Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases - do not neglect the obvious - Symptoms of chlamydia

April 9th, 2009

  • Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases - do not neglect the obvious
  • Signs of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Symptoms of chlamydia

Symptoms of chlamydia

Chlamydia - a sexually transmitted disease that affects both men and women. It is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria of the genus Chlamydia. Symptoms are often absent from him as long as there are complications associated with the reproductive system. Chlamydia is easily transmitted through sexual contact. It is considered the most common sexually transmitted disease through. Most often they are infected people are aged 15-19.

Chlamydia can cause an infection in the throat, vagina and anus. Symptoms may appear within 1-3 weeks after the penetration of bacteria in the body and include heavy vaginal discharge, possibly with an unpleasant odor, pain during urination, and abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   and fever. All of these symptoms, patients can attribute to a variety of violations, therefore, as a rule, they have long been unaware that they had chlamydia.

 Symptoms of Chlamydia | Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases - do not neglect the obvious

Prevention and Treatment

You are guaranteed safe from chlamydia only if you and your partner have passed a medical examination and tests for the disease were negative. When used correctly, condoms can protect against chlamydia, but is likely to be infected anyway.

Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics that are prescribed by doctors. Fortunately, treatment usually takes much time.

If chlamydia is left untreated for a long time, it can lead to serious complications related to the functioning of the reproductive system. The disease is responsible for about 40% of cases of pelvic inflammatory disease. In the most severe cases, chlamydia can lead to infertility.

Get tested for chlamydia is recommended if you have more than one sexual partner, as well as those whose partner had multiple sexual partners.

 Symptoms of Chlamydia | Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases - do not neglect the obvious

Symptoms of syphilis

The incubation period of syphilis (time from infection to onset of symptoms) is 3-4 weeks, but it can be shorter or longer. It starts syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   with the emergence of on-site implementation of infection (usually the head of the penis in men and the vulva in women), small reddish spots, which increases compacted, takes the form of a pea, the center of which there is a disintegration of tissues to form a painless ulcer with a dense base and edges - chancre. Then increases the nearby lymph nodes. It is the primary period of syphilis, which lasts six to seven weeks.

Then begins the second period of syphillis, which without treatment lasts 3-4 years. The skin and mucous membranes appear different rashes. Most often, they have a pale pink or reddish-brown color and a clear delimitation of each other. After 15-20 days, the rash disappears, it begins the latent period of syphilis, which apparently does not manifest. Rashes may be repeated several times.

Tertiary syphilis is characterized by the appearance of the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs syphilides - bumps with the collapse of the tissues that heal with scarring. Decay in the vital organs syphilides disrupt their function. Especially affected the central nervous system.

 Symptoms of Chlamydia | Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases - do not neglect the obvious

Symptoms of gonorrhea

After about three to five days after sexual contact (incubation period for gonorrhea from one day to two to three months) in men there are abundant purulent discharge from the urethra. Urination becomes frequent and painful. About a week later all the symptoms subside, and gonorrhea Gonorrhea - self-ruled  Gonorrhea - self-ruled
   gradually transformed into chronic, characterized by almost complete absence of signs of disease.

Women in the beginning can appear pain and cramps during urination, copious purulent discharge, but very often these symptoms are absent. These asymptomatic leads to the spread of infection to the internal reproductive organs and infertility.

 Symptoms of Chlamydia | Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases - do not neglect the obvious

The symptoms of chancroid

The disease is common in countries with subtropical and tropical climates. The incubation period of chancroid has a duration of two to ten days. After that, the skin of genitals, in the anus or oral cavity (depending on the place of introduction) there is a small red spot in the center of which there soon bubble with purulent content. After some time the vial is opened and the formed irregularly shaped soft painful ulcers with a diameter of several millimeters to several centimeters.

Chancroid is often combined with syphilis, in this case, a mixed chancre. When it first develops a picture chancroid, and about a month - signs chancre (syphilis). The bottom of the ulcer is sealed and cleaned passes soreness.

Ulcers develop during the month, and then (in the absence of complications), the bottom of the ulcer cleaned, and after a while healing takes place with the formation of a small scar.

 Symptoms of Chlamydia | Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases - do not neglect the obvious

Lymphogranuloma venereum Symptoms

This disease is typical for countries in tropical and subtropical climate in Russia is rare. The incubation period - 10-14 days, after which the introduction of the pathogen on the spot (on the genitals) appears a single bubble, which moves in the ulcer covered with pus irregular rounded shape with a diameter of 1-3 cm. Are increasing the nearby lymph nodes.

At 1, 5 - 2 months after infection occurs the second period - the lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   become more and more dense, merge into a conglomerate formed on its surface openings through which pus.

After 1, 5 - 2, the tertiary period begins, which is characterized by scarring, proliferation of the connective tissue and the simultaneous release of pus from the entire surface of the crotch.

 Symptoms of Chlamydia | Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases - do not neglect the obvious

The symptoms of granuloma venereum

It also occurs in tropical and subtropical climates. The incubation period - from several days to three months. In place of the introduction of the pathogen appears papule (elevation), which grows in size, at the center of its softening and purulent disintegration of tissue. Formed juicy, not too painful ulcers (one or more), the propagation of which affected large areas of skin. Proceeds chronic disease.

In all countries, sexually transmitted diseases is emphasized, as they are able to spread rapidly and cause irreparable damage not only to individuals but also society as a whole.

Article Tags:
  • genital infections
