White blood cells in a smear in pregnancy: what to do with an increase in their numbers

October 2, 2014

 white blood cells in a smear in pregnancy
 During pregnancy, women pass a series of tests and pass certain examinations. Gynaecological smear - one of them. At the same time experts will evaluate indicators such as the white blood cells in a smear in pregnancy. Their number may increase in various diseases of the sexual sphere. Therefore, you must first identify the cause of these changes, and then provide treatment. Medicines should appoint a doctor. It is thus required to take into account the gestational age, as well as the sensitivity of microorganisms to the used drugs.


Norma leukocytes in the smear

Gynaecological smear - is a common and effective method for detecting abnormalities in the female reproductive system. With its help determine the level of white blood cells and increase their number allows you to identify the suspect and various diseases. During pregnancy, the level of white blood cells in a smear is required to be determined in the following cases:

  • When a woman becomes at antenatal clinics;
  • On the thirtieth week of pregnancy, if the earlier results of this analysis were normal.

Normally, the field of view can be up to fifteen leukocytes. If white blood cells exceeds these values, it indicates the presence of inflammation in the genital area. In this case it is necessary to find the cause changes in the results of analyzes.


Why is the number of white blood cells in a smear may increase

Most white blood cells in the smear White blood cells in the smear - an important diagnosis  White blood cells in the smear - an important diagnosis
   Pregnancy is determined in large quantities, if there is any infection. It is not necessary for a woman caught in the recent past. In many cases, exacerbated chronic diseases, which are pregnant might not even be aware if they had previously asymptomatic.

During pregnancy, changes the functioning of the immune system of the woman and the defensive reactions of the body weaken it. Against this background, exacerbated latent infectious diseases.

The most common changes are detected in a smear for gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease  Mycoplasmosis - infection does not always equal disease
 , Ureaplasmosis and genital herpes. Also, inflammation can be associated with many other diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.

Thrush (candidiasis) - another common reason for the increase of white blood cells in the smear. In pregnant women, this fungal infection occurs much more frequently than other women. The changes observed in the analysis vaginosis (violation of the normal vaginal microflora) and coleitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa).


What if the white blood cell count increased

If the white blood cells in a smear at the pregnant found in excess of the norm, then conducted additional research. To detect microorganisms that cause inflammation do bacteriological crops.

It is also possible to conduct diagnostic PCR (polymerase chain reaction). This is a very accurate method, with which you can identify the different infections. A small amount of biological material is placed in a special device. If a woman has an infection, the samples exhibit its genetic material caused by microorganisms. With this analysis also determine how many bacteria are in the body.

Sometimes you may need to immunological research obtained biological material. After determine the cause of increasing the number of leukocytes doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Many pregnant believe that in those cases where an increased content of white blood cells in the gynecological smear is not accompanied by any symptoms, treatment is not required. But if timely treatment is not carried out, there may be various complications (threatened miscarriage, and others). Infection process also has a negative impact on the child. During birth when the fetus passes through an infected birth canal, it may be infected by pathogenic microorganisms.


How to treat

In the selection of treatment the doctor considers the health of women, gestational age and the sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs. When thrush prescribe antifungal agents. Thus choosing drugs that are considered the safest for the fetus. These include pimafutsin Pimafucin - help in difficult times  Pimafucin - help in difficult times
 , Nystatin Nystatin - help with candidiasis  Nystatin - help with candidiasis
   and sertaconazole. Preference is given to preparations for local use (vaginal suppositories, creams or ointments). In severe cases, a specialist may prescribe antifungal pills.

The issue of the treatment of mycoplasma and ureaplasma in pregnant specialist decided individually. Therapy is carried out in cases where the child's risk of infection or complications is high.

In gonorrhea use antibacterial agents that do not have adverse effects on the fetus. For example, using drugs such as ceftriaxone, cefixime, azithromycin, erythromycin.

When syphilis women prescribed drugs from the group of penicillins. In cases where these agents develop allergic reactions used ceftriaxone or ampicillin. If the disease is diagnosed during pregnancy, the treatment is carried out in two stages. First the specific therapy, then during the twentieth to the twenty-fourth week of a prophylactic treatment.

When genital herpes medication is used only in cases where the benefit for women is higher than the risk to the fetus. The physician decides on the appointment of any funds individually in each case. Antiviral drugs may be used both internally and externally as creams and ointments.

If a pregnant woman has been revealed a high level of white blood cells in the smear, the doctor prescribes a number of studies. It helps to find out the cause of such changes in the analysis results. Then the technician selects preparations that will affect the microorganisms identified based on their sensitivity. Therapy must necessarily take place under the supervision of a doctor.

Article Tags:
  • leukocytes
