Anorexia: symptoms, causes and control of terrible diseases
December 1, 2011
- Anorexia: symptoms, causes and control of terrible diseases
- Causes and symptoms
People tend to be willing to look better
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and something more or less radical change in itself. But when private concerns harmony absorb all the thoughts of man, he changes his way of life and threatens their health, it is about eating disorders. When anorexia desire to lose weight is more important than anything it was. Patients even lose the ability to see themselves as they really are.
Anorexia - a very serious violation. It can cause huge damage to your health and even lead to death. However, if you are faced with this disease, you know that you are not alone. There are people who are willing to help you - it's your home, as well as doctors and psychologists. You deserve happiness. Treatment can help you feel better and to appreciate yourself.

What is anorexia?
Anorexia - a complex eating disorder that is characterized by three main features:
- Failure to maintain a healthy body weight
- Intense fear of gaining weight
- A distorted view of their own body
Because of the fear of getting fat and / or aversion to the appearance of your body at all meals and food for patients with anorexia are closely linked with stress
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. And yet, the food remains for them practically the only subject about which they may think. Thoughts on diet, food and bodyweight take human most of the time, so that it almost can not, and does not want to pay attention to the family, friends and activities that used to give him pleasure. Life is a constant race for greater and greater harmony, and as though a man has lost, he still would not feel quite slim.
Very often, patients with anorexia nervosa deny that they are ill and consider their normal diet. Meanwhile, in order to successfully overcome the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment as early as possible.

You have anorexia?
- If you have a positive response to some of these questions, perhaps you already have an eating disorder.
- You feel thick, although other people say it is not so?
- You are afraid to gain weight?
- You're talking to someone lie about how much you eat or refuse to talk about it?
- Your family and friends were concerned about your weight, appearance and nutrition?
- You sit on a strict diet, exercise to exhaustion?
- You feel strong and able to control yourself when you can for some time without food or after a particularly grueling workout?
- Your self-esteem depends on your weight and appearance of your body?

Anorexia: it is not a title
Weight, appearance, and the food itself does not constitute the underlying causes of anorexia, the disease is much more difficult. Violations of dietary habits and the abuse of various methods of weight loss - it is only a symptom of deeper problems, such as depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
, Feelings of loneliness, unmet need for safe, constant pressure, perfectionism, inability to control himself. These are problems that are not solved by any diet, nor lost weight - no matter how much they were not.
Anorexia occurs in response to the needs which it is impossible to meet any other way. For example, if a person feels powerless in many areas of his life, he may like the idea that it has full authority over what and how much he eats. Refusing food, enjoying the hunger (yes!), Thereby controlling your weight, it feels strong and successful - at least for a short time. And the pleasure of hunger spasms he gets because it allows him to feel special - because for most people it is the discomfort from which they seek to get rid of.
Anorexia can also be a way to distract from the disturbing emotions
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. All the time thinking about losing weight and diets, a person avoids other problems to deal with that is not so simple as to refuse food. However, all the elation that a person experiences in relation to their success in losing weight, very short-lived.

What is different diet from anorexia?
Diet - a way to control your weight
Anorexia - an attempt to control their lives and emotions, even if the person does not recognize that
Self-evaluation of a person depends on something more than weight and appearance
Self-assessment is based entirely on how much a person weighs, how much it is slim.
Weight loss is seen as a way to improve the health and appearance
Weight loss is seen as a way to be happy
The goal - to lose weight the healthy way
The goal - to lose weight, no matter what it cost
Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy? - What is bulimia?
October 5, 2006
- Bulimia - how to deal with an invisible enemy?
- Signs
- What is bulimia?
- Symptoms
- Gestation
- The dangerous bulimia?
- Causes
- Forum

Bulimia nervosa - a serious violation of the meal, which can be fatal if not treated in time to start. People with bulimia regularly consume significantly more food than they need, and then get rid of her, causing vomiting, taking laxatives or diuretics, as well as using enemas, grueling workouts or starvation. In the absence of adequate treatment, all of which can lead to dangerous complications such as depression, anxiety disorders, disorders of the heart, liver, damage to the digestive system, tooth decay. Patients with bulimia tend to be dangerous, impulsive, self-destructive behavior, such as kleptomania, abuse of alcohol and drugs, they can cause physical harm to themselves and / or engage in promiscuity.
Bulimia usually begins in adolescence, often it affects women, but it occurs in men. People with this disorder feel keenly the loss of self control during bouts of overeating and stomach when purified; after that, they feel a sense of guilt, self-loathing and blame themselves for failing to manage their own behavior. All event brings them into confusion, and they may for a long time to hide the problem from others, making it so successful that even people close to the far right to notice the changes occurring with the man.

What are the symptoms of bulimia
- Obsessive thoughts about food
- Painful concern about their weight, excess fat
- Regular use of very large amounts of food in short periods of time (usually - two hours)
- Binge eating and purging stomach occur at least twice a week for three months or more
- The patient is very much involved in sports, often to the point of exhaustion
- Sometimes the patient for some time refuses to eat
- Patient castigated himself; It is depressed; He feels a sense of guilt, a very strong dissatisfaction
Despite the fact that patients often overeat alone and generally tend to hide their condition from others, there are signs by which one can recognize bulimia:
- Frequent complaints of pain in the abdomen
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
and bloating
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Constipation
- Swollen cheeks
- The destruction of the tooth enamel, tooth decay
- General weakness
- Wounds and scars on the back of his hand, which appear and are often unable to fully heal from the fact that the patient regularly puts his fingers in his mouth to induce vomiting

It is not clear exactly what causes bulimia, however, most likely that the disease is a result of many factors, both physiological and psychological. Personality disorders, family problems and personal relationships, some genetic disorders, particularly brain biochemistry, as well as cultural influences, because who cares about her appearance sometimes develops into an obsession - all of which can directly or indirectly contribute to the development of bulimia.

Help for depression bulimia
At the first sign of bulimia is necessary to seek the help of a doctor. There are clinics specializing in eating disorders. If possible, it is recommended to apply it there. Patients with bulimia often helps therapy, in some cases, are also used antidepressants. In human therapy sessions to help understand the causes of the disease and develop a new strategy of behavior, which eventually will help him overcome bulimia.

New research
The researchers found that women with a history of bulimia, there are significant deviations from normal levels of the hormone that controls mood and appetite. This gave reason to believe that a predisposition to eating disorders can be inherited.
Women were examined using positron emission tomography (PET), to obtain data on brain activity. These data were compared with the results of a survey of women who have never had eating disorders.
Patients with bulimia was revealed that the ability of serotonin binds to receptors on certain brain areas. Serotonin - a neurotransmitter that helps regulate appetite and mood. Experts suggest that the disruption of the functioning of serotonin is not the consequence of the bulimia, and its possible cause. Such conclusions were made because of the tendency to depression
Depression - a little more than a bad mood
, Anxiety
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and impulsive behavior (all of which also caused disruption of serotonin) was observed in these patients before they were diagnosed bulimia.