Candles Vitaprost: the treatment of prostate cancer

August 5, 2011

 candles vitaprost
 Today, the number of inflammatory diseases of the prostate grows. This is facilitated by deteriorating environmental conditions, low sexual culture of the population, due to which men often suffer from infections transmitted sexually. Prostatitis can occur acutely and chronically, and is able to deliver a lot of trouble to the patient.

 Candles Vitaprost: the treatment of prostate cancer

How do candles Vitaprost

The composition includes an extract spark Vitaprost prostate gland of cattle, which is a protein complex that has a pronounced effect on the active job prostate. The drug is manufactured pharmaceutical holding "Stada", which is now part of the Russian pharmaceutical company "Nizhpharm."

Vitaprost in candles is available in three types:

  • Vitaprost rectal suppositories containing 50 mg of prostate extract of cattle;
  • Fort Vitaprost rectal suppositories containing 100 mg of prostate extract of cattle;
  • rectal suppositories Vitaprost plus, which include 100 mg of prostate extract and 400 mg of the antibacterial agent lomefloxacin hydrochloride; in connection with which these candles have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

Vitaprost reduces inflammation in the prostate gland, improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of thrombosis and regulates muscle contractions of the bladder, while reducing voiding. Under the influence of Vitaprost reduced number of leukocytes and bacteria in prostatic secretions, improves the formation of sperm, strengthens immunity.

Vitaprost main advantage is that it acts very quickly, greatly facilitating the condition of patients. Particularly appreciated is the quality of after operations on the pelvic organs where the regulation of bladder Vitaprost reduces the need to resort to letting the urine with a catheter.

The dosage form in the form of rectal suppositories allows the protein complexes to fall directly into the pelvic organs, bypassing the liver. Moreover, candles Vitaprost enhance the effect of antibacterial therapy, rapidly relieve pain and improve the patient's sexual performance. The drug is practically no contraindications since safe and almost no side effects. It is assigned a short courses introducing candle once daily.

However, the use of rectal suppositories Vitaprost without a prescription is not necessary. First you need to find out the cause of the disease, and for this to be examined. It did not need to treat only Vitaprost, and other drugs such as antibacterial. If you treat yourself, you can start the disease, and it goes into a chronic, difficult to treat form.

 Candles Vitaprost: the treatment of prostate cancer

Indications and contraindications for the use of the preparation of rectal suppositories Vitaprost

Rectal suppositories Vitaprost prescribed for acute and chronic prostatitis. In acute prostatitis use candles combined with the appointment of antibiotics, chronic prostatitis, and they are sometimes used alone. Candles Vitaprost plus you can assign your own, without antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?

Candles Vitaprost appoint and different surgical interventions on the pelvic organs, including the prostate, as well as during manipulation tools in this area. This allows you to quickly remove edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   soft tissue and regulate bladder contraction Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , Thus preventing urinary retention.

Facilitate the condition of the spark Vitaprost well as patients with BPH Adenoma of the prostate - how to help a man?  Adenoma of the prostate - how to help a man?
 , Any sexual dysfunction and infertility caused by long-term inflammation of the prostate gland.

Contraindications for the use of rectal suppositories Vitaprost is an individual intolerance of components, as well as children and youth under the age of 18 years.

 Candles Vitaprost: the treatment of prostate cancer

How to apply rectal suppositories Vitaprost

Applied candles courses administered daily into the rectum one candle on the night. Before the introduction of candles required to clean the intestines (do a cleansing enema) in order to facilitate the absorption of the drug from the colon into the bloodstream. After the introduction of candles patient must lie down for at least half an hour. During this time, the drug will suck the blood and begin to act as the prostate gland is located in close proximity to the rectum.

The course of treatment is usually short - about 10 days, but on prescription course can be extended. Repeated courses of treatment can be carried out after a certain period of time (usually two to four weeks).

 Candles Vitaprost: the treatment of prostate cancer

Side effects that may arise from the use of rectal suppositories Vitaprost and drug overdose

When using spark Vitaprost of adverse effects were detected only allergic reactions such as skin rashes and itching, in this case the use of drug is stopped. Candles Vitaprost plus can inhibit the growth of beneficial intestinal flora causing dysbiosis.

