Acute prostatitis - the culprit bacteria

January 8, 2014

 acute prostatitis
 Acute prostatitis is often caused by infectious agents of bacterial origin, so when it is always assigned to treatment with antibiotics. Much less acute prostatitis is caused by a viral infection (such as influenza viruses), but in this case, antibiotics are prescribed as a viral infection is often associated with bacterial.


The causes of acute prostatitis

Acute prostatitis is often the result of a temporary decline in immunity against hypothermia, stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Endured acute common infections or urinary tract mucosal injury. This activates own conditionally pathogenic, constantly living on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract, which multiplies rapidly and penetrates from the urethra into the prostate (upward path of infection). Pathogens such infections are most often E. coli, Staphylococcus, Proteus and so on.

There is another way of infection - hematogenous, in which due to lower immunity infection spreads through the bloodstream from distant foci (eg, chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
 , Sinusitis, carious teeth, and so on).


Symptoms of acute prostatitis

Acute prostatitis starts with raising the temperature to 37-39˚S, chills, malaise, headache. Pain in muscles and joints. Against this background, the patient has pain and urinary disorders. Symptoms of acute prostatitis depend on the nature of changes in the prostate tissue.

In acute catarrhal prostatitis appear frequent urination, especially at night, as well as the dull pain in the perineum and sacral region. Temperature rise and common manifestation of the disease to be less pronounced than in other types of acute inflammation in the prostate.

Acute follicular prostatitis urination not only frequent, but may be difficult until the complete urinary retention. The act ends with urination severe pain. It becomes painful and defecation.

Acute parenchymatous (purulent) prostatitis begins with high fever, chills and headache, severe pain during urination and defecation. Often occurs acute urinary retention. With the development of abscesses, there is a new rise in temperature, the patient's condition worsens, pain, bowel and bladder disorders worse. Ulcer may independently break into the urethra or the urethra - in this case, the recovery may occur. If the breakout of pus will occur in the surrounding prostate tissue, the tissue abscess and the patient's condition deteriorates.



Treatment begins with the appointment of a sick bed rest and fluid intake and diet with the exception of high-fiber foods, and spicy, fried, smoked, pickled foods, sweets and baking. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Antibiotics for acute prostatitis appointed immediately after the taking of tests for laboratory testing, and after the results of these analyzes, the treatment adjusted if appropriate.

For treatment of acute prostatitis are most often broad-spectrum antibiotics Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple  Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple
   tetracycline (doxycycline and its analogues) and fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin). These groups of antibiotics usually are sensitive pathogens, most urinary infections. When parenchymal prostatitis antibiotics prescribed maximum dosage. With the development of an abscess of the prostate through the perineum reveal his or rectum.

The analgesic for acute prostatitis - is generally drugs of the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which simultaneously possess antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Diclofenac has a good effect in rectal suppositories.

To remove the spasm of smooth muscle of the prostate and blood vessels prescribe antispasmodics - papaverine Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles  Papaverine - for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles
   suppositories or Nospanum tablets. If an acute urinary retention, it produces a special catheter.

Assign also warm (37-39˚S) sitz baths with infusion of chamomile, calendula and hot microclysters (40-42˚S) up to three times a day. Contraindications for thermal procedures are purulent processes in the prostate.

The timely appointment of adequate treatment usually leads to recovery within two to three weeks. But sometimes even correctly and in a timely manner prescribed treatment can prevent the transition of acute inflammation in chronic. This is due, apparently, to the presence in the patient's prostate congestive processes, the presence of which it has not previously suspected.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs

January 30th, 2014

  • Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
  • Effects

 chronic prostatitis
 Chronic prostatitis - is one of the most common urological diseases. The disease can develop in adult males at any age and lead to serious violations of sexual function. To avoid this, you need to know the early signs of chronic prostatitis and when they appear immediately contact a doctor.


Myths about chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis with each year becomes more and more significant problem as the number of patients with this disease is growing steadily worldwide. The reasons for the increasing incidence of prostatitis are numerous, but the main two - a sedentary lifestyle most men and wide publicity of infections transmitted sexually.

A feature of prostatitis is a disease that every year more and more cluttered with myths, which are largely related to the fact that the first patients are trying to cope with the problem on their own, or all the myths have been dispelled immediately after attending urological cabinet.

