Water aerobics for pregnant women: exercises for health and beauty

May 16, 2013

 water aerobics for pregnant women
 Many women who are expecting a baby, waive any sport was, afraid to harm the baby. At the same time, doctors strongly advised to move during this period as much as possible, so that the child does not suffer from lack of circulation. A good solution would be water aerobics for pregnant women - exercises in the water are safe, pleasant and useful as a mother and her unborn child.


How useful aqua aerobics for pregnant women

It's no secret that pregnancy - is not just happy waiting period emergence of a new family member, but also some inconveniences. As the abdomen shifts the center of gravity, increasing the load on the joints and spine. Many pregnant women experience back pain in their feet. Get rid of these unpleasant sensations help exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 But pregnant women shows not every exercise. The safest option is to water aerobics, to get rid of pain.

Exercises are performed in water, significantly reducing stress on joints and the spine. In addition, water exercise helps give the skin elasticity, prevent stretch marks. They effectively fight against excess weight and is very useful for the nervous system: normal sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 It improves mood, reduces anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 . Water aerobics classes allow the body to prepare for the birth mother. Significantly, that swimming improves blood circulation in the legs, and therefore helps to avoid such unpleasant problems like varicose veins.



Of course, before the training should be mandatory to visit a doctor to identify possible contraindications. For example, have to give up employment at an elevated pressure and chronic cardiovascular diseases, especially in the acute phase. It is impossible to engage in water aerobics for any acute infectious and inflammatory diseases, with a strong toxicosis.

Water exercise is strictly prohibited and if there is a problem of uterine bleeding and uterine hypertonia. We'll have to give up exercise and various pathologies of pregnancy, in which the need to limit physical activity. There can be no question about aqua aerobics, if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.


Classes in the pool

Normal swimming is the optimal load for pregnant women. Swimming improves health, reduces stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Effectively prepares the body for childbirth. When choosing the pool should give preference to where the water is not chlorinated and ozonated, it is disinfected with silver ions or other safe way. It must be remembered that the floor in the pool is usually very slippery, so walk in rubber footwear should be very careful to avoid injury.

Water temperature should be comfortable navigation - at least twenty-eight, thirty two and preferably Celsius. Water aerobics classes can be held in a little cooler water. Standard length of sessions is forty minutes - hour. Optimally engaged with the instructor in a group of pregnant women, but you can exercise after consultation with a doctor to perform and independently, for example, during a holiday at sea.

Start with warm-up exercises should be, which can be in the normal swimming. Thereafter, the normal charging, simple exercises for arms and legs to warm up the muscles and prepare them for loading. After that you can start doing the exercises. The pace and sequence of exercises is chosen independently.


A better understanding of the baby

There are a number of exercises that help not only train the body, but also to experience something similar to that experienced at the birth of a child. Many experts believe that these exercises allow to establish rapport between mother and child in the prenatal period.

For example, you can swim under water, between a group of people in the game "brook" - it looks like is not how the child overcomes the narrow birth canal. And exercise with breath under water not only will train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and effectively prepare the body for childbirth, but also help to understand that a child feels when it lacks oxygen during birth.


A set of exercises for pregnant women

The simplest exercise - walking underwater. It is easy to walk on the bottom of the pool, taking care that the movements were most pronounced: active swings his arms and legs, lifting your knees high. Underwater walking should alternate with exercises for the hips: attacks in different directions, rotations, squat legs and strides.

Lean forward. Standing in the water, you should lean forward, placing your hands while ago. To complicate a little exercise, your hands should do rotational movements such as mills. Exercise great effect on your posture, training back muscles and removing excess stress.

Squats. Starting position - standing in water, hands on waist, elbows pointing to the sides. Take a deep breath, sit down. Hold your breath, relax the muscles. Then exhale and return to its original position.

A bike. It is necessary to lie down on the surface of the water, relax, and then do kicking motion, mimicking the cycling. Movement should not be too intense if there is fatigue, you must rest.