Overdose of rectal suppositories Vitaprost messages have been reported.

Candles Vitaprost - perfect preparation for the treatment of any disease of the prostate, but you should always remember that even the best preparation is only good in the hands of a professional, and if self-medicate, it will bring more harm than benefit.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vitaprost

Mikosist for men - will help to deal with thrush

September 2, 2012

 mikosist for men
 Mikosist - is an antifungal medication to help cope with candidiasis of genitals Candidiasis genitals: possible severe complications  Candidiasis genitals: possible severe complications
   or thrush, affects not only women but also men. Often external agents are not very effective for this disease, and capsules can mikosist time to solve the problem.

 Mikosist for men - will help to deal with thrush

How is thrush in men

Thrush - a fungal infection caused by the yeast genus Candida. Fungi are part of the pathogenic microflora living on the surface of the genitals of men and women. However, they can cause disease only in the case when these conditions are suitable, for example, in reducing the body's defenses (immune system). It is because of low immunity in some people constantly recurs thrush. Often thrush accompanies sexual infections such as the latent gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
 , Trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and so on.

Thrush in men usually proceeds without pronounced symptoms. It appears a little redness and swelling of the glans penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis candidiasis). There may be as cheesy raids in the area. It swells the final section of the urethra, which causes pain and urinary disorders.

All these symptoms are usually expressed erased, and men do not always pay attention to them. This is wrong, as if time does not treat thrush and strengthen the immune system, the fungal infection spreads to the internal reproductive organs and pelvic organs. Danger and blurred for genital infections.

 Mikosist for men - will help to deal with thrush

How to treat thrush in men Mikosist

Active ingredient Mikosista is fluconazole. If ingestion of capsules Mikosista he quickly comes first into the bloodstream and then into the internal organs, tissues, and body fluids. In the cells of fungi Candida genus, mikosist gives metabolism in membranes, which leads to an increased permeability and impaired functioning. The fungi of the genus Candida exhibit high sensitivity to Mikosist.

Mikosist - is an effective drug that can produce a number of side effects, so it must appoint a physician. In addition, prior to the treatment of thrush is required to lead a full examination in order to identify the male genital infections, which often hide behind the thrush.

For the treatment of Candida ballanopostita mikosist take one single capsule of 150 mg.

 Mikosist for men - will help to deal with thrush

In some cases, you can not take mikosist

Mikosist not be used:

  • if hypersensitivity to the components of this drug;
  • while taking antihistamines such as terfenadine and astemizole - these drugs contribute to disruption of the heart rate, as well mikosist acts and therefore their combination is dangerous.

Be wary appoint mikosist with hepatic or renal insufficiency. If the kidney function mikosist appointed to a lesser dosage. Caution should be exercised in applying mikoststa well as its simultaneous use of drugs having similar effects on the cells of the liver (eg, rifabutin).

 Mikosist for men - will help to deal with thrush

Side effects

When Mikosista single administration, which is required for the treatment of thrush, the side effects of the drug usually occur very rarely, however, can not be excluded:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Taste disturbances;
  • of the liver - liver dysfunction from mild to severe: violation of blood biochemical parameters (elevated blood level of bilirubin and liver enzymes), jaundice, hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 , Hepatic necrosis;
  • Nervous system - headache, dizziness, convulsions;
  • from the blood - reducing the number of leukocytes in the blood, including granular (this leads to a sharp decrease in immunity) and platelets (increased bleeding appears);
  • of the heart and blood vessels - heart rhythm disorder; And since both reduced amount of potassium in the blood (it has antiarrhythmic action), these disturbances can be significant, particularly if the patient arrhythmias were before treatment;
  • by metabolic processes - increase in blood cholesterol and triglycerides (fats entering the blood with food), a reduction of calcium;
  • may occur as a violation of the kidneys and alopecia;
  • allergies - itchy skin rash, urticaria, angioedema, severe allergic skin and mucous membranes in the form of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, anaphylaxis, bronchospasm attacks.

Mikosist used to treat yeast infections in men by a doctor after the test.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • mikosist
