- Removing warts - different ways
- Laser
- Cauterization
Cauterization of warts
Moxibustion using various chemicals, drugs and cold exposure can be removed only small warts, exciting limited areas of the body. Do not use such techniques for suspected warts degeneration into a malignant tumor. Such treatment should be part of a comprehensive treatment of human papillomavirus infection.
Cauterization genital warts - will help or not?
Moxibustion - is one of the methods for removing warts virus. It is used for removing small warts on limited areas of the skin or mucous membranes.
But by itself, this method of treatment does not guarantee that immediately after treatment starts relapse. In order to minimize the risk of recurrence, burning should be combined with antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy. Noi comprehensive treatment of warts
Warts - treatment must be expert
not always a guarantee of getting rid of relapse - is a feature that causes the infection - HPV. It may over the years does not manifest itself, but as soon as reduced immunity, warts begin to grow again.
So the question is, will or will not help moxibustion is best to ask your doctor - he decides whether the suit was burning the patient.
Cauterization of warts using cold
This type is called moxibustion cryodestruction. At the same time under the influence of liquid nitrogen necrosis (dying) cells in the tissue warts. Moxibustion is performed once a week for several weeks. To less damage healthy tissue surface condylomas treated with a special gel (KY-gel). This allows you to lift and separate the frozen warts from healthy tissue.
The positive properties of this type of moxibustion is a painless procedure, the absence of significant bleeding, no scars and accessibility (including affordability).
Negative properties - effects of cold surface, the limited application of the method in remote places, quite a long healing of wounds and the inability of the histological examination.
Cauterization of warts by chemical exposure
For this purpose, there are different drugs - solkoderm (cauterize warts on the skin), Solkovagina (cauterize warts on the mucous membranes), podophyllin, kondilin, ferezol, trichloroacetic acid.
Solkovagina available as a solution for topical use in vials (contents of one vial is enough for two treatments), which is composed of 70% nitric acid, 99% acetic acid, oxalic acid dihydrate, zinc nitrate hexahydrate and distilled water. It is used for cauterization of warts in the cervix. When applied to the surface of the cervix damaged tissue warts, whereas a healthy epithelium of the cervix and vaginal walls remain practically intact. Tissue necrosis warts occurs within a few minutes and is accompanied by the formation of a yellowish-white film, which acts as a protective layer, under which is the growth of new skin cells. The protective layer peels off in a few days.
The procedure is performed using a colposcope gynecologist. Initially, the doctor removes mucus from the vagina using a tampon
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After which the affected area is treated first with 3% solution of acetic acid (this allows clear delineation warts), and then a solution Solkovagina. After about a minute Solkovagina solution is applied again. After cauterization of the state of warts observed, examining the woman after 10, 24 and 38 days. If lack of treatment efficacy, a second procedure.
Kondilin comes in the form of 0, 5% solution for external use. When applied topically kondilin causes necrosis of genital warts due to caustic and mummified action. Using the included applicator kondilina solution applied directly to the warts. The solution is then applied alternately to all the remaining warts, but not more than 50 times. The solution should fall only on the warts - getting it on healthy epithelium may result in burns. After the procedure, a solution must be dry.
Application Procedure kondilina held twice in 3 days, followed by a four-day break. If necessary, repeat the treatment. The total duration of treatment should not exceed 5 weeks.
Contraindicated chemical cauterization of genital warts during pregnancy
Warts during pregnancy - probably very rapid growth of
, Feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding, children with suspected malignant degeneration of warts and in case of hypersensitivity to the components of a drug.
Cauterization genital warts performed only by a physician.
Galina Romanenko