and oxalic acid (spinach) are poorly tolerated due to their irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

From a set of products that are recommended for cholecystitis, can prepare wonderful dishes and sick people will not feel deprived.

Article Tags:
  • gall bladder
