- How to treat vaginitis: what tools help
- Medication
- Traditional funds
Medicines for vaginitis
Today, a lot of drugs produced for the general (systemic) and local treatment of vaginitis. But vaginitis are different, and for the treatment of individual women need to pick up the medication based on the results of its survey. It can be antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral drugs and drugs that restore hormonal balance and the immune system of women.
Medications for the treatment of vaginitis general
In the treatment of vaginitis used drugs, corrective hormonal women. This is necessary if the ovaries produce enough female hormone estrogen. These drugs include, for example, klimonorma, ginodian depot, Ovestin - these drugs are composed of estrogen. Tibolone (Livial, ledibon) - drug containing progestogens (artificial hormones progesterone appropriate) - promotes oestrogenic activity in the restoration of tissues. For this purpose, it is also used herbal preparations containing estrogen-containing agents - klimadinon, klimadinon uno, klimaktoplan (homeopathic medicine).
For the treatment of specific vaginitis used antibiotics protivotrihomonadnye, antifungal drugs lekarastvennye common action. Thus, for the treatment of gonococcal vaginitis applied antibiotics such as amoxiclav, doxycycline, ceftriaxone, and so on. When chlamydial, mycoplasma and ureaplasma vaginitis also used doksitsillin. Effective in this case are also sumamed, vilprafen
Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic
, Clarithromycin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin. Trichomonas vaginitis is treated with metronidazole (Trichopolum), fungal - fluconazole, viral - antiviral drugs (acyclovir, Famvir and so on).
To restore the normal vaginal microflora is important condition of the intestine, which can be a constant source of infection (especially yeast fungi genus Candida). Therefore, women with chronic vaginitis, inside prescribe probiotics, for example, bifidumbakterin
Bifidumbacterin - restores normal intestinal microflora
, Laktobakterin - they contribute to bowel disease. In addition to these drugs belong to this group Probifor, bififor, atsilakt and others. Probiotic treatment should continue for at least a month.
Medications for the topical treatment of vaginitis
Mild form of nonspecific vaginitis treated locally. Most often used for this combined medication with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. These drugs are terzhinan (available in vaginal tablets) and Polizhinaks (available in vaginal capsules). The composition of these drugs include antibacterial and antifungal agents. The structure also includes prednisone Terzhinan
Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
- Glucocorticoid hormone, quickly relieves swelling, inflammation, itching and pain. That is why terzhinanu often preferred over other drugs.
To relieve itching, apply topical application of the gel fenistil for healing ulcers on the mucous membrane of the vagina - aktovegin gel for the prevention of adhesions in children - application gel solkoseril.
Applied and drugs with estrogen for local action - Ovestin, elvagin, estrokad (in the form of vaginal creams and suppositories).
In order to restore the normal microflora of the vagina use vaginal suppositories
Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
Containing lactobacilli - microorganisms belonging to the normal vaginal microflora, such laktonorm. The composition of vaginal tablets Gynoflor E except lactobacilli included female sex hormone estrogen.
Restorative remedy and immunomodulators
Sometimes the cause of acute and chronic vaginitis is a persistent decline in immunity. In this case, she will need to reduce the physical and psychological stress, the right to eat regularly. Regularly walk in the fresh air. As the bracing means are assigned different vitamin-mineral complexes, strengthens immunity, herbal (Immunal, echinacea, and so on).
But sometimes such treatment is not enough. In this case, a general study of immunity (immunogrammma) and its results are assigned certain immunomodulators. These drugs include, for example, and likopid tsikloferon.
For the treatment of vaginitis use different drugs, but not arbitrarily, but only on the results of a preliminary survey of women. Entrust choice of drugs should be your doctor.