Is it dangerous to get pregnant for thrush - real facts

August 28, 2012

 dangerous to pregnant thrush
 Thrush often requires long-term treatment, especially when it comes to chronic form of flow or complications. Against this background, the pregnancy can occur, therefore the impact of the disease on pregnancy is important. There should be no risk of the negative impact of the disease and drugs on prenatal development of the child.

 Is it dangerous to get pregnant for thrush - real facts

How can affect a pregnancy thrush

Thrush refers to a group of infectious diseases, so be sure to require a course of antifungal therapy. Of all the clinical forms of the disease is not assigned to treatment only in case of kandidonositelstvo. Why is it important to pay due attention to the treatment of thrush? A pregnant woman is most likely to develop her thrush, which can be explained by the physiological changes that occur in her body. For pregnancy characterized by the emergence of the natural state of temporary immunodeficiency. In turn, this causes low immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   at the local level, that is, into the vagina. In such circumstances, a fungal flora which is the causative agent of the disease, gets all the necessary conditions to successfully develop. This eventually leads to the development of clinical disease or thrush.

During pregnancy is dangerous not the fact of pregnancy in the presence of yeast, and the fact that a woman can refuse prescribed treatment. Yeast infection in a pregnant woman it is necessary to cure, but strictly in view of the existing term. Each trimester, you can individually choose the topical therapy in the form of candles, the use of which should not cause harm to the health of mother and child. There are candles, which have only a local effect, so the risk of any effect on the fetus is minimal. If the woman will not be treated, it can not only lead to various complications during pregnancy, as well as in the period after birth.

 Is it dangerous to get pregnant for thrush - real facts

Antifungal drugs during pregnancy

If a woman has become pregnant while taking antifungal systemic exposure, it is a risk factor for the course of the pregnancy. This group of drugs are contraindicated for use in the first trimester, during the bookmark all systems and organs of the child. But this should not be an indication for termination of the pregnancy. The woman will be under medical supervision necessary, will take appropriate examination, including in order to exclude the presence of possible defects. Only after a comprehensive examination and professional advice (mandatory counseling by a doctor genetics) can issue an opinion on the possibility of pregnancy, ensuing in patients receiving antifungals for systemic effects (eg, fluconazole).

Assign this group of drugs are allowed on the strict condition in the third trimester. By the testimony of their appointment include the following conditions:

  • acute vulvovaginal candidiasis
  • chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, during the exacerbation
  • morbidity of recurrent candidiasis

Talk about the dangers of pregnancy when a woman has yeast infection is possible in the case if a woman is engaged in self-medicate. It is unacceptable self-prescribe medication themselves, especially during pregnancy, without going through the appropriate comprehensive examination and professional advice.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • thrush and pregnancy

Migraines during pregnancy: how to cope with them

April 17, 2012

 migraine during pregnancy how to cope
 Migraines are not to be confused with the usual headaches Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
 Or so-called stress pain. Although the exact cause of migraines is not clear, it is believed that the "culprit" of this type of headache appear to dilate blood vessels in the brain. Before pregnancy it is impossible to guess how hormonal changes affect migraine: they may get worse, and disappear during pregnancy. In addition, in and of itself pregnancy can provoke migraine. In general, women suffer from migraines far more frequently than men.

 Migraines during pregnancy: how to cope with them

How to recognize a migraine?

Migraine usually begins with a dull headache, which gradually turns into a throbbing, localized pain in the temples, the forehead or the back of the head. Headache may be accompanied by nausea Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system  Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
   or, in severe cases, vomiting, flashes in the eyes, blurred vision.

 Migraines during pregnancy: how to cope with them

Dangerous if a migraine?

The only danger that can represent a migraine for pregnant women - those occasions when the headache is a symptom of a more serious condition. Be sure to ask for help in the following cases:

  • If the headache is accompanied by fever
  • If the headache persists for a few hours or migraine attacks occur too often
  • If migraine accompanied by visual impairment

 Migraines during pregnancy: how to cope with them

How to treat migraine during pregnancy?

The first step is to find out what factors trigger or aggravate migraine - if you find the cause of headaches often can be prevented. Factors that can cause migraine, often include:

  • Stress
  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Weather changes
  • Some foods - chocolate, cheese, coffee,

Factors that could cause headaches, individual for every pregnant woman.

  • Medicines for headaches: the majority of drugs designed to suppress migraine during pregnancy is not recommended. The safest remedy for headaches during pregnancy is considered to acetaminophen (paracetamol, non-narcotic analgesics). Pregnant women in any case can not try to cure a headache aspirin Aspirin - NSAIDs  Aspirin - NSAIDs
   (unless, of course, this drug is not recommended by a doctor).

 Migraines during pregnancy: how to cope with them

Migraine Treatment at home

Since most drugs taken during pregnancy is not recommended, it is best to try to suppress their own headaches - at home, without the help of drugs. From migraines I have a migraine. What to do?  I have a migraine. What to do?
   can help:

  • Cold compresses
  • Cool showers
  • Relaxation techniques (eg, yoga exercises or meditation)
  • Hot compresses

Article Tags:
  • headache
