Polizhinaks - a drug for the local treatment of infectious and inflammatory gynecological diseases caused by non-specific bacterial or fungal infection
Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
. When pregnancy Polizhinaks used only on prescription.
Pregnancy and infectious and inflammatory gynecological diseases
Since the beginning of pregnancy in women under the influence of hormones decreases immunity. This is a normal reaction that helps to bear a child. At the same time, the woman, especially in the early months of pregnancy, it becomes vulnerable to any infection. It is more colds and has aggravated all chronic infections. Therefore, obstetricians recommend routine pregnancy preliminary examination, identification and prolechivaniem of diseases such as gynecological and somatic (internal organs).
Infectious and inflammatory processes of female genital mutilation may be caused as agents, who fell from the outside, and through the bloodstream from other foci of infection. In addition, reduced immunity often causes thrush or candidiasis - a fungal disease caused by the yeast genus Candida, constantly live in the genital tract in almost all women. These agents of "manifest themselves" only with a decrease in immunity or treatment with antibiotics that kill the microflora of the vagina
The microflora of the vagina: purity
and allow the fungus to multiply.
Medication with antiseptic into the pregnancy is undesirable as possible negative effects on the fetus, so widespread in the treatment of pregnant women found drugs for topical application, for example, Polizhinaks.
Is it dangerous to use
Polizhinaks - a combined preparation with antimicrobial and antifungal action, which comes in vaginal capsules. Sensitivity to Polizhinaks shows almost all the microorganisms, which can cause infectious inflammation of the vulva, vagina and cervical canal of women. This action ensures the presence of three active Polizhinaks active substances - antibiotics neomycin, polymyxin B and nystatin.
Neomycin - an antibiotic
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
aminoglycoside, which is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is quite toxic antibiotic that when released into the blood stream can cause adverse effects on the kidneys, and the organ of hearing. But with the right local application it is hardly enters the bloodstream, providing only a local impact.
Polymyxin B longer active against Gram-negative bacteria, it is perfectly combined with neomycin, together they are able to suppress almost any microflora that cause infections in the genital area. Insensitive to him only streptococci and anaerobic (developing without air) bacteria.
Nystatin - is an antifungal antibiotic which exhibits a pronounced activity against the yeast genus Candida, causing thrush.
In addition, the composition includes Polygynax adjuvant (a gel of dimethylpolysiloxane), which contributes to a uniform distribution of active principles on the surface of the vaginal walls (including its folds) has shielding, antipruritic effect and improves metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
in tissues.
With which diseases and how to apply Polizhinaks during pregnancy
Polygynax during pregnancy may be used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Assign it a doctor after preliminary laboratory examination and identification of sensitivity to the hair. Independently apply his pregnant woman can not, because in the absence of the sensitivity of pathogens to the drug suppression of the natural microflora inhabiting the genital area to cause the proliferation of pathogenic organisms and a worsening of the inflammatory process.
With the purpose of treatment Polizhinaks during pregnancy is indicated for infectious and inflammatory processes in the area of the external female genitals, vagina and cervical canal caused by nonspecific bacterial and fungal microflora. From prevention to Polizhinaks appointed before birth or before caesarean section.
Assign Polygynax one vaginal capsule at night for 12 (treatment) or 6 (for prophylaxis) days.
Contraindications for use and side effects
Contraindications for use Polizhinaks during pregnancy is the only individual intolerance of components. Precautions need to use it in kidney function as long-term use and abuse of the kidneys neomycin may cause toxic effects. Possible allergic reactions when using Polizhinaks.
Galina Romanenko