How best to lose weight? Currently, there is a huge variety of diets. Different methods of getting rid of the extra kilos are effective in their own way. But perhaps the most effective and proven method is by far the method of losing weight by reducing caloric intake. Because it is so popular variety of low-calorie recipes for weight loss, allowing postroynet effortlessly.

Negative balance
There are many theories of weight loss on the most popular is the most simple of them - the theory of caloric. Man gets and spends energy, which is measured in calories. If energy is supplied more than is spent, the weight increases. If on the contrary, the weight falls. Accordingly, the weight loss is necessary to reduce caloric intake.
In order to minimize the amount of calories, fat intake should be reduced and fast carbohydrates to a minimum. This means that first of all should be excluded from the diet of all bakery products, sweets, fatty meat. At the same time it should have more fiber, which causes a feeling of satiety.
Many, having decided to go on a low calorie diet, adjusted in advance that the food is tasteless and not very appetizing to look at, but it is a profound mistake. It is enough to show a little imagination and a little effort, and then even low-calorie food will enjoy wonderful taste. You must use a low-calorie foods for weight loss
What foods contribute to weight loss: without giving up fat and alcohol
, Low-fat recipes for dishes and harmless means of preparation (decoction, roasting, stewing) to food gets both tasty and healthy.
Calorie reduced by the fact that from the diet excludes all fried foods.
They can be replaced without oil baked on, for example, foil or parchment. For example, so you can cook chicken breast with rice and vegetables, this dish will please not only low in calories but unforgettably delicate flavor.

Recipes low calorie foods for weight loss
To prepare the chicken with rice should take four pieces of chicken breast (200 grams), half a cup of rice round, 2 carrots, curry, salt, pepper. Rub the chicken breasts with salt and pepper, rice, boil until half, mix with curry, carrot cut into slices. The foil lubricate a small amount of butter, it put rice on top of the chicken breast and carrots, wrap foil zaschipnuv edge. Put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees and bake for thirty minutes. The dish turns out extremely tender, tasty and at the same low-calorie. It will give a feeling of satiety for a long time, as both breast and rice are digested for a long time.
There is nothing easier and tastier than vegetables, baked in foil. This dish can be served as an independent or as a garnish. In addition, the roasted vegetables retain useful properties, but contain a minimum of calories. We need young carrots, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, peppers, eggplant. All vegetables should be young and small, so they can be prepared uniformly. Washed and peeled vegetables lightly greased with olive oil, salt and pepper, wrap in foil and send in a preheated oven for thirty to forty minutes. When you can bring to the table. This dish is not only excellent appearance and excellent taste but, and ease of preparation.

Simple and delicious
To reduce calories, they can be steamed. Steamed dish - is the perfect low-calorie diet dinner recipes such dishes are not complicated, but the result is delicious. These dishes are very tender and juicy, they are ideal for those who are watching their figures.
For example, the chicken cutlets in a double boiler - diet and tasty dish. For its preparation must take chicken, carrots, a little flour, egg and onions. Fillet and onion mince, carrots grate, herbs (optional) finely chopped. All the mix, add salt and pepper, to form patties, roll them in flour and cook in a double boiler for 25 minutes. These burgers are much softer than traditional fried and calorie content of their much lower.
May be prepared in a double boiler and fish. It is advisable to use a fillet of sea fish, lean meat and dense. You also need to cabbage, zucchini and carrots, salt, pepper, lemon juice and herbs.
The fish must be washed, cut into pieces a la carte, about 5 centimeters. Vegetables washed and cut as well. Fish fillets with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, put in a bowl of steamers. There also put the chopped vegetables, they also slightly prisolit. Cook until cooked fish and vegetables. This dish is very useful, since steaming retains all the vitamins.

Less fat, more taste
You can choose to invent a lot of variations of dishes in the oven or double boiler. It is only necessary to avoid the use of large amounts of fatty foods such as oils, butter, mayonnaise, fat cheeses, meats with high fat content. Also, remember that the best side dish is not the pasta and starchy foods and vegetables are rich in fiber. Vegetable dishes will not only eliminate the hunger, but also significantly reduce the amount of calories in the diet.
If your daily diet be with all the rules of a low calorie diet, it is possible in a relatively short period of lead figure in perfect condition.
In addition, low-fat eating habits not only help correct figure, but also have a positive impact on the health, appearance and well-being, because the modern people eat too much fat.
At the same time limit should not be too strong: diet should be balanced, and its calorie content must not be less than 1200 kcal. The only way to lose weight without harm to health.