Cystitis in men is less common than in women, and usually after 40 years when the problems begin with the prostate gland. Most importantly - do not start the process and at the first sign of the disease, seek medical advice: the initial stages of cure is not so difficult, but chronic cystitis
Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main
- Is very problematic.

Why can begin cystitis in men
Cystitis - an inflammation of the bladder wall. In men, cystitis
Cystitis: urgently take action
rarely occurs in a vacuum, it is usually a secondary disease arising in the background of some other. The fact that the urethra (urethritis) in men long, narrow and curved, so to get an infection from outside the bladder is practically impossible (unless it zanesut during urological manipulations). It can get there through the blood or lymphatic vessels, and often with adjacent organs - prostate, urethra. Infectious agents can be bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi of the genus Candida.
But one infection is usually small, since the bladder has excellent cleaning power and immunity. All infection that gets into the bladder, urine output, or destroyed by immune cells that are always on guard our health. Therefore, in order to have developed male cystitis required stagnant urine in the bladder. Then, with a long stay in the bladder bacteria begin to deposit on the mucosal surface and adhere thereto at the first cold (and it is accompanied by immune disorders) introduced into the mucosa and cause disease.
Stagnation of urine in the urinary tract men (violation of the passage of urine) often cause or enlargement of the prostate (such as the prostate or BPH), or narrowing of the urethra after some inflammation in it (usually after infections, sexually transmitted diseases).
Cystitis can occur acutely and chronically. By the nature of the defeat of the bladder wall it may also be different: catarrhal (with redness and swelling of the mucous membrane), purulent, hemorrhagic (with the release of the blood), ulcerative, necrotic (tissue death with).

Signs of acute cystitis in men
Signs of acute cystitis in men are similar to the symptoms of acute prostatitis. And then, and another begins with pain in the abdomen and frequent micturition. And when you consider that men have these two diseases are often at the same time, the difference of their own is impossible.
Urination acute cystitis ends release a very small amount of urine, as it irritates nerve receptors located in the inflamed mucosa of the bladder. Urine is usually turbid due to the presence of a large number of white blood cells (pus), at the end of urination may be released a few drops of blood. Sometimes blood in the urine is released continuously, so called hemorrhagic cystitis.
Suffering and overall male: there is weakness, lethargy, malaise, and sometimes even small temperature rises. If acute cystitis
Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly
is not treated, it usually goes away within a week (and sometimes three days). But this is a purely external manifestations, in fact, the infection will not go away, but just to "hide" and the process moved into a chronic.
Men are often a complication of cystitis pyelonephritis - an infectious-inflammatory diseases of the kidney. The infection gets into the kidneys by ascending the ureter in the presence of stasis of urine in the bladder - in this case, it often forms the reverse current in the ureters - reflux.

Symptoms of chronic cystitis in men
Chronic cystitis can occur in different ways: sometimes concealed (latent for), sometimes with frequent exacerbations, sometimes permanent, not too severe manifestations. In men, the most frequent latest version of the current, the signs of which are mixed with signs of a disease of the prostate gland.
Patients usually bother moderate abdominal pain, frequent painful urination (in the bladder can not gather a lot of urine, since the long-term course of the inflammatory process it shrinks). In ulcerative cystitis in the urine is common blood, with necrotizing - decay products tissues. In a laboratory study of urine in it he found a large number of white blood cells and fresh red blood cells.

Diagnosis and treatment of cystitis in men
The man who found himself some of urination, should seek immediate medical attention. Self cystitis in men it is impossible, since it requires a preliminary examination and treatment of the underlying disease.
For the correct diagnosis prescribe blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs (US), with suspected structural tissue changes - X-ray study. Be sure to explore the inner surface of the bladder using a cystoscope.
After establishing the causes of cystitis
Cystitis - Causes: guilty, not only of infection
treat both primary disease (eg, prostate), and cystitis. The easiest way to cope with acute cystitis: antibacterial agents are appointed, which identified the body's sensitivity, bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, diet (anything sharp, sour, salty, smoked). A week later, all the symptoms of cystitis are.
Chronic cystitis is much more difficult to treat. To the general treatment of the local attached (instillation of antimicrobial solutions into the bladder), physiotherapy. Sometimes all that is not enough, and to improve the passage of urine conducted operations (for example, the operation to eliminate the reverse throwing urine into the ureters - reflux).
Cystitis is rare in men, but it requires the most careful examination and treatment.
Galina Romanenko