  • Myth № 1. The most famous myth is the belief that chronic prostatitis - this is purely an infectious disease that can be cured with the help of their own highly modern antibiotics. In fact it is not so, the infection is, of course, plays a significant role in the development of prostatitis, but quite common noninfectious prostatitis, caused by stagnation of blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs and secretions of the prostate (prostate) in the gland itself. Antibiotics for the treatment of congestive prostatitis Stagnant prostatitis - the result of poor lifestyle  Stagnant prostatitis - the result of poor lifestyle
   not applicable. As for the independent use of antibiotics, then pick them up is not as easy as it seems, sometimes the doctor did not succeed on the first try.
  • Myth № 2. indestructibility is a myth about the best medicine or treatment of prostatitis, it is found and the problem will be solved. Unfortunately, this is not so. Chronic prostatitis require long-term care under the supervision of laboratory tests. Methods of treatment of the disease and used drugs known to all specialists, but the secret is that the selected individual drugs of a group each patient individually.
  • Myth № 3. Healers more and better cure chronic prostatitis, than doctors. It is wrong and harmful to patients misleading. Specialist urologist usually aware of all the latest advances in the treatment of prostatitis. In addition, the urologist knows that without prior examination of the patient is not cured, so in its possession is always a diagnostic center. And when it examined the sick healers? That's right, never, that can not affect the outcome of treatment.
  • Myth № 4. Why treat chronic prostatitis, if it still can not be cured? It's better to leave everything as is, if the symptoms are expressed softly. It is also very dangerous delusion, which eventually can lead to serious violations of potency and male infertility. Prostatitis can and should be treated - completely cured of chronic prostatitis difficult, but to maintain a constant state of remission, warning of complications is quite real.
  • Myth № 5. Chronic prostatitis develops with age in all men. It is not so many men and the elderly do not suffer from prostatitis. The guarantee of this is a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise or physiotherapy (depending on the age and condition of the body).


Causes of chronic prostatitis

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is caused by bacterial infection. Men young and middle age cause of bacterial prostatitis is often a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Most of STI affect the urethra (urethritis) in men and fall from the prostate gland.

Another cause of bacterial prostatitis Bacterial prostatitis - can be acute or chronic  Bacterial prostatitis - can be acute or chronic
   a transient decrease in immunity due to various reasons - stress, fatigue, hypothermia, systematic abuse of alcohol and so on. As a result of low immunity own opportunistic and pathogenic microflora that lives in the mucous membranes of the genital tract, is activated, it penetrates into the prostate gland and causes disease. Typically, this is a Gram-negative organisms - E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, and so on.

Sometimes prostatitis is caused staphylococci - when lowered immunity they get into the prostate gland through the bloodstream of the permanent foci of infection. Often, these foci of infection are located in the upper respiratory tract (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and others) and carious teeth.

Chronic prostatitis may have a viral nature - the reason most often causative agents of herpes simplex Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   or Cytomegalovirus (herpes virus type 5). In addition, chronic prostatitis may be caused by the human papilloma virus.

But not all men with a decrease in immunity develops prostatitis. So, in addition to the infection must be some predisposing factors contributing to the development of this disease. These predisposing factors include hormonal disorders, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, spasmodic sex life (harmful as abstinence and over-active sex life), constipation, hemorrhoids, allergic diseases, urological manipulation, resulting in impaired the integrity of the mucous membrane of the urethra and so on.

Chronic congestive prostatitis (chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, chronic congestive prostatitis) - Causes of this disease are also plentiful. Stagnation in the pelvis and of the prostate lead to the development of non-bacterial (abacterial) inflammation, or to the development of degenerative (metabolic) disorders, which resulted in the prostate may eventually completely lose its function. Stagnant prostatitis usually develops after age 50, but can occur in any other age. The reason may be the following factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle combined with the individual characteristics of blood circulation in the pelvis - growing stagnation of blood and lymph in the field, which can not affect the status of the prostate;
  • permanent stagnation in the prostate secretion through prolonged sexual abstinence and other violations of sexual activity, such as regular interrupt sex; It has a negative impact and overly sexually active for a long time;
  • permanent stagnation prostate secretion may lead to the formation of concentrated salts, iron stones (oxalate, urate, phosphate) - formed chronic calculous prostatitis.


Chronic prostatitis: Symptoms

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis in men may be different. Prostatitis can occur quickly, and perhaps with significant symptoms. The most common symptoms of prostatitis are voiding and pain associated with an increase in the volume of the prostate gland, located just compressing her urethra and nerves. Also compresses the small blood vessels, which leads to disruption of blood circulation in the body and contributes to its degenerative changes.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis in men depend on the duration of the flow of the disease, its frequency of exacerbations as well as the degree of involvement in the inflammatory process of other urinary organs.

The most characteristic manifestation of chronic prostatitis are pain of different nature and intensity. The pain can be localized in the suprapubic and inguinal areas in the crotch area, vulva, rectum, lower back, sacrum, on inner thighs. The pain may start somewhere in one area and radiate (give) to another. Pain may be permanent, and may signify an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. When taking such pains thrust constant aching in nature, we speak of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), which is very difficult to treat

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis - it is also almost always in one degree or another violation of urination. They can manifest themselves in the form of an increased mandatory (imperative) urge to urinate, pain at the end of urination, long (dropwise) expiration of urine after urination.

Finally, chronic prostatitis is always accompanied by symptoms of sexual dysfunction: premature ejaculation (ejaculation), the weakening of erection, reduced the intensity of orgasm and painful. As a result of violations of the tone of the prostate can develop prostatoreya - secretions of the prostate that is not associated with sexual arousal and orgasm. Since in this case the patient's body to systematically lose protein, the patient may receive general weakness and partial loss of performance against the backdrop of a progressive decline in sexual function and depression or neurosis.

If there comes an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, symptoms increase. When calculous prostatitis Calculous prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland  Calculous prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland
   Pain may increase with long-term presence in standing or sitting, long walks, especially when shaking (for example, in the car or at work related to vibration). In addition, when calculous prostatitis may appear in the semen mixed with blood.