It ends with a set of exercises akvastretchingom. After water exercises muscles need stretching. These exercises help to normalize heart rate and breathing, and relax the muscles. Stretching exercises are carried out in a calm pace.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • water aerobics

Pregnancy and endometrioid ovarian cyst - a serious problem

October 22, 2012

 pregnancy and endometrioid ovarian cyst
 Pregnancy is problematic in lesions of any organ endometriosis, endometrial cysts are no exception to this rule. In the long endometriosis cysts may develop as single or multiple, they can be small, large and affect one or both ovaries.

 Pregnancy and endometrioid ovarian cyst - a serious problem

Why is endometrioid ovarian cysts can be infertility

When ovarian endometriosis tissue grow in their areas of endometriosis. If the disease is prolonged, in areas of endometriosis cysts are formed with the contents of brown - the so-called "chocolate" or endometrial cysts. The illness is often asymptomatic and is a random finding during an ultrasound study. Detection of cysts in the ovary is an occasion for a full examination of the woman - detection and treatment of endometriosis lesions in other organs.

Endometrial cysts are often accompanied by infertility, the causes of which can be several. The first reason: infertility caused by characteristic of all forms of endometriosis, hormonal disorders. Besides endometrial cysts rarely occur in the background only ovarian endometriosis, often a woman has symptoms of endometriosis and internal - uterus and fallopian tubes. Together, these manifestations are the cause of infertility. And if the fallopian tubes endometriosis can cause infertility and ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, uterine body that leads to miscarriage.

The second reason - their own changes in the ovary. For endometrial cysts characteristic of adhesions. Proliferation adhesions (connective tissue) may lead to the fact that the egg is unable to escape from the ovary into the abdominal cavity and then into the oviduct for fertilization. In this state fertilization can not occur.

At the same time, many women with endometrioid ovarian cysts Endometrioid ovarian cyst: she threatens infertility?  Endometrioid ovarian cyst: she threatens infertility?
 Safely give birth to healthy children. Therefore, we can not say that this disease is always accompanied by infertility.

 Pregnancy and endometrioid ovarian cyst - a serious problem

What if the ovarian endometrial cysts found

Sometimes a cyst found in the ovary of pregnant women at the first ultrasound. For some women, this is a real shock. But obstetricians generally do not object to such a pregnancy (of course, if the cyst is small and does not bother the woman) and recommends that the removal of the cyst after birth.

Sometimes a woman is drawn to the gynecologist complaining of aching or cramping in the lower abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
   one (but sometimes with two) parties associated with menstruation. In some cases, women have no complaints, only infertility, about which she turns to the doctor. Women spend a comprehensive survey: reveal not only the endometrial cyst and endometriosis sites in other organs. After the examination, it is recommended first to treat endometriosis, remove a cyst, and then plan a pregnancy.

At the same time women of reproductive age are always trying to carry out the removal of a cyst sparing methods, with maximum preservation of ovarian tissue. Today, such operations are conducted with the help of endoscopic equipment (laparoscopy). Through small punctures in the abdominal wall into the abdominal cavity of the optical instrument is introduced and micro tools. The operation is performed under direct vision as enlarged image is displayed on the monitor of the ovary. When such operations are minimal trauma to ovarian tissue and adhesions practically do not grow.

After surgery, hormonal therapy is prescribed to restore a normal menstrual cycle and relapse prevention of endometriosis. Hormonal therapy women are selected individually depending on the degree of endocrine disorders. Most often used progestins - synthetic analogs of female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 For example, djufaston Djufaston - helps female body  Djufaston - helps female body
 . This medication is prescribed for a sufficiently long period in order to suppress the secretion of estrogen.

Once the behavior of treatment, if there is no recurrence of the cyst, the woman is allowed to plan pregnancy. Usually after such gentle treatment possible to get pregnant and have a baby. But sometimes, in spite of the treatment given, pregnancy does not occur, then the woman is recommended in vitro fertilization (IVF). Against the background of an artificially created managed menstrual cycle a woman is taken from the ovary mature egg, fertilized in vitro by sperm of her husband, kept for a while in a special incubator, and then introduced into the uterus.

With the known persistence and performance of all doctor's appointments today, almost every woman can become a mother.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • endometrioid ovarian cyst
