Weight gain in pregnancy: norm and pathology

February 6, 2011

 pregnancy weight gain
 Weight gain in pregnancy many women care about. How much should you put on weight for all 40 weeks, consistent with normal? Some pregnant women consider themselves too "with round" and begin to starve, while others justify immoderate appetite words: "I - the expectant mother! "And eat for two. Although malnutrition and overeating leads not only to pathologies in the development of the child, but also to various complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Weight gain during pregnancy is a completely natural state, because the future of the baby needed nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the growth, deposition of adipose tissue in women protect the child and, in addition, increased uterine weight, blood and so on.

 Weight gain in pregnancy: norm and pathology

How are the extra kilos during pregnancy?

On average, a healthy pregnancy for the entire period of gaining weight 10-15 kg. Weight gain during pregnancy depends on many factors: the original body weight of the woman, her constitutional features, the diet and the number of embryos:

  • if normal weight, gain during pregnancy is 11, 5-16 kg;
  • with insufficient weight gain should be 12, 5-18 kg;
  • Overweight - an increase of 7-11, 5 kg;
  • Obesity - an increase of 6 kg or less;
  • multiple pregnancies - an increase of 16-21 kg.

Consumption typed body weight:

  • child - 2, 5-3, 8 kg;
  • growing placenta - 500-600 m;
  • enlarged uterus - 1 kg;
  • breast enlargement - 500 g;
  • increase of blood volume - 1, 5 kg;
  • amniotic fluid - 800-1000 g;
  • interstitial fluid - 1, 5-2 kg;
  • additional deposits in the subcutaneous fat (in the buttocks, thighs and abdomen) - 3-4 kg.

 Weight gain in pregnancy: norm and pathology

How is weight gain and what determines

The rate of weight gain is different - you can add more than one month, and in another less. It is noted that thin women gain weight more than full. Some women gain weight from early stages of pregnancy, and then slow down the pace, while others are beginning to dramatically gain weight after 20 weeks of gestation. Both the first and second variant is not a pathology, if not beyond the scope optimum weight gain.

In the first trimester of a woman with a normal body weight adds 1, 5 kg, underweight - 2 kg, while overweight - 800 gr. In the second and third trimesters pace of weight gain accelerating. In the period from 14 to 28 weeks pregnant with a normal weekly weight gains of 300 g. And before delivery, at 38-40 weeks is a decrease in body weight of 400-800 grams - is one of the forerunners of sorts.

 Weight gain in pregnancy: norm and pathology

The effect of food on weight gain

The diet of pregnant women should be diverse, moderately nutritious and fortified. Many women during pregnancy increases the appetite, and they "lean" on sweets and pastries that contributes to the accumulation of excess fat. In the first 12-14 weeks of the woman should receive 200 extra calories in the second and third trimester - about 300. Overeating threatens not only problems with the figure in the postpartum period, and cellulite, but also the birth of a large baby and gestational diabetes Gestational diabetes: identify and treat  Gestational diabetes: identify and treat
 . Malnutrition leads to brain damage and impaired metabolism of the fetus, its low weight and the propensity to disease after birth. In severe cases, malnutrition can lead to the threat of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   or premature birth or even death of the fetus.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • nutrition in pregnancy

Vitamins and pregnancy: whether they are safe for the mother?

January 14th, 2007

  • Vitamins and pregnancy: whether they are safe for the mother?
  • Pregnancy - a time to be cautious

 Vitamins pregnancy
 A healthy, balanced diet during pregnancy should provide all the necessary vitamins, not only the future mother but also the baby. Deficiency of an important nutrient in this step may lead to the formation of defects in the child, from which he would suffer lifelong. Because to get all the necessary substances from foods is not always possible, you should take prenatal vitamins.

When choosing vitamins, should consult a doctor. We now talk only about the most important vitamins for pregnant women. Ideally, they need to start taking before pregnancy - to the extent possible to reduce the risk of birth defects in the unborn child.

 Vitamins and pregnancy: whether they are safe for the mother?

Folic acid

Folic vitamin, it - vitamin B9, helps prevent congenital disorder known as a neural tube defect that causes spina bifida. Furthermore, folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia and prevents the development of anemia. It is critical to recovery and normal functioning of DNA.

Begin to take 400 micrograms of folic acid per day during pregnancy planning. At the same doses, it should continue to take to the twelfth week of pregnancy. If you did not take folic acid before conception, start doing it as soon as learn about pregnancy. Furthermore, in food drink as much as possible of products containing folic acid, such as green and brown rice. Those who are sick with diabetes or celiac disease Celiac disease - not quite intestinal pathology  Celiac disease - not quite intestinal pathology
 Or taking drugs for epilepsy, it takes more than 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. The exact dosage you should appoint a doctor.

 Vitamins and pregnancy: whether they are safe for the mother?

Vitamin D

For the unborn child were healthy and strong bones and teeth, in the first months of pregnancy should consume adequate amounts of vitamin D - not less than 10 micrograms per day. Vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, which is essential for healthy bone formation. Vitamin D deficiency rickets can cause.

Vitamin D is found in oily fish and some fortified foods. It is produced in the human body when skin contact with sunlight. Exactly how much time is required to carry out in the sun to get enough vitamin D, depending on skin type and time of year, but it has always produced much faster than the skin is covered with a noticeable tan. Chance of vitamin D deficiency is especially great for people who are rarely in the sun, always carry closed clothes or owners of dark skin.

 Vitamins and pregnancy: whether they are safe for the mother?


Iron deficiency in pregnant can cause extreme fatigue, lethargy and other symptoms of anemia. Severe iron deficiency can negatively affect the development of pregnancy. Include in the diet of lean meat, greens, apples, dried fruit and nuts - they are rich sources of iron. This item is included in most prenatal vitamins.

 Vitamins and pregnancy: whether they are safe for the mother?

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps absorb iron from food. In addition, it protects pregnant women against colds and some infections - this is extremely important, as the immune system weakens during pregnancy and the woman becomes vulnerable to diseases. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, black currants, potatoes, cranberries Cranberries for health and beauty  Cranberries for health and beauty

 Vitamins and pregnancy: whether they are safe for the mother?


This is another important element that will provide your child healthy bones and teeth. His many dairy products and those sorts of fish that can be eaten with the bones. Excellent sources of calcium are also dried fruits, cereals, almonds Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace  Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace
 Tofu, broccoli.
