- Balanoposthitis - you need to find the reason
- You should not self-treat
Balanoposthitis can be caused by different reasons, so before embarking on his treatment, you need to figure out the cause. This can be done only by means of laboratory examination and medical examination. Prescribed treatment will depend on the diagnosis.
How and why begins balanopostit
Balanoposthitis is inflammation of the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin. The disease may begin with a mechanical or chemical irritation of the glans penis. This may occur when a high concentration of salts in urine (sand), washing the urethra or bladder
Urinary bladder - structure and function
various medicinal solutions, large doses of any substance (including medication), who, standing in the urine irritate the skin of the glans penis. But the most common cause of balanoposthitis is an infection (genital infections or nonspecific infection that gets into the penis tissue irritation from other organs and tissues).
Depending on the cause disease causes balanoposthitis proceeds differently, as a simple inflammation, with severe irritation and erosion, with pustules, ulcers and even gangrene tissue. Sometimes the background of balanoposthitis is a rapid shrinkage of the glans penis and the foreskin, in other cases, the tissue in the area, by contrast, are growing. Despite these differences in the disease course and have common features.
The main symptoms of any origin balanoposthitis
The skin on the penis is very sensitive, so at the slightest sign of inflammation or irritation in the area there burning and itching. At the same time on the inner surface of the foreskin (between it and the head of the penis) visible redness, swelling and release of inflammatory fluid (if the fluid is purulent, then an unpleasant putrid odor). As a result, inflammation and permanent soak can peel off the surface layer of the skin, causing erosion occur on the surface and even ulcers. May increase the nearby lymph nodes. Reacts to inflammation of the entire body - may increase the temperature, there are weakness, fatigue, headache.
As a result of inflammation of the foreskin tissue edema is formed first, and then grows connective tissue that does not have the elastic properties, and the glans is no longer opened the county - a condition called phimosis
Phimosis - whether to go to extremes?
. Phimosis may at any moment lead to the fact that the head of the penis foreskin infringed - is a condition that requires emergency medical care, or start dying tissue in the infringement.
Peculiarities of different types of balanoposthitis
Most often it occurs in the form balanoposthitis irritation and edema of the glans penis and foreskin - the so-called simple balanoposthitis arising under the influence of mechanical or chemical irritation or any kind of infection. The most common cause is a simple balanoposthitis candidiasis (thrush) of the genitals.
In some kinds of infections (caused, for example, certain infectious agents, developing the absence of air in combination with other micro-organisms) in the inflamed skin first appear large areas of necrosis, followed by extensive erosion - a rather rare form balanoposthitis - erosive krugovidny balanoposthitis. In some cases, the process moves to the erosive and ulcerative gangrenous. As a result, the foreskin can be formed hole and happen even complete death of tissue of the head. Overall condition in such a process can be very heavy.
At purulent processes can develop pustular ulcerative balanoposthitis with the advent of the foreskin and the glans penis large number of pustules with yellow heads, which after opening turn into deep ulcers, on the spot where the scars are formed after recovery, causing phimosis and paraphimosis.
Sometimes balanopostit proceeds with sharp pallor tissue, wrinkling of the glans penis and foreskin, and severe itching. The skin in this area has lost its elasticity, cracks therein that are overgrown with the formation of connective tissue and even greater loss of elasticity. This form balanoposthitis usually occurs on the background of hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
or metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
(eg, diabetes).
Diagnosis and treatment balanoposthitis
Balanoposthitis Diagnostics is a laboratory study of discharge from the area of inflammation. When sowing them in nutrient media set infectious agent and its sensitivity to various antibacterial agents.
In severe forms of balanoposthitis appointed general treatment - antibiotics, restorative and immune stimulating agents.
If any form of the disease is assigned to local treatment: treatment of the foreskin and the glans penis with antiseptic solutions. Depending on the cause of the disease topically administered antibacterials, antifungals. If a violation hormonal or metabolism, then treat accordingly.
Balanoposthitis should be treated in time and properly, otherwise the complications will arise.