Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization - Grandma means
August 8, 2013
- Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization
- Medical treatment
- What to do
- Effective methods
- Antibiotics
- Furadonin
- Homeopathic medicines
- Grandma means
- Herbs
- Separate
- Folk remedies
- At home
- Prevention
- Among women
- Men
- Children
- When pregnancy
- When breastfeeding
- Radiocystitis
- Forum

People's treatment of cystitis - old wives' funds
An indispensable tool in the treatment of cystitis in the home - the cranberry juice which for decades used in folk medicine as an effective remedy. Upon detection of the first signs of cystitis at the earliest stage of infection, it is recommended to drink plenty of cranberry juice with vitamin C. Vitamin C not only strengthens the immune system, but also oxidizes the urine, thereby making the bladder less vulnerable to harmful bacterial cultures, provoking cystitis and other urinary tract infections. And itself cranberry juice
Cranberries for health and beauty
has effective antibacterial properties: substances in cranberry juice prevent bacteria sticking to the bladder mucosa and urinary tract. In addition, cranberry juice also alters the acid-alkaline balance of the urine.
An alternative to cranberry juice - bear ears, or bearberry, the popularity of traditional medicine, which helps in the fight against various infections of the urinary tract. Broth from bearberry leaves has diuretic properties and is very good for cystitis.
Very useful in the treatment of cystitis and the usual lemon, an effective tool in the fight with the unpleasant symptoms of urinary tract infections. One tablespoon of fresh lemon juice should be diluted in a glass of boiling water (two hundred milliliters), and drink cool and fifty milliliters of the resulting mixture every two hours. Diluted limonnny juice not only helps to get rid of the burning sensation and pain when urinating, but also, more importantly, helps to cope even with the unpleasant symptoms of acute cystitis, blood in the urine.

Natural diuretics
The basis of national treatment of cystitis - drinking as many fluids that have diuretic properties, whether natural berry juices or herbal teas.
Natural diuretics are "washed out" an infection of the bladder, helping to accelerate the process of the treatment of cystitis.
Well help in cystitis juice of radish
Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
and cucumber juice, one of the most famous natural diuretics. Treat cystitis using cucumber juice is recommended three times a day drinking a glass of cucumber juice with one tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon or lime juice. No less useful and other vegetable juices - such as carrot juice, which is considered one of the most effective folk remedies in the treatment of cystitis. Carrot juice drink is necessary every two to three hours, diluting half glasses of juice with the same amount of pure water.

For the treatment of cystitis are effectively used
- Warmer. To reduce pain and speed recovery, it is recommended to hold a hot water bottle on the lower abdomen.
- Drinking plenty of fluids. If cystitis is recommended to drink as much as possible, but avoid beverages containing caffeine, alcohol, citrus juices and spicy foods. But cranberry juice, on the contrary, the patient will benefit from cystitis.
- A warm bath for 15-20 minutes will reduce the pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort that occurs when you urinate.
Hospitalizations are subject patients with pain that is not relieved, acute urinary retention, and hemorrhagic cystitis. The first aid to the patient with acute cystitis is the introduction of antispasmodics 2 mL of 2% solution of papaverine
Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
1 ml of 0, 1% atropine solution subcutaneously, heat on the abdomen.
It is undesirable to take the older antibiotics - palin, 5-NOC. These drugs are practically no effect on bacteria causing cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
. Acceptance of these drugs is equivalent to ignoring the disease, which is fraught with the transition process in the chronic form.
Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization - Independent
August 8, 2013
- Treatment of cystitis - in which cases need hospitalization
- Medical treatment
- What to do
- Effective methods
- Antibiotics
- Furadonin
- Homeopathic medicines
- Grandma means
- Herbs
- Separate
- Folk remedies
- At home
- Prevention
- Among women
- Men
- Children
- When pregnancy
- When breastfeeding
- Radiocystitis
- Forum

Self-treatment of cystitis
Cystitis - bladder infection
Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant
and urinary tract, which may be caused by a variety of factors from the bacterial infection to certain specific medical procedures. Fortunately, most often a long course of antibiotics for the treatment of mild cases of cystitis is not required: self-treatment of cystitis involves the disappearance of symptoms of the disorder within a few days.
First of all, trying to cure cystitis yourself, you should drink plenty of liquids - not only water. Lemon juice, cranberry juice, herbal teas not only "wash out" infection, but also struggling with the organisms provoke cystitis, thus speeding up the healing process.

Take measures
During treatment of cystitis - both independently and with the help of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor - it is necessary to abandon the various kinds of stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol. These substances irritate the bladder and can aggravate symptoms of cystitis
Cystitis - symptoms: spasms, cramps and discomfort
In addition, the self-treatment of cystitis requires a renunciation of sugar in any form - from a variety of desserts to sweet juices. At the time of treatment is better to drink only natural fruit juices and discard products with high sugar content.
Sugar - the staple food for microorganisms, the proliferation of which exacerbate the symptoms of cystitis.
One of the key aides in the self-treatment of cystitis - apple cider vinegar, which is necessary to drink every day, dilute with water. Vinegar solution helps to normalize the acid-alkaline balance (pH) of the urinary tract. For the treatment of cystitis you need to drink daily tablespoon of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of clean water.
Antibiotics, purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's recommendation to treat cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
alone it is not necessary: first, some bacteria provoke cystitis, can occur resistance (immunity) to certain types of antibiotics, and, secondly, the slightest mistake in the choice of drugs can lead to quite serious consequences. The symptoms of cystitis may be facilitated by standard painkillers - is best suited for this ibuprofen, a drug with anti-inflammatory properties, and paracetamol. With extreme caution should be selected painkillers for self-treatment of cystitis in children
Treatment of cystitis in children - for the information of parents
- A number of drugs to young children is contraindicated